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Aimi_Artlive sex stripping with hd cam


53 thoughts on “Aimi_Artlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. ?yes. She would feel very awkward and left out if other kids were opening gifts and she was not. It’s a kind gesture on your part, family or not.

  2. She belongs to the streets

    Sorry bro but she can’t be trusted. She has only shown that she cares for herself for the way she acted. She never thought about you or your feelings while sleeping around with this dude.

    Run while you still can, bro. Don’t get caught up with the wrong person.

  3. I think it's going to depend on where you live tbh. If you're American than him not wanting you to drink underage is reasonable, him having issues with his of legal age partner doing what she wants to do is a a potiental red flag. If you live in one of the few places recreational pot uses is ACTUALLY legal and not just tolerated (aka Amsterdam) I'd also consider that a red flag but anywhere else it makes sense to not ruin your future because of a mild interest in pot. What is his reasoning for not liking it? If his reasoning is well thought out and logical than I'd likely not consider it a red flag but if the answer is “because I said so” or anger than those are 100% concerning behaviours

  4. Yes, is that an issue? My husband can also say “I can’t do that” and we’d go from there. That’s not what happened though, I expressed my needs and he said he wants to try to meet it. I would do the same for him under most circumstances.

  5. Something u/Simon_Kaene said under this comment made me remember a therapy technique my therapist told me about called extension (I believe that's the name). It involves taking something a client said to an extreme to make them evaluate what they really feel about it.

    The brief example she gave:

    “I really hate school, I don't want to go there.”

    “Yeah, you should stop doing all your assignments and going altogether.”

    “That's a bit much, I want an education.”

    She could have been trying to help you both think about your relationship more in depth by taking your comment to an extreme. But regardless of why she did it, you should 100% bring up your concerns with your husband first, then the therapist. Have her explain her reasoning behind the suggestion.

  6. It is nice to spend Christmas with each family on alternated years, but you should do what works for you. If, as you said in another reply, your husband also prefers to spend Christmas day with your family, that's what you should be doing.

    What needs to be addressed here is your husband, who needs to be an adult and stop lying to appease his mom's feelings. If he has a difficult relationship with her, he should address this somehow, not throw you under the bus.

    There's is absolutely nothing wrong with being on the spectrum, but it's disrespectful to use this as an excuse to some odd behavior. And even if you were in the spectrum, it's not his place to disclose any disorder you might have without your consent.

  7. In most situations it's a bad idea to be friends with an ex anyway but adding in the rape makes this so much of a worse idea

  8. You don’t wanna throw away almost a decade relationship —- you need therapy and start looking at yourself! Go to the mirror and ask yourself are you okay? Obviously you are not! get the hell out of there!!!

  9. It's considered poor taste to show how much you spent on a gift. Most tags have a perforation where you can remove the part of the tag that has the price on it while still leaving the tags on for returns. Usually though when people leave the price on they are doing it to show how much they spent on a gift, not how little in this case.

  10. Uhhhh you sound lovely and Annie sounds like she shouldn’t be anyone’s therapist…

    Seriously, this is not what love bombing is. Love bombing is about overwhelming your partner early on (or after a fight) so that they feel almost overpowered by how “awesome and loving” you are and they either overlook red flags, move too quickly for their own comfort or forgive you for hurting them without you actually trying to change.

    Love bombing is NOT paying close attention to the person you’re dating, caring about their needs and interests and coming up with thoughtful and sometimes unexpected ways to show their needs and feelings matter to you. Which is what you’ve been doing, and should continue doing. Though I WILL say that if you’re ever dating someone who expressly says they don’t like surprises, I hope you also take that into account and don’t spring things like this on them no matter how lovely they are.

    Seriously if I had to guess, Annie has either had her own bad experiences with love bombing OR she’s only ever dated dudes who got her shit like a Walmart gift card for their anniversary, and she’s just salty hearing about how nice you are. But please don’t tone down your thoughtfulness just because of her.

  11. Big loud trucks for small insignificant men. When your presence doesn't draw attention you car will, and we're all thinking the same thing. Dam OP, it must suck to be so unsatisfied.

  12. How much time have you had with bebe up until now?

    If your daughter is quite familiar with you and you've built a solid bond and had experience comforting her and caring for all of her needs, hopefully it should be a fairly short pathway to normalcy once your new routine is established.

    In the absence of any legitimate red flags, I would ask you to take a more charitable interpretation of your daughter's mother's motivation. Growing a baby in your body and bringing them into this world forms an intensely personal bond, and the deep primal connection to your helpless infant afterwards is hard to adequately describe from the outside.

