Shannol-Ryan live webcams for YOU!


Ride dildo + squirt [Multi Goal]

Date: October 22, 2022

67 thoughts on “Shannol-Ryan live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yep. I finally got it out of him. People suck. Why leave it on purpose tho? She’s a friend of his visiting from another state for a week I don’t see the motive except being a jerk

  2. Idk, she said his gym shirt maybe it's just easier cause he might spend the night. But it's very obvious there no communication going on here, he could be using her but it sound like he thinks there more there. She just hasn't talk to him about it

  3. So happy to see a good update. I'm sure that was so hard for you but way to go. This random stranger on the net wants to give you a high five too! Hope for good things in your future!

  4. It's basically stating I've found myself and she helped me. Again I'm not worried if she and I get back together. The meaning behind it has more than just the metaphor of the tattoo itself.

  5. Hmm..girl with the recent change in behavior was told that their closeness had to be under warps in front of you. But she kept knocking so that the two of you wouldn't be intimate.

  6. I dont really have anything to do though i only play video games as a hobby and i will never be able to afford a house/apartment part of my hoped a significant other could help get my life on any track at all

  7. I understand where you were going with it, and I've seen some legitimate reasons on why somebody would show a Penis or Vagina to another (that isn't a doctor/professional, or for sexual reasons).

    For example, an ex-girlfriend admitted to me about showing her vagina to some close friends (2) in high school as she was really self conscious about her vagina looking weird, and didn't have the best environment (a shitty health teacher who only wanted to show STD-infested private parts) and her mother being religiously conservative. Literally scared straight out of sex, and never had the chance to talk to a doctor properly. I wasn't entirely sure what she got out of it but her friends really said some positive things to her, which really helped her self-confidence and outlook on it.

    I don't know if it exactly ticks off your medical condition box, but yeah.

    Was it weird? Sure. Was there a better way to go through with it? Absolutely. But hindsight is 2020 and had she kept her mouth shut and not confided in someone she could trust, who knows what other possible trama's it could've caused down the road.

    As far as a relationship goes, though, all relationships have the “the devil lies in the details” mindset, as in the more you discuss what's ok and not okay, you better define the boundries set between each other, and children involved/responible for. I'm not sure what all OP has discuss with their partner, but I know as a teen I didn't do nearly as enough boundry setting as I liked, and im sure it would've stopped a lot of unnessicary arguing had we got our shit together a little more.

    I hope they can at least talk it out and hopefully get something constructive out of it.

  8. That's not something she does want, but I guess considering this hypothetical is good in case she changes her mind and proposes this as a solution.

    I will think about it.

  9. You're worried about living “knowing I'm not enough for him.” Ask yourself the real question – is he enough for me? Is this life enough for me? Is this life fair for my kids?

    Don't worry about “making” him break up with his best friends. He has already made it very clear that they are more important than you. He is not going to break up with them.

    Since when, anyway, is “experiencing more from life” all about someone's penis? What are YOU experiencing in life? What experiences is he offering YOU? Don't walk, run for the nearest exit and start experiencing YOUR life.

    I am so sorry for the way you are feeling. Know that none of this is about you. These are his flaws, his inadequacies, and you cannot fix him.

  10. If you're both totally fine with the amount of sex you're already having then other people's opinions don't and shouldn't matter. But if you'd both like more but can't because of your work circumstances, then that's a problem you're just shelving and I'd say you both should be more deliberate in carving out some special time for intimacy

  11. Don’t tell her “when you end things” tell her NOW You are lying to her, she can’t fully consent to a sexual relationship under these circumstances.

    You know that she wouldn’t consent to a sexual relationship if she knew your actual age, you are morally absolutely in the wrong here.

  12. There is video evidence of the entire incident, so you have proof. Get parents/teachers involved, whoever you trust and who can help you. Don’t ever let anyone do wrong by you like that, stop crying, stand up for yourself and fight back. You will feel empowered and strong by not letting anyone push you around and abuse you like that. Defending yourself and handling this situation will help you gain confidence in yourself, and later in life you will know that you can deal with anything and get through it. And trust me, in a few years this will all be water under the bridge and you won’t give any effs about these people anymore. You will remember it as a time when you were strong. When you’re in a difficult situation you should generally always ask yourself if it will matter to you in 10 years from now. You will see that most things in life don’t! Sending you hugs!

