Alika-Souza live webcams for YOU!


Spread asshole close up (all naked) [Fill The Tank Show]

Date: October 7, 2022

88 thoughts on “Alika-Souza live webcams for YOU!

  1. That's the issue, she has totally refused blame and blamed me for everything even her actions and words. That's why it's hard for me to deal with as I just wanted her to realise her part in this. I know, life is short and we stay with people hoping it'll be better this time. I guess when you're married you try harder. She would have taken my house if that was possible.

  2. You've obviously never been attacked by someone just by simply telling them “no” to their advances. Until you've been hit on and then HIT by that same person when you say no you truly cannot understand. Leave your girlfriend alone and go after the idiots that make her feel unsafe enough to have to do that (FYI, if you don't realize this then YOU are also one of those idiots)

  3. Don't be dumb and raise no affair child eh buddy…STOP LETTING PEOPLE PRESSURE YOU…

    The relationship is over…move on

  4. It already sounds like it's sort of antagonistic so you need to think about whether that would improve if you moved (sounds like it would become worse)

  5. The consensus here of emotional affair sounds pretty plausible. But the “have you eaten enough today” sounds more fatherly than partner-y to me. It’s not possible they’re in some kind of Alcoholics Anonymous or grief support group? (No those aren’t the same thing but sometimes folks in groups are kind of assigned to check in on one another).

  6. You need to get away from that. It’s not severe abuse, but it is a form of abuse and it will become worse over time.

  7. Just let him send it. That way he can’t resent you for it. After all what’s the worse that can happen?

    He stays with you??

  8. I know. I just was so embarrassed and blindsided and would have felt like a jerk starting a fight with the staff, SMH. I wish I had the balls to ask them to take his half off my card, but then again we never asked for separate checks in the beginning because he never told me he wasn't paying until the check was in front of him

  9. I agree. She is not normal. He should avoid being alone with her and should communicate as if everything he says and does will be scrutinized by third parties.

    The sooner he is rid of her for good, the better.

  10. Not if they're manipulative. What possible reason can you have for thinking someone who lies, treats you like an option to fill time, and degrades you with misogynistic put downs is even Worthy of your friendship? Do you value yourself so little? Honey, if you wouldn't like you're favourite person in the world to be treated that way why would it be ok for you? Hugs, y'all deserve waay better.

  11. Well, my piece of advice would be don't fuck your friend's ex wife but it's too late for that. So my next piece of advice would be stop fucking your friends ex wife.

  12. Funnily enough his is touch and quality time. Big cuddler! He loves nothing more that laying in my arms while I massage his scalp or rub my thumb on his wrist.

    Mine is words of affirmation, he struggles with it but I’ve pointed that out and he’s made efforts to be better.

    I really love this guy. He’s legit everything I want. I suppose I just wish sometimes it was him doing the chasing and not me.

  13. You are just going to have to talk to him about it ASAP. Bring it up however you think it might work but don't delay. Does he really need a clear head to plow?

  14. Not every anti-depressant has that side-effect. Maybe he can talk to his doc about trying something different. With anti-depressants, you kind of have to pick & choose which side-effects you'll deal with.

  15. At 26 following mommy and daddy to friends'dinner parties like a 10yo but acting all macho to you.

    Yeah, typical loser momma's boy. I believe we can all concur you can do better than that.

  16. If you’ve never been with or fooled around with someone else then she’s not being honest with you. Run for the hills man.

  17. Holy shit girl, leave this man he does not love you, he found your sadness funny.

    Your boyfriend isn’t just a dick, he is genuinely evil.

    No decent human finds joy in the sadness of somebody they care for. Anybody who does this is truly a bad person to the core.

    This is as bad as breaking something your grandma loves and laughing as she cries, imagine how evil you’d have to be.

    Wow. Get away from him.

  18. how is it your fault? does she gaslight you into believing it is?

    be careful that you arent falling for gaslighting and her turning it around on you instead of taking responsibility.

    While its noble to want to help, if she doesnt want it shes only going to bring you down too.

    Imagine she fell overboard and you jump in with a life ring to save her. If she keeps swimming away or refusing to grab the ring, there's not much you can do to force her. eventually you will run out of energy and drown yourself and it's okay to recognise that you've done all you can and that you need to save yourself before you go under too.

    not every relationship we have is compatible enough to be the forever relationship and she's failing at the very basic of being a partner.

    just because the superficial surface things are good, it doesnt mean that the incompatibility with the big relationship responsibilities are rendered insignificant. if you are feeling burn out now, it wont get better until she does

  19. Yup, me too. Dude I’m dating attempted it once. I told him i hated it. He hasn’t done it again. Even apologised once cos his hand went near it. Unnecessary, but considerate. OP’s bloke is just a douche.

  20. Leaving your husband was the right thing, however, everything after that is a mess.

    You cheated on your husband and left him for someone you barely know. Do yourself and your kids favor, be alone for a bit to heal and come out a better person. You’re just making things worse for yourself and kids.