    I went back to work part time when my first child was 16 months old and the tears were very real for both of us. The sheer emotion at saying goodbye for a few hours, trying to be calm while getting a red light on the short drive back… it sounds a bit over the top describing those feelings but being parted for so long this early on when they can't speak, potentially can't walk, can't care for themselves or go to the toilet etc, is really unnatural. It's not controlling as in 'haha I have the ace up my sleeve' so much as it is 'I have invested every ounce of my being into this little person who depends on me and now she's disappeared and I can't hold her'. You can logic that as no worries, she's only five minutes down the road, but the entirety of human evolutionary instincts screaming at you to hold your baby is quite a powerful counterpoint.

    You're not in the wrong here, but extend some grace.

  13. I want to clear a few things I didnt point out enough:

    'A' isn't dating/isn't going to date my brother or whatever, it shocked me what happened between them mostly because she always told me that she has a problem with physical touch, and it happened. I more had a problem with it becuase it was only short while after my gf told me about her thoughts. My gf isn't cheating on me with my brother, and that's for sure, no I dont check her or his phone, nor will, but me and my gf are in the same boarding school, and my brother is serving in the army so he's home when we're on campus. My gf does want to stay with me, at least I hope so, but not how things are going right now, if the arguments will continue, welp, that a different story.

  14. Uhhh find a new place. If he's like this already, imagine being legally tied and married to him. Que horror.

  15. I couldn’t imagine not getting oral as a guy. Probably one of my favorite things in life. Could never date someone who didn’t enjoy it.

  16. Id like to just point out not every southern or Christian is this way. I’m southern Baptist, don’t take the Bible literal (parts were written for a specific group in a specific time), and believe I’m a mix of evolution and the biblical story. I also never tell people they’re going to hell lol, that’s something little kids do ? but also, you are not compatible. Do you want future kids crying because daddy told them mommy is going to hell? I wouldn’t.

  17. How a person handles a no says a lot about their character.

    You said no, and he tells you that you are wrong about it. Gross.

  18. Hi! Person here with suuuper bad environmental and food allergies. They have included emergency situations, ER visits and VIGILANT awareness of where I’m going and being prepared for them….

    Also, familiar with drug users.

    Your BF hella did Coke. As everyone has said, your instincts are correct. BOUNCE.

    Good luck!!

  19. If he really had severe allergies you would have seen this before, and he wouldn’t be embarrassed about it. Sweating and being antsy aren’t allergy symptoms. He’s gaslighting you. Fuck that guy.

  20. I figured out how to clean, but it wasn’t as simple as a quick Google search. It took moving away, unlearning that “traditional” conditioning, and making conscious effort over years.

  21. Most women have a thing about teachers when they are young–it's the power, it's very sexual. It can be a turn on. Ask her What she gets out of this type of role pay. What is the dynamic for her?

    My guess is that she wants to play with power exchange. You may want to read some erotica in the BDSM section, learn some more about power exchange psychologically and see what kind of power exchange play appeals to her. Maybe some stuff written by women for her would help you guys see some varieties out side of the gimp/leather mold.

    Using the old Master/Slave or Dom/Sub can remove the age thing for you, but leave you still in charge for her. You can play with power and not do any kind of sadomasichistic pain play. Like just being the one who decides when she comes, all day, for several days can hot af.

  22. But when I was walking around the bed, I saw her phone was unlocked on her nightstand with the Photos app open. Ok, no big deal. But as I was glancing at it I saw what looked like a porn thumbnail at the top as one of the videos.

    No you didn't lol

  23. If you live in America you CAN get the police involved to subdue him if he won’t let you get your stuff

  24. Dude, you can’t “make” someone talk to you or like you. Maybe she will change her mind, and that’s her choice. But two months in, she reacts this way? I mean, why would you even want to stick around after all that drama?

    Also, as a side note: Don’t ruin your sister’s friendship by making things awkward with this girl so much that she won’t be able to come over and spend time with your sister. They still have a right to be friends.

  25. That’s what I think. I’m not anticipating a response from him. I just felt so bad for that and it was weighing on me. I got really terrible advice from a hot headed person and I shouldn’t have listened. So, therefore my apology to him. Yes, I’m guilty of that as well.

    No, I know. What does my message say to you?

    He read it but that’s all he’s done. I would think he’d have ignored it all together or blocked me or unfriended me or something.

    I really do want/hope he responds

  26. You have him a chance to be a part of their lives, and he reaction was to claim they weren’t his and assume you would get an abortion because he didn’t want them.

    You did nothing wrong. If he cared, he would have found a way.