  13. How about this: “Bitch, I am screwing your ex, so don’t give me any shit!”

    Or just tell her if she asks about your personal life that you hooked up with a guy and it turned out to be her ex.

  14. I've bought lingerie for my fiance before and she loved it. She has body issues too. She's even bought accessories to wear with it (earrings/necklace). But make sure you get a style she'll like and right size. Bought her one that didn't fit right she's a small at top but med at bottom so normally ha e get two sizes

  15. I’m 35 and have a 19 year old nephew and he seems like a member of an entirely different species. I can’t see any reason for wanting to date someone that young as a 30-something other than being a manipulative, creepy loser. Your boyfriend is an ultra creep.

  16. Stop dating men that are WAY too old for you! Normal decent men in their mid thirties do not go after girls not even old enough to drink! Only the predatory or emotionally stunted do. Find a guy your own age!!

  17. Hello /u/Hot_Shoulder1101,

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  18. Dude. You sound absolutely insane and insecure to the max. She’s given you no inkling that she would cheat or that’s she’s untrustworthy but you keep pushing and snooping trying to find something to incriminate her. If you keep assuming the worst of her, then no doubt she will leave you for other people. If you can’t trust her and you can’t control yourself from being insecure, then it seems you are far ready from being in a relationship.

  19. OMG. Dude. Take a freaking hint and listen to her actual words.

    Do Not Propose – she does not have feelings for you.

    Do Not Pursue Her Further – she does not like you in a romantic way

    Find Someone Else – this relationship is one of the ones that wasn’t.

  20. OP get a recording of some of her friends saying that she made it up and that its not true. I think she likes the reaction and attention she gets from being a “victim” of abuse and she's throwing you under the bus in order to get attention. Do not expect this to stop if you break up with her it will only get worse cause then she'll have anger and malicious intent behind it.

    You need evidence to protect yourself just incase cause if that reaches the wrong ears it could hurt you a lot. Then have a serious talk with her about this and tell her it needs to stop or you're leaving her. Record that conversation too. Explain to her that what she's doing could be extremely harmful to your reputation and that the fact shes okay with people viewing you like that has hurt you immensely and damaged your trust in her. Let her know she gets one chance to stop no second chances

  21. I’m not responding negatively I’m literally just clarifying the situation to someone. I already did take so much of the advice. Chill out. ?

  22. Did you mean to write this down and put it in a garbage can where it belongs? Because you actually posted it on the internet! How embarrassing for you!

  23. Some people might say it's petty but realistically, reporting her would be the right thing to do. She is a constant danger to any and all around her on the road and could do serious damage

  24. First of all, babies can’t fly immediately after birth. Airlines have different rules but most doctors think a baby has to be at least 4 weeks old so she has to stay somewhere until then. But your husband and you have to agree. Even though she’s your sister, your marriage should come first. There are a lot of things to consider so don’t make a decision based on emotion.

  25. What’s stopping me is him being real onboard with casual.

    I’d like to continue getting to know him. But what am I even supposed to be asking?

    My newest text was going to be this but it’s terrible:

    We are going to Aspen tomorrow to snowboard. Have you been there? . Technically I was told I couldn’t do any sport for the next two months lol

    That said, I did just survive two weeks surfing so maybe I’ll get lucky.

    Shame you’re missing the season this year…”

  26. I call bs on all this “grooming” talk just because of the age difference. If there is evidence of grooming than fine but OP says there isn’t. Not every younger man/woman is being fucking groomed by an older lover ffs.

    For all we know, Ellie could’ve been the instigator of the relationship. Im not condoning any of this or excusing their behavior. I don’t even thing younger/older relationships are a good idea as in I wouldn’t do it. That doesn’t mean people who are in those Spring/fall romances are victims of grooming.

