Alice Gomez live webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Alice Gomez live webcams for YOU!

  1. Mahn I also don't understand. I'm going through a similar situation, I asked a close friend what to do about it and she just told me to leave him alone. However, that lasted in a short while, ended up talking to him again but now we're not talking…

  2. This situation is really going depend on a lot of variables that you (very understandably) can not and should not put in a Reddit post. My advice is to talk to a child therapist and go from there. Your child's therapist should be a good neutral party whose only interest will be your child's well being.

  3. RUN! Call a women's shelter and talk a domestic violence counselor. He is abusing you. It's not physical yet but it will be. NO DOUBT! It's following the pattern of ramping up. Of course he's glad you're pregnant. Makes it even easier to abuse you. Leave before this cold is born or you'll never leave alive.

  4. You should take a break from dating and sort out your self esteem issues. You’re not going to find a quality person to love you if you dont love yourself.

  5. .1-.2% chance of failure means that not only addressing the potential for the vasectomy to be failed, she really should head off any suspicion and resentment by offering up a paternity test immediately.

    Most people hear hoofbeats and think of horses, not zebras.

  6. Start dating other people. You might not find Mr Right immediately, but it will take your mind off this married guy. And eventually, you will find him.

    I had to kiss a lot of frogs before I found my prince.

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