    This isn’t about his kids. This is about him being caught out and acting like you’re the bad guy to make himself look better. Trying to trick people that he would have been a willing father, when in reality, he didn’t want anything to do with them.

    Before you do anything, I hope you are able to talk to family lawyer about the best path to keep your child safe.

    Your ex may also be trying to ruin things for you because he doesn’t want you to be happy with another man.

    I personally hope your ex’s family will eventually ease up, which will make your ex ease up and crawl back into the shadows.

  27. He’s been working on things he was insecure about. Ex: He was insecure because he was struggling a lot financially, so found a better job and started working more hours. Insecure because he gained a little weight, started eating healthier. Got involved with some hobbies again, started hanging out with friends more often, etc. So he’s definitely taking steps… it’s just been several months and doesn’t seem to be helping as much as I had hoped. He doesn’t seem to be as depressed anymore, but definitely still a lot of negative self talk and lack of confidence.

  28. I don’t think it’s controlling to have a conversation with her and let her know that it makes you a bit uncomfortable. Maybe just talk to her about it by letting her know you trust her and it’s nothing like that, but it makes you feel weird still. And see what she says to that then go from there.

    It sounds like you know you can trust her and you don’t want to tell her not to do the class. So maybe talking to her about the situation, your feelings, and her feelings can help the two of you get on the same page. Maybe she’ll decide not to do it, maybe you’ll get more comfortable with it, maybe there’ll be a compromise somehow.

    But all in all, it’s not controlling to express your feelings in the way you’re considering. You’re absolutely allowed to have your feelings and communicate them. Just have a conversation, based on how you presented this post I trust you’ll be able to communicate clearly and respectfully to your partner that this is not even remotely about not trusting her, which will make this a productive conversation!

  29. I haven't read all the comments, so someone may have mentioned this. When you lawyer up, ask your lawyer if it is possible to get the court to compel couples counseling. In the state I live in, if there are children you can't get a divorce without a one year separation and counseling, without special circumstances. And by all means, fight against the kids moving out of state. No amount of good intentions will overcome 2,000 miles of physical distance. You will be a summer visit and phone calls. It's not too late to fight for your marriage, and your kids, all your kids. There's something going on here that just doesn't make sense, and maybe you can't work through that part with your wife, but you can work on it. Some states provide for, and mandate, that you make the effort. This is why you lawyer up. Also to avoid making mistakes, if you let her move the kids away, you may be giving up a lot more than you think. If she moves out, she may be giving up all claim to the house. Friend of mine had to sleep on the sofa for three months because if he moved out without a signed agreement, he gave up the house and the kids. That sucked even more because he had already committed to an apartment before he found that out, so he was paying for a place he couldn't stay at.

    I mean I get that she doesn't want a surprise kid she doesn't know, but you don't have a choice in this either. I don't know you, but in my mind if it's your kid, it's your kid, you have a responsibility you can't avoid. If she feels like abandoning this child is the right thing to do, is she even the woman you thought you knew?

  30. Sweet Jesus, this is the definition of an immature relationship.

    Someone that starts arguments with you all the time over stupid little shit – someone who laughs at you and then passively aggressively tries to work it out with you when they really just want you to do what they want…

    Boy, there are girls that would very happily have you as a boyfriend. They wouldn't casue you drama, would be excited to see you, and would encourage you to do things that make you happy and to have fun.

    Stop wasting your time with a girl that is miserable and wants you to be miserable. you are going to look back at this and hate how much time you spend with someone that wanted you to be unhappy.

  31. Maybe it’s a mind thing like manipulation but it’s hard so me to pull away and he knows that. That’s why I deal with so much from him but I know I need to leave

  32. What informed decision did I not let him make here? I would have kept it, even if I knew it was his, and even if we had been in a committed relationship. The only decision he didn't get to make was to potentially be angry about my decision as well as the what if's and emotional part of it.

    Also, your last comment is just disgusting. Get it together.

  33. Don't make this your hill to die on. I like the idea of telling guests that their presence is all the present you need, but maybe offer a charity for people to donate to in lieu of a gift. Is there any cause you both feel passionate about that you'd like to help?

  34. You like him too much to walk away? Are you serious? Sis! You have your entire life ahead of you. He’s an addict and will pull you down. I had relatives who were addicts (dead now) and there was nothing glamorous about their life style; no teeth, random sex partners, one was HIV + pos before 30 dead, eating from trash, that GAWD AWFUL smell that lingered on their body, lice, bedbugs, homelessness, don’t know where their kids are…. Just walk away. You don’t owe him anything. Save yourself

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