    I just get tired of everything being grooming, gaslighting or narcissism or whatever the terms being casually thrown around anymore.

  27. Seems like she’s just blowing him off, to me. I have a few people that I don’t mind talking to here and there, but generally though they haven’t done anything particularly out of pocket or anything: they’re just not that interesting generally. Everyone else addressed the other issues with this: but besides that, no, I doubt that it’s anything to worry about, which is likely why she’s annoyed.

  28. man you almost made me tears up, thanks.

    But i'm afraid that it would change the group's dynamics if she says no, so i'd like to take it easier and see if i can get to chat a bit with her to see if i can get anything more maeaningful, i don't really like to text on instagram or whatsapp, i'd prefer to ask her out in person. Although i have a really good feelings in my guts about her.

  29. There’s two things here, and while the second is general advice, it ties into the first.

    So first, we have to point out the age gap here. I get it; you’re consenting adults. But age gaps like this become a problem when the two parties are likely to be in different life stages. Like anything else, context is everything so certainly correct me if I’m wrong, but generally speaking a 26 year old and a 20 year old aren’t in the same life stage. A 20 year old will usually be in college and a year or two from graduating. A 26 year old will usually be a few years into a career. Those just don’t often align.

    It’s especially important here because what you keep calling “overthinking” is insecurities. No one’s going to be surprised that a 20 year old as immature and insecure. That brings me to the second point.

    Insecurity is a relationship killer. In saying that, no amount of reassurance will ever be enough. You’ve learned that. So that’s the real advice here. As you get to know people, if you learn they’re insecure and need constant reassurance while also refusing to acknowledge that only they can address their insecurities, you walk away and don’t fight it. Don’t settle for someone who isn’t secure in themselves. Good luck.

  30. All I can say is that I am utterly confused by people that make the decision you made. If you really love her, it just looks like you need a lot of therapy to work through shit. So do that. Figure out what's behind this decision so you can work on yourself.

  31. Hope you have a long miserable life and die of AIDS. Aloa, she didn't do anything wrong, it wasn't her ADHD, she wasn't a difficult child. Say it with me – you were and remain a horrible mother and even more despicable human being. – You deserve whatever bad things happen to you until you die. And even then, you still won't have suffered enough. Leave her alone, she probably has a chance of healing without you.

  32. they have been talking about a trip all week in class and i was there but i thought they werent talking about the near future and dreaming about going somewhere so it’s sad that they excluded me while i was there. three of them form a friend group and one of them isn’t apart of that friend group but was still invited so im a bit confused

  33. Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it.

    I also confided in my friends, mostly all of them said I was overthinking stuff too and said to take it easy. I'm also prone to being indecisive, I have so many ideas on what to do, but can't actually decide, hence I asked here.

    And… I've decided to not tell her, it would be really awkward if I imagine it and doesn't bring any benefit, I'm afraid that she'd be reminded of my “honest feeling” everything she plays with her group and not having fun.

    Yeah, the jealousy is the thing that I want to shoo away, honestly this wouldn't be a problem if I didn't feel any of that in the first place.

    Also what does it mean to be secure in a relationship? I'm not a native speaker, frankly speaking, so the term is also kinda new to me.

  34. OP you are in a tricky place. Your wife might come back…sometime in the future. When people are like how your wife described, they want to know why and how to live happily. If the trip goes very well there is a good chance she won’t come back (at least to your current setup). When people go on a mid life crisis trip, they realize that a trip is temporary and that isn’t enough for some people. Let her go (you have no choice honestly) just start implementing protections for finances so she only digs into an account that is designated for this trip. Next make plans for both her coming back and leaving. Even if she does come back, know that even a month long trip will most likely be a stop gap.

  35. Sweetheart, I totally understand why you are devastated. I would be too but I have to tell you something I have never told anyone face to face (I've mentioned on Reddit before) because I know how bad it sounds. I didn't fancy my husband at all at first. We met online and met in person. I didn't like his photos but thought maybe he isn't photogenic. We met. I still didn't find him physically attractive BUT I love that man with all my heart and he has grown to be attractive to me. His personality is so perfect for me, who he is, how he makes me feel. He looks great in a suit and when he dresses for a night out. Physicality isn't important to me. It was the same with my last long term partner too. He is my husband and father to my boy and have an amazing sex life, you don't have to find someone sexy to find what they do, sexy. I wouldn't rather go through life with anyone else. I will never tell him this though because it would crush him.

