agathabell_live sex stripping with hd cam


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Birth Date: 1999-08-16

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Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino

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Date: October 26, 2022

74 thoughts on “agathabell_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It increases it in waves. Abstaining for a week leads to a massive 400% testosterone spike that lasts for a day or two, but then you come back to baseline. Testosterone is mainly produced by working out, eating right (primarily healthy fats), and getting a sufficient amount of sleep.

  2. Compromising on having children isn’t like listening to music you don’t like or sitting through sports you don’t care about. If you want children and he doesn’t your relationship has an expiration date.

    As for the coworker thing – if you have feelings like that for someone else than you don’t love your partner in the right way anymore. Reverse the situation to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and be honest with yourself about how that would make you feel.

  3. This sounds like A LOT. I'm on solid terms with most of my past partners and very good friends with the ex that I was with the longest prior to my current relationship. And that took like 1.5 years of reduced contact to truly figure our stuff out. And it was mutual. We both wanted to be friends but also knew there was too much bad blood and hurt at the time so we intentionally stayed away from each other (my summary is FAR more simplistic than it turned out to be) .

    This isn't that though. She sounds immature and unable to actually grasp that you both need to grow out of this relationship phase. It honestly sounds unhealthy and yeah I've had unhealthy dynamics in some way but that's why it took so long to actually become healthy friends. And let's be honest, very rarely do exes return to being much more than cordial with one another

  4. right, having a fake dick in your ass getting fuck in doggy style , not gay , its just a fake 10″ nerved dick busting fake cum in your ass right so no homo

  5. In many states, no one can sign away parental rights, unless someone else is willing to adopt and take on the responsibility. The govt says that kids have a right to 2 people financially supporting them.

  6. Go home, your home is where you live now. When you get home and she wants to talk, let her. Listen to what she has to say, you shouldn’t make hasty decisions and throw away 4 years. Life will throw many unpleasant and sad situations til you die, make decisions after listening and coming to full understandings. Give your self 3 months to save up to move out and tell her that if you feel you need to end the relationship. Go home and get a good night sleep first, nothing good ever happened when discussing life matters when tired and anxious.

  7. I think OP should just date jake since he loves him so much.

    In all seriousness you are making a lot of jumps here from why they broke up, to her emotionally cheating, to her cheating on you. She hooked up with someone while she was single. No crime committed there. Clearly you have issues and you should just break up with her. You haven't even spoken to any of the people here about this, you're working off third hand information and assumptions.

  8. He knows how I feel about this. It isn’t always plans made with me being at work. He says that he forgets and while he is a forgetful person part of me feels like it’s an excuse. For example, he had made plans to have a guys night and it had been planned for a few days. His friend was over at our house eating dinner and happened to mention it. After his friend left I brought it up and he said it was a last minute plan when they had planned it and he forgot to tell me. It just makes me feel unsettled that I’m learning his plans from his friends.

  9. Is your boyfriend neurodivergent? My family has a lot of neurodivergency and we all tend to get very “hangry” – including being mean – and it's less to do with immaturity than it is to do with how overwhelming it feels.

    To me, this date feels overwhelming for many reasons: he's already hungry, and (no fault of anyone really) the restaurant you get to is closed which disrupts what your bf is expecting to happen. Then, you decide to go to a second restaurant. You start heading there, so your boyfriend is now expecting this restaurant. However, you decide for some reason to turn around to another restaurant, which I personally would find profoundly frustrating. He may also perceive that as very frustrating. Finally, you get to the restaurant, you don't even take the opportunity to order an app or something for the table before peeing (like did you ask him if he needed you to lead him??) – and then on top of that you forget his dietary restrictions.

    Yeah, it's not great he was rude to you. But I also think from your boyfriends perspective, this was a profoundly frustrating experience.

  10. I want to let it go. I feel as though my mental health issues are the main factor here in not letting me sleep. Some nights it's fine and others it's not.

    In all honesty, and feel free to downvote me for this I recognise its very shitty of me, I've considered sleeping with 2 strangers myself just to allow myself to rationalise with my own fucked up brain and be able to sleep next to her at night. Obviously this is a super shitty thing to do and I know that doing shitty things doesn't make what she did any less shitty.

    I really really don't think I'll do this, it's not something I WANT to do, it's just my brain desperately looking for solutions to the sleep issue.