  21. Thanks! I was leaning this way, but I'm so curious if he said those things.

    If it makes any difference, I'm like 95 percent sure he made the ” crush” statement. I'm less certain about the “kiss” one, although in the moment I was certain enough for my heart to flutter lol.

  22. Also to add more understanding I have cheated a number of times through out the way years I’m being together, and I think some of things she is doing to to get back at me, so I am trying to be humble in the situation and not be a hypocrite, but it’s just getting out of control, and the 2nd child might put us back on track, but again it could just be me being blind

  23. Limerence is not a mental illness. Don't get me wrong, the DSM is due for another major revision sooner than later but most people would consider it normally an intense part of being in love. There are plenty of other mental illnesses that explain this behavior.

  24. Yeah, how many episodes of Dateline feature a husband whose ego or finances or “faith” (actually more like their performance as a spiritually-sound person within their faith community) would be crippled by a straightforward divorce so they opt for murder and life insurance?

  25. Even RATS have concept of fairness and stop playing if they lose more than 1/3 of the time. It's not even about chess. You are actively teaching your son to hate playing with you.

    Stop with chess and take some parenting classes before your kids grow up and stop talking to you.

  26. The fact that he was the one with the apartment and she was invited to live with him flew over her head. More than gracious has this guy been.

  27. I competely understand your stance. I'm not one to defend my actions. I care about this girl, and throughout the relationship it seems like I care more – though at points I blame it on her lack of relationship experience.

    I'm not sure she's trying to develop actual love with. Sometimes I feel like I'm also circumstancial due to the lack of people that she finds appealing around her (both genders included, she doesn't like the current place of study and the people around her). The diary further gave into this, as I've mentioned, were the situation be different we likely wouldn't be where we are now. YES, we are where we are now, but we likely wouldn't be wouldn't be for mystery man above, or anyone else that she had access too, like a lot, and reciprocated the feelings for her. I did the end part, I showed feelings for her that some others she liked didn't. It's a little bitter but it is what it is. Little side note, not too relevant, but recently before leaving she made a joking comment, 'don't read my diaries when I'm gonna haha'. It wouldn't cross my mind to do so, but this comment fucked with my best judgement.

  28. The best thing you can do is have your own neutral 3rd party lawyer to look over any documents and consult with.

  29. Arousal is still involuntary, he still can’t just choose to be attracted to her. Nothing he does wrong will change that

    He can talk in advance of the concerns. And most of his concerns are things he knew could happen and haven't happened yet. Meaning he didn't take 5 seconds to think about it before when they were making plans.

    Not taking the pregnancy seriously when agreeing to it is a big fucking problem.

  30. Kid is a huge difference but this ugly guy is crawling back on his knees after having an emotional affair with a mutual friend, separating from his wife, fucking said friend not even a week after separation… Because she got pregnant and omg you betrayed me…?? Wow.

  31. This is twisted. He has raped your sister! You've already said she has a problem with alcohol so she likely doesn't remember (although she seriously needs to work on cutting back as it is clearly ruining her life and others). Your husband is revolting and fully understands what he has done.

    SERIOUSLY there is no going back! Your husband is a disgusting excuse for a human who thinks its ok to use a completely inebriated woman!

  32. So sad to see so many girls suck their teeth to keep a hold of men like this. He’s not special. And a craptastic chump liking you doesn’t make you special either. It’s not a flattering look at all.

  33. Assuming you're a cis-hetero 'normal' bf/gf relationship, he doesn't sound like a man who protects you and wants to take care of you by seeing you safely to your dorm, and saying “you'll regret this” when he does sounds uncaring. If you believe in traditional gender roles, which recognizes we M/F humans have differences innately, what's “fair” is not always equal. Protection from a man is not the same as the nurturing a woman provides. Do you know what kind of relationship you want and he wants vs what you have? Honestly, how you described it, it just sounds like someone who lets you hang out with them…

  34. There should be a much higher age people can legally get married. This is the most insecure, immature reaction I've ever heard. This woman isn't ready to be dating, let alone married.

  35. I heard they come in handy if you accidentally wet your phone, kind of like putting it in a bowl of rice but more effective.

  36. You should play the reverse on him and go on a full day's workout, get that kitty stinky, and when it's hanky panky time, have him to eat you out. ?

    Bet he will shower after. Just be as nasty as he is and see how he likes it.

  37. Suggest that he meets him too if it makes him feel safe. I think he's creating an issue cuz he doesn't know him.

  38. He doesn't know your address, right? It is not public? If it is, message him one final time, be firm and then block him. If he can't get your address, just block him everywhere right away. No need to communicate more. He will get the message.

    Next time, be firm. And do not offer to pay half the airfare for people simply because they chose to misunderstand things. This is how they end up pushing your boundaries.

  39. So for context, our relationship is pretty new,

    Fucking run, m8.

    This manipulative asshole will ruin your life.

    I’m a very cautious person

    The kind of person you'd be if you stuck around, is a chump.

