AILEENIBARS live webcams for YOU!


aileenibars chat

Date: October 14, 2022

17 thoughts on “AILEENIBARS live webcams for YOU!

  1. These comments are ridiculous….. I have ocd . So what..I am also a male that likes to keep shit clean. All we are asking for is some HELP. To clean after yourself… To clean the stove after making a mess instead of not and letting it sit there and then cook on top of all of that… To clean instead of cleaning when your friends are about to come over… To stop being lazy..

    that's all she is saying… Fuck

  2. If you think this is what your love of your life looks like then I feel for you. He doesn't respect you. These jokes aren't jokes. Plus he's told you if you get married he will cheat. No is a full sentence and you don't need to have any reason to justify why you don't want a 3 some. The fact he keeps brining it up says it all. He's hoping to wear you down. So just put a stop to it once and for all and just break things off. He's not going to let this one go. And you keep tolerating him asking. You've said no. He won't accept it. Move on. There are better people out there

  3. Hello /u/quantumarie,

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  4. What even is a “long time ago” when you've been together a sum total of 3 years… just finish what you've started and take the lesson that maybe you should get to know someone a bit better before you get married. One year is not enough, not for the majority of people. Especially not at this young age.

  5. OP that's terrible advice.

    Talk to your wife. All your solutions are reasonable. Her not liking porn is weird, but something you said you could compromise around.

    My sex drive is higher than my spouses. I'd have sex multiple times a day.

    I usually only make time to take care of myself around bedtime.

    You don't have an addiction. You have a higher than average sex drive and are taking care of a bodily function.

    My wife is a sound sleeper she doesn't care if I take care of myself after she falls asleep. Sometimes I am worried about disturbing her rest and take care of myself elsewhere.

    So talk to your wife. Have her explain her thoughts on porn, on masturbation. What about you taking care of yourself upsets her? Does she feel she's not enough? Does she think porn makes you attracted to other women? Does she have a jealousy issue?

    Again, you're right for not guilting her into sex. She needs to not guilt you about taking care of yourself.

  6. He doesn’t respect you. At the end of the day, you can justify it to yourself all you want to ease the pain and convince yourself to stay, but it’s the truth. There’s no reason at all for him to like old selfies or racy selfies of new girls he meets, nor continue to follow old flames if he’s told you he’s unfollowed them.

  7. It sounds like you're feeling pretty upset and frustrated, and honestly, I don't blame you. It sounds like your BF is being a real douche and not treating you the way you deserve to be treated.

    First off, I want to tell you that you're not a doormat. You're standing up for yourself and trying to make things better in the relationship, and that takes a lot of strength and courage. It sounds like your BF is being really inconsiderate and not putting in the effort to make the relationship work. It's not fair that you're the only one bringing up issues and trying to make things better.

    It's time for your BF to step up and start putting in some effort too. You deserve to have a BF who makes you feel valued and important, not someone who treats you like an afterthought. You should have a conversation with him and tell him how you're feeling and what you need from him. Be honest and direct, but also try to be understanding and not just attacking him. Make it clear that you want to work things out, but you need him to be more present and more engaged in the relationship.

    It's important to remember that people won't change unless they want to. But that doesn't mean you should give up on your relationship. You deserve to be with someone who loves and respects you, and you should never settle for less. If your BF can't or won't change, then it might be time to re-evaluate the relationship.

    It's also important to remember that you don't have to go through this alone. Talk to your friends and family, and seek out professional help if you need it. You deserve to have a healthy and happy relationship, and you deserve to be with someone who treats you right.

    Hope it helps, stay strong and don't let anyone treat you like a doormat.

  8. She’s showing signs of two things at once.

    One is, she isn’t comfortable with sex yet.

    The second is, she wants (or thinks she wants) you to make decisions for her. “Taking her” here is code for making her do things and (I suspect) overcoming her reluctance and confusion by sheer force of will.

    But, first of all, that isn’t usually how it works. More often, you’ll find that your aggressive efforts are met with illness, or exhaustion, or not-in-the-mood-ness. She’s not showing signs of true submission but rather of fantasies that she expects you to make come true.

    This is fixable. But it requires her to have adult conversations, not merely telling you to take all the chances and do all the work.

    Having said all that: it IS on you to provide some incentive, some momentum, some energetic pursuit of this goal. And if you’re trying to avoid that, you need to stop.

    But I think that, given what you’ve written, that’s not the real issue.

  9. This reddit tends to outright condemn anyone who doesn't think a 17″ vibrating monster is a good thing.

    Yes it was a bit insensitive to raise it in the way you did and clearly the vibrator is the right solution for you in the current situation but also clearly you dont want to lose a guy you care for over something like this.. I think you probably need to back off on the idea for now and let his mind calm down. If you give him a little time he might realise for himself that something that helps you through this is a good thing. But also, bear in mind you may just have put some pictures in his head of things you used to do with other guys before him so I would definitely be careful if you talk about this again soon. In between times, he has two hands and a tongue. Could you encourage him to use them a lot more to nake things better?

  10. The thought has crossed my mind and is still in an unsure area much like part of my original question which is am I okay with hooking up with others myself

  11. Why? She has a past. Does a person need to lay out their entire past to a potential partner? Are people afforded the opportunity to move past things they may have regretted but learned to forgive themselves for? Or even things they have no regrets for at all? Is it specifically sexual history that one must divulge to current partners? Save for situations where she may knowingly be a danger to OP in terms of STIs etc, what obligation does she have to say anything she feels uncomfortable with? And if she is uncomfortable, to what end would OPs conversation realistically serve? If OP doesn't mind it, why?

  12. Quite apart from not just wanting to be her live-in vibrator and co-nursemaid, you may want to start dating other people at some point – and screwing around with her while dating someone else would be pretty disrespectful.

  13. Truthful observations that are just factual would be “the chocolate is brown”. The differenve between that and the comments he makes abour ur body is the intention behind them. He wants u to feel hurt and insecure. Dump the trash u're too gorgeous to waste time with a dick.

  14. Ok. Since you live in the same house. Every time he even sugest it would be your fault you say ” You can pretend it's my fault but both you and me know the truth” and nothing more.

    To your friends you just tell the truth. He started dating her before you broke up and he started fudging her and rubbing it in your face, thats why you don't want to be friends with him.

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