  11. Go get tested, if he’s having unprotected sex with you he’s having unprotected sex with other people too.

  12. I understand what you are saying completely on the telling best friends thing, but I do hope you realize not everyone thinks that way. I am a very reserved person generally and also introverted, so going around announcing something very near and dear to me to every single person in my life is honestly pretty draining. I get why he was upset, never once did I care about him being a little bummed about that, it's more the fact that he chose to go about telling me by being extremely passive aggressive and then choosing to straight up ignore me when I attempted to have a mature conversation with him about it where things didn't stoop to that level. And apologizing was actually the first thing I did. I told him that I was sorry that it upset him, but to know it wasn't anything personal on my end and that I simply chose not to reach out to every single person I know because quite frankly it would have been overwhelming to me. The social media post was more to do that for me and us because we know how people get about knowing these things.

    Also, I'm sorry if you misinterpreted it this way, but I wasn't BRAGGING about saving his life. I was just using that to make a point that I have literally put myself in danger out of love for this friend to save his life, and now I am hurt that he has basically dead'd me over something as simple as not finding out directly about our engagement. And truthfully, life has been insanely busy since the engagement so it didn't exactly cross my mind like that. We recently bought a house, got a puppy and the holiday season was insanity with things to do. I had definitely planned to tell him when I saw him next and hung out, but it's been really tough to do that with any friends for a couple of months. Had he not stopped talking to me, I probably would have hung out with him in the past couple of weeks.

    And yes, I very much do not only like but also love this friend. I care about him A LOT and we get along in a lot of ways. However, he unfortunately is one of those people that you always feel like you are walking on eggshells with, because he is always ready to pounce on someone for something and he gets a rise out of trolling people and making them feel like shit. He's very strange to me because part of his personality is so calm and chill, but then there is a part of him that likes to act like a bully with people. A Jekyll and Hyde personality if you will. He recently also ruined friendships with two other friends in my friend group because he was basically being an asshole to them over nothing, and I even had to stick up for one of my friends at one point and directly say something to him about it. He did apologize but that was after being a massive asshole about it first. Of course I accepted his apology but now I've been seeing this pattern of him trying to go at people and blow things out of proportion. So do I like this friend? The answer is yes, but only when he's being his normal and calm self. I do NOT like the part of him that acts like a bully to others, especially because I know he can be better than that. I hope this clears things up for you, I know my post was a little messy and truthfully it's hard for me to collect my thoughts well when I'm feeling emotional about something.

  13. I think you are trying to answer too many questions at this point.

    First goal is to stabilize the situation for yourself and your kids. If that means asking her to leave, then you ask her to leave. If it means trying to work it out, I would recommend individual counseling for both of you to begin with.

    As to your kids, I do not think I would lead with their mother cheating on you unless you both agree to meet with them and present the same narrative with them. Even then, I would phrase it that you two have irreconcilable differences in many personal areas that you do not want to pester them with.

    Please do not lean on your children to be your emotional support system- set up another one of your own including a counselor to guide you through these initial stages.

    Make an appointment with a FAMILY LAW lawyer- not some jane/joe smo that does everything or advertises on the back of a bus. Make list of questions ahead of time- they can't give you guarantees but can give you a road map. Then you figure out what to do.

  14. Thank you for the reply it really means a lot and I think you put it great. I just don’t understand what would drive him to do this because I don’t do this to him.

  15. Breathe. You have time. It may be limited, but you have time to come to terms with it and make the best decisions for yourself. You'll be ok.

    I would tell my bf sooner rather than later. When the cousin is out of the house (no matter how you do that), tell your bf. It doesn't sound like you should wait four days. Come up with a plan of who you want to share the news with and what questions you think you should be asking. You may need to talk to someone else to get the support you need (family, friends, etc.). If you don't have that where you are, put it on the list to ask your doctor (when you see him/her).

    Basically, you want to re-establish some control and planning next steps and other important decisions will help you do that.

    You're not the first to be in this situation. Your life may go in a totally different direction now, but you'll figure it out. The more you can break it down into smaller steps and items to think about, the better it will be.

  16. Leave him bevsyse you will never get over that betrayal. And if it happened once that he’s admitting, it has likely happened more. What’s worse is you can’t trust him & he’s a liar. Not yo mention him being mad at you for nothing when it happened. Seriously, you did nothing wrong. Take your kid and leave. You’ll be so much happier I promise

  17. It didn't just happen a long time ago, it's still happening because he's still lying about it. He has yet to tell you the truth. If he were sorry at all he would have told you right away, and asked for the chance to rebuild your trust. He thinks you're an idiot who is stuck with him now. Are you?

