Karol-Sierra live webcams for YOU!


I want to play with you @ 1 Open up and smack the pussy / @ 3 Spit and tease the pussy / @ 5 Finger pussy / [25 tokens remaining]

Date: October 22, 2022

10 thoughts on “Karol-Sierra live webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/One_kiwi28,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

    Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly

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  2. There's no “5 date rule”. There's actually no “rules” at all. Just what people have 'heard' and convinced themselves of.

    If you don't like having sex before there's exclusivity/commitment, then stick to that. There is no reason to do something you don't feel comfortable with. The right person for you won't be turned off by this. The wrong ones will. But you don't want the wrong people to begin with, so no loss there.

  3. Open relationships aren’t for everyone. I know myself well enough to know I couldn’t find happiness in one, and that’s okay. I’m in a monogamous marriage now, and if my wife ever asked to change that and open our relationship up, I’d be gone. Not because I want to lose her, but because I owe it to myself not to agree to something I know would make me deeply unhappy.

    It’s normal to be 19-21 and to be curious about what else is out there. It’s also normal to have a shit ton of anxiety about “giving up” a partner to explore that curiosity, so an open relationship can seem like a compromise or a best of both worlds scenario. But while I know this will probably be unpopular, I really think pursuing open relationships have become a trend lately rather than a genuine, respectful exploration of non-monogamy. Polyamory and non-monogamy should start with a sincere interest/desire to have an open, ethical relationship, and to be successful it requires a lot of self-awareness and honesty.

    But more and more, people are considering them as an “alternative” to infidelity, which just … isn’t apples to apples at all. And you can’t sidestep the damage infidelity caused by just slapping a preemptive “open relationship!” label on what you and your partner have. If your partner is just coming at it from a selfish, insincere place to try and avoid the consequences and guilt after infidelity, they have no business making this request of you.

    Relationships (especially in your early 20’s) are messy, complicated, and constantly changing – which is why it’s critical that you identify and communicate clear boundaries for what you need in a relationship and what will make you happy, not just what you are willing to suffer through to hopefully be with your partner in the end.

    If being with other people and knowing your partner is with other people won’t make you feel secure, comfortable, and happy, then you need to walk away and find someone that aligns with what you are looking for.

    Your situation sounds more like a FWB relationship. While looking for others.

  4. I mean I didn’t say anything. We are writing here. In that writing you wrote it’s more an educated guess than an assumption. I wrote it’s still an assumption. You wrote I said guess. Not sure what point you are trying to make really but you are making assumptions. You have to be unless you can see the future. So you were wrong. Now how am I wrong?

  5. I mean someone you’re seeing doesn’t need to meet your kid in those 11 months but you definitely need to tell them about the kid or else you’re just wasting his 11 months if he doesn’t want to raise someone else’s kid.

  6. How and why does she believe this is your fault? Do you just sort of expect sex out of the blue or do you woo her? Is she under a lot of stress? Do you two split household chores evenly? Need more info.

  7. As a guy with thin hair I would absolutely appreciate it. If my father wouldnt have warned me, I probably would have way less hair now. You can work against it, you can at least stop your hair from thinning by taking testosterone blockers for example.

    I am 30 now and started taking that stuff with 24 and my hair looks fire 🙂

  8. Usually with 50/50 custody there is t child support mandated as each parent is financially responsible for the kids during their custodial time.

    If OP wants/needs financial support then spousal support would need to be filed and I’m not sure that all states allow spousal support anymore.

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