  40. In my state the law is crazy. Someone can be visiting and after two weeks they have rights. This is Florida. I have known a few women who could not just kick a boyfriend out in homes they owned, one was a tenant. In Illinois you are not a tenant unless you are on the lease as the owner has the right to know and approve of who is living on the property. So it depends on his residency. He does not need to get a hold of the woman’s work or the affair partner’s spouse. That would be escalating. He needs to severe all ties and move on with his life.

  41. Based on your description of his actions, yes. It reminds me of myself 3 decades ago. Gripped with fear and indecision, unable to make a move.

  42. She likes him because he is leading her on. She clearly is infatuated with him but your boyfriend likes it and actively encourages it. She has made it clear he wants to be with him, he has made it clear that he is open to it. You have made it clear that you will allow him treating women like shit.

  43. Honesty he doesn't actually sound like a “great guy” with the way he guilt trips and pressures you into doing something you don't want to do. I think you actually need to take a step back and really look at his disgusting behavior and response to your boundary and attempts to satisfy him.

  44. “he did not want to be with me, but he also did not want me to be with anyone else”

    He wants you as a backup

  45. Umm well…I mean, loyalty is important, but in my opinion, relationships trump friendships, at least when the latter starts causing troubles with the former

  46. Omg with sex…. taste has nothing to do with sex. What you choose to eat has nothing to do with sex.

  47. Just reread and saw that this isn’t even her husband. This is her boyfriend. She needs to buck the fuck up and LEAVE.

  48. He doesn't feel the same way , shocker!!

    So in his culture bad behaviour is tolerated because that's just the way it is

    The question is how does it make you feel? , is it something you want to tolerate? , what other cultures shocks are coming?

    At some stage its pretty clear he is going to want to move back home , is that something you want?

  49. If you stay with her at this point, you’re moving into toxic land. There’s too many lies, and she’s frankly starting to treat you like she does everybody else, for she just lies all the time. There is no trust. There is no basis for a relationship

  50. The story only indicates he could track her. He claims she knew which may or may not be true. You can’t come in and say “I know for a fact she didn’t know”. You just want that to be a fact.

  51. Stay no contact, ignore him completely. Don’t give him the slightest bit of hope by responding. He will eventually move on.

  52. Your mom spent the last 20 years choosing spite, violence and self-destruction. There's nothing here for you to fix, or to apologize for. Deciding to stand up for yourself instead of being her punching bag and enabler isn't a fault of yours. This is the end she made for herself, this is her ultimate attempt to hurt you. You have two choices: letting her go with that last knife planted in your back, or letting her go in complete indifference knowing you did nothing wrong after she took a thousand times more than she gave you back. It might not be the closure options you hoped for, but it's the ones that she's leaving you with.

    On a more pragmatic tone, do you have a therapist? Because you went through a lot and it might be a good idea to get professional help to process it all.

    I'm really sorry for everything your birther put you through.

  53. A Custody order is the only way to move this situation forward, any parent using a child as a control weapon is never going to change unless forced to.

    There are good resources for fathers here in the UK, fathers 4 justice and families needing fathers are 2 off the top of my head, they offer free advice.

    You do not need a lawyer to begin the custody process, check out parental rights and responsibilities on Although not a perfect system, the courts are now heavily influenced by the rights of the child and are moving towards a more 50/50 approach. Resources such as custody x change talk you through the process. Mediation is often the first step to a custody case.

    A good first step to protecting yourself from false allegations is to only talk with your ex through text or email, these are good ways to evidence unreasonable behaviour. If you receive texts threatening self harm, call 999 it is not your responsibility to safeguard her safety. If she is threatening suicide then she needs professional help and is not safe to be around your shared child. This will also aid your case in court. You also only need to respond to questions or things regarding your child, anything else you ignore, this is known as grey rock communication and not a bad skill to learn.

    I hope that helps you.

  54. Well. There you go. No one is ever going to change something that they won't even acknowledge. So either stay in a relationship exactly like you have or worse, all for the sake of 'love'. Or get some self-respect and leave.

    Those are the only two choices now.

  55. Glad you aren’t married to her, bro. Cut off her access to your funds, cancel credit cards, etc. Get the story out before she can. You probably will want to consult with an attorney to talk about child custody and such.

  56. Because she asked a while back (few weeks) if I knew what “emotional cheating” was. We agreed then and now that our boundaries are physical but that emotional distance between us, driving us toward others was definitely something we should express earlier than later with one another.

  57. You need to tell him, clearly, that you can’t afford things. “I don’t have the money to visit this weekend.” “I can’t eat out today because I’m short on cash.” “Hey, can you send me your portion for dinner?”

    But it’s also okay for you to decide that it should be pretty clear to him and that you don’t want a partner who isn’t going to pick up on these things and act on their own.

  58. Honestly? Just get a new secretary that isn't a hot 20 year old. Problem solved.

    Unless you enjoy having a hot 20 yearl old secretary. which would explain your wife's reaction.

  59. Let’s translate this, because I take considerable offense. Are the “uppers” only men? Not where I am. Listen sweetheart, I’m no one’s secretary and I get a seat at the table whether I’m female or male. Quit it with this misogynistic bullshit.

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