    He isn't contributing anything to your child's life. He is dishonest and disloyal. He will not be a good role model. Put a legal custody and support order in place, communicate through a co-parenting app, and focus on your own future success. This man has already shown himself to be unworthy, go ahead and accept it now. Don't ask him to keep proving it.

  18. I have access to information that I am not authorized to share with anybody else.

    To allow other access to my email or other systems would violate the agreements I have made with others.

    As you have been told already, it does not take much imagination to envision these scenarios.

  19. Nope, but there's this swing band (professional musicians) that invite him to sing and he sings a couple of songs each night with them (no compensation), this has been going on for about 4/5 months now.

    I feel like if he really sucked they wouldn't have him sing for them, no? I'm so confused…

  20. Is this new behaviour, or has she always behaved in this way?

    If her hygiene is declining, then you should be concerned over her health. Poor hygiene or self-care is often a sign that a person has developed an illness or medical condition. What that condition is can be anything from cancer to depression to the flu, so it’s important to have a conversation about what you’ve noticed without making it about minor cosmetic changes.

    This means that you do not say “your teeth are yellow, you should brush your teeth more.” Instead, you say, “Are you feeling okay? I’ve noticed that you’ve been a bit different lately and I wanted to check in and make sure nothing is bothering you.”

    This approach makes it very clear that you’re concerned about her, not about you and your comfort (although it’s perfectly reasonable to care about both of these things.)

    If it’s not a new development and she’s been like this since you met her, then you may have to consider that this is how she is and she’s happy living like this. You have brought up the issue, and she’s rebuffed you. I would bring it up directly and make it clear that it’s affecting your relationship. Offer concrete solutions to the problem.

    “[Partner], I need to talk to you about hygiene. It’s really hard for me to be intimate with you when you haven’t showered for a few days. I know you don’t like washing your hair more than once a week. What if I got you a shower cap? Would you be okay with having a quick rinse before bed?”

  21. I'd send him the link to this post and tell him you've got a fine ass dick appointment to get to and dump him.

  22. Wow, You’re definitely the problem here and need to learn some new skills to have a successful relationship in the future

  23. All I know is my girlfriend mentions she saw a rose at the gas station and I'm all hands on deck ?

    From what I can glean from my life: young love is doing goofy things because why not and adults like standardized sleep schedules.

    Spend some time apart and if they don't understand you want flowers when you see them then it's time to move on because they aren't the person trying to give you them.

  24. I can't. My family will go to the police to find me and if we don't get married their gonna take me back to my house

  25. Not at all.

    The only way to restore faith and trust in your partner is through honesty. If he's being honest with you then that shouldn't worry him. If he has something to hide, that's when liars project and try to make you feel like you're in the wrong.

  26. “I can’t see myself living my life with someone like this”

    So then why are you?

    We need people who will support and comfort us when we need it. Not people who treat us like our emotions are an inconvenience to THEM.

  27. Yeah, I know and I know it’s really a technicality, but it’s kind of weird when things like that happened because somehow your heart doesn’t always remember that. So that’s the problem I personally would have. I wish you the best of luck.

  28. Er, it seems there's really nothing you can do here. I guess you can try apologizing and explaining what happened, but it seems pretty clear cut. You got too drunk, and were possibly taken advantage of. You've got to be more carful, man. Not to say that it's all your fault but your boyfriend is completely in his right to not want to date someone who can't control their liquor and in turn gets into situations like this.

    Also, you know polygraph tests don't work, right? They've got only a little better chance than a coin flip at telling a truth from a lie.

  29. Look, if you injured your partner and he was unable to fully recover from it, if you felt guilty and wanted him to forgive you, would you become annoyed if he healed more slowly than you expected?

    Or would you support him in healing and feel lucky to have a chance to make amends?

    The answer to that is crucial in understanding if you love him. The same is true for him. If he loves you in a real, meaningful way, he will help you to heal. If he doesn’t want to do that, he doesn’t love you with enough depth and he will definitely injure you again.

    And that therapist is so completely out of line. Kick him to the curb immediately, your self esteem does not need his bs.

  30. It’s really telling that he views outgoingness as a “masculine” trait. It sounds like he wants a meek, subservient woman who doesn’t have thoughts or opinions of her own. Not really a cute look for him.