    Your partner loves you for you. Looks fade in all of us but he will always love you. I see men who got with girls just for looks and it never lasts. It's the person inside you love and stay with, not the outward physical appearance.

  36. You’re only 25. It seems like you hate each other. I’m 25 too and been with my partner for 7 years and we would never talk to each other this way. Do you really want this for the rest of your life.

  37. My man, I would have been OVER THE MOON if my SO had written and sung me an original song about how he loves me. That is some straight up Jane Austen shit right there. She sounds rather unappreciative of the thought you put into it, not to mention these mind games? How are you supposed to know to get her a gift when she EXPLICITLY told you not to. And she cheated one you? And still denies it? Why do you want to be with her, honestly? She sounds like she doesn’t even like you, and from what I’ve read, you deserve better.

  38. I believe that churches should have the ability to choose who they marry on their property. I don't support a gay couple forcing a church to marry them. I don't believe that being LGBTQ makes you go tohe'll, or that you are an embodiment of sin, etc. I don't love her any less for being bisexual, and I couldn't love her more if she was straight. I'm already loving her as much as I can. I do have problems with parts of the transgender community, such as i dont support children getting sexual reassignment surgeries or transwoman in sports. But the issues I have with parts of the transgender community do not directly impact my wife.

  39. I don’t think she cares that she’s hurting you. She just wants more (an unrealistic amount of stuff). You’ve tried talking to her about it and she just doubled down and yelled at you.

  40. I think there's probably a difference between someone severely stressed becoming nauseated and consequently throwing up, and someone having a conflict and coughing until they puke

  41. Ignore and move on. You will never be more than his casual fuck.

    It was only a couple of weeks so you’ve not wasted a lot of your life.

  42. Is there a reason that the thought of him replacing you worries you? It sounds like that might be the best thing for everyone, except maybe the new potential GF.

  43. You don't need to trust her that way. You're just acquaintances and I'm not sure why she asked if she disrespected you. You should forget about her and move on.

  44. Is there a reason that the thought of him replacing you worries you? It sounds like that might be the best thing for everyone, except maybe the new potential GF.

  45. Can you take a leave from school, instead of withdrawing, and tell your father that you accept his ultimatum and have withdrawn (lie of course) from the course since he will not pay?

    I imagine your attractiveness as a groom goes down if they believe you will not be a physician, and your father would rather you be a physician than working a blue collar job.

    It gives you time to either convince him to pay or use that time to work and look for a way to save money or secure loans or scholarships

  46. Has she gotten any therapy to deal with her situation?

    Losing a career, is she just wanting something to prove she still can?

    Is her Dr really giving her the ok to risk her health with another pregnancy?

  47. I would not say she uses her phone a lot. She is generally very present. Like maybe if we’re leaving a place and just got in the car she’ll reply to some messages. But she’s definitely got the messages and read them and is just choosing not to respond which is annoying to me. I’m not trying to have an elaborate conversation or anything

  48. However, when I get upset, he tells me that political views have nothing to do with our relationship and I have no reason to be upset.

    That's bullshit, a large part of political views are a derivation from the persons' ethics and morals. You're not obligated to stay with a person who has a shitty set of ethics and morals that do not line up with your ethics and morals.

  49. I mean he clearly doesn't trust her cuz she clearly cheated. Buttt yeah, let it go unless you can move on (unlikely)

  50. People rarely want to date their therapists. They start to emotionally associate themselves with traumas, and hard time of overcoming them. This can often kill the feeling of love they had before for their partners

    It is what is. Supporting your loved ones is one thing, but don't let yourself be their therapist. If they need therapust, they will gave to pay proffesional one. You want to be mentally associated with good time, and happiness, not dealing with traums

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