  31. Dude is a lost cause, full stop. He tried to have sex with you while you were miscarrying. That is fucking vile and inexcusable.

  32. They can tell you which type you have. Some are relatively harmless. If she had the high risk cancer type she might have said something

  33. well I wouldn't mind trying but I also don't want to lose a really great girl. I say not worth it. If by the grace of God she says that it's okay then maybe I'll try it but idk yet.

  34. I'm sorry that happened man. She had a fullblown relationship with him and she even kept in contact all this time? You can so much better, she doesn't respect nor love you. You will never be able to trust her again and you would be a fool to do so. Don't waste more years on her.

  35. You should call his parents and tell them what he has been telling you.

    No, don't have him in the delivery room.

    And don't make excuses with his new friend group. He is an AH for being a 33 year old that does not have his own mind. You can tell him that he has to cut out his frat boy friends and mentality or you will be cutting him out of your life with a divorce.

    I recommend that you get your family or someone in the house ASAP to run interference after you give birth.

    I’m too embarrassed to tell them at this point because if he truly feels this w

    It's hard but you have to tell them. He is the one who should be embarrassed!!!

  36. Thank you for sharing your experience, I think I’m still going to opt out the relationship idea for now, I think if my moral compass is telling me this is worng I probably should listen.

  37. Typical armchair psychology. There’s a whole lot of assumptions here. The guy didn’t say anything about “jailing” his kid. He just said he wanted to be in charge of his education. That’s picking schools etc.

  38. Everything is political: if you end up having ten kids because contraception and abortion is not available where you live, that's a pretty big influence on the kind of life you can lead. If you live in a state where books are banned at school, you might end up having to home school those kids. If half of them get cancer and die because you can't afford healthcare, that will also affect your quality of life. If you live in a European country where healthcare (including sex education contraception and abortion), and education (including special needs and further education) are completely free, you might complain about taxes but you could have the number of kids you want and not have to worry about affording basic necessities and generally live happily sledding and watching the aurora borealis in winter and swimming in fjords in the summer.

  39. How about you stop texting or reaching out to him at all? He was getting carried away with a little emotional affair, realized it was getting too serious and ended it. Now he’s shitting himself thinking his wife will find out. The comment about the coworkers probably really scared him, it implied that coworkers know or suspect an affair. Just stop reaching out, he’s not a friend. He’s a married man with kids. You sound kind of desperate, and it’s time to move along, ignore him, and act like none of this happened.

  40. If gift giving is her live language then get her a generous and thoughtful gift, then admit that you are able to live on your own as a couple now but also see yourself staying but then chipping in more. If she is pet sitting she either does need cash or is actually lonely/bored also.

  41. Honestly if you are already on Reddit you could find a picture of that literally within 15 seconds, so bizarre and creepy to cold PM someone for it

  42. Birth control messed up my fertility so maybe you should look for other options. She sounds miserable why does she have to endure this?

  43. Imagine thinking women shouldn't try not to be murdered. Yet when bad things happen it's “oh she should have known better.” “Oh she should have taken precautions.”

  44. Keep a record of events, with any proof, should anything escalate. Sounds like a narcissist I work with… being quiet about it doesn't make it any less bad, it's exhausting and demoralising for everyone around.

  45. Also, if husband’s friend considers him the keeper of OP’s consent, instead of her having bodily agency, this becomes a safety concern. Why does his friend know this if she’s uncomfortable?

  46. Those shows are about traditional marriages. That is what a traditional marriage looks like. That was my point.

  47. honey he disrespected you & the relationships, lied & cheated on you. he is selfish & no integrity. why do you still wanna be with him?

    You need to know your self-worth. he is unworthy of your love & care as he don't appreciate it by doing all the crap. Its like a one-sided thing already as NO MAN IN LOVE will do any crap to his beloved + he is 33 not 13 & still playing the fields + pining for a bar girl !? Gosh! how much more humiliation do you wanna take in?

    I don't know what is the global obsession of phone privacy – if no one cheats then no one will snoop on the phones. As his gf you should be allowed to see & check his phone UNLESS he is cheating – as usual cheaters will die with their phones in hand LOL anyway you snooped & he is caught cheating – to me good for you! coz now you dodge a bullet. leave him unless you like to be lied & cheated on for the next 40 years. You deserve a better man & a better life.

  48. Break up with him. That's not normal behavior and you deserve a fulfilling sex life with a partner who enjoys having sex with you. It's an integral part of bonding in a relationship!

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