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24 thoughts on “reveuse69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Don't merely drop her, block her on your phone, your socials, the dating app, all that stuff. She's toxic and weird and flakes on you. You know what she threatened to do to you – cut you off totally? Beat her to the punch.

  2. Hey, I saw your post on r/Manchester but though here would be a better place to leave my response

    I think that honestly by posting these questions and calls to action that you, deep down, do know that leaving him is the right thing to do.

    There were some great resources left in that thread to help you that are for the local area. I know you said how much progress he’s made and how you don’t want to leave him…. But he’s not your responsibility.

    Age has nothing to do with it, you’re both consenting adults – but from the sounds of it you’re not in a loving relationship. If this is the most important issue to him and he truly cared he would change. Change is something you can’t force and for you to thing that you can is a massive discredit to him and yourself.

    You’re not in love with him, you’re in love with the person you want him to be. The person that doesnt binge drink once a month and ruin your home. The longer you stay the harder it will be – for your own sake leave and let him figure this out for himself. That’s the right thing for everybody in this situation. Don’t try to be the hero – he needs help and you can’t be that help.

  3. we have had sex for about 6 years and we did not use any protection! I don't know how did I control. I am sure if we want another round we need protection.

  4. But, if he isn't willing to compromise for our relationship or even promise me that he will when it comes to it, I don't see it lasting very long?

    You're only 20, and only a year into this relationship. At this point, you both need to prioritise your own education/career. Things can change from one day to another, so it's not unusual for couples your age to say “we'll take things day by day and discuss concrete issues when they pop up”

  5. He is clearly transphobic based on his comment about taxes, so no he wouldn’t support a trans child and I doubt he’d support a gay child either.

    Stop being blinded by him, OP.

  6. He doesn’t really post anymore. But he doesn’t care about anyone else tagging him. All the other tagged photos are there.

  7. Her expectation to have different rules is hypocritical.

    Sit her down and tell her straight. She demanded that you had a 12 am curfew, so that is what she gets.

    She said if you went to bars or clubs it would be over, so that is what she gets.

    She doesn’t get to say the past is in the past and act like it’s all good, she unilaterally decided how you were allowed to act, now she wants to unilaterally decide how she acts.

    Tell her that you are willing to compromise, she can pick one of the limits she imposed on you and she will have to keep to it.

  8. It depends on the girl. We don't know how shes gonna react. But at the same time, I don't think it's something you need to volunteer. If it comes up then sure don't lie.

  9. i clearly wasnt insulting their actual intelligence though was I, from that comment I wouldn’t be able to tell if they’re thick as fuck or the next Einstein

  10. I know how it sounds but relationship without sex? I am a human and i got my needs, but i still love her and want the best for her and i know that if it causes pain i wont do this. Damn.

  11. Agreed! Unfortunately, it sounds like they live together, so she probably doesn’t want to acknowledge it. I’d be finding a roommate and pack up.

  12. I was wondering if he was going to make you pay for the class he booked.

    Hon, he's using you to pay for his life until he graduates. Please stop.

  13. It sounds like he's not interested in getting better or doing better. He's completely content freeloading off of you for as long as you'll allow it.

    It's time to drop the dead weight.

  14. Wasn't there a similar post recently about the same topic? Bf was going to propose and the gf constantly undermined any trip by inviting friends. It eventually resulted in the guy calling off the proposal and ending the relationship because he realized he'll always be second to the gf's friends.

  15. OP isn't my kid. I would not want my child to be friends with someone like that because I would worry about her safety. However, I don't believe verbal abuse is indicative of a permanent character flaw that is innate to someone's core. Do I think the person is currently acting immorally? Yes. Do I think they need professional help? Yes, of course. But let me give you one example.

    The person who initially responded to me (“boohoo who cares if an abuser is isolated” or whatever) ran all over this thread pulling the same thing. In her case, it's a trauma reaction. But my comment didn't say that I was worried about the guy feeling lonely because he doesn't deserve to ever feel sad. It said I was worried about his behaviors worsening in response to isolation, which in turn impacts his victim far more than it impacts anyone else. When this person responded, she didn't register that. She just clocked that I mentioned the abuser being isolated, saw red, and vomited out an emotional reaction that wasn't even relevant.

    I'm gonna guess this content has been triggering because she mentioned being strangled by a partner to someone else. 1 in 3 US women have been victims of intimate partner violence (and 1 in 4 men!), so there is a good chance that these responses are at least, in part, to someone who has been abused. I am also one of those women, and I'm not going to assume that you aren't, because people can experience things and arrive to different conclusions.

    But anyway, when someone sees or hears something that really pisses them off, or an interaction enrages them, there's a decision gate. It's always a choice. In the case of the commenter I've been discussing, she chose to not pause, take a breath, and make sure she understood what she read and why I may have been saying it. Instead, she assumed the worst based on a few words, and gave herself permission to continue assuming the worst and respond to me as if that's what I actually said. And then she went and did that to a bunch of other people. Zero impulse control.

    I assume you know why I'm spelling this out, but in case it wasn't clear: this is the process by which verbal abuse happens. This individual made incredibly ignorant assumptions about me, read meaning that wasn't there into something I said, and chose to ride out that anger — assuming she was justified, and giving herself permission to be absolutely out of line if she wasn't — and peppers her excuse into her answers to other people. For some reason, having been hurt exempts her, in her mind, from needing to control her impulses the same as anyone else. I have zero doubt that this carries into her real life, and would not be shocked to discover that she is or has been verbally abusive and literally has no idea. Like, she's acting like this to strangers having literally not comprehended what they said, imagine what it's like when someone who's supposed to “know better” says some of the wrong words too close together.

    Now I'm not saying the boyfriend is traumatized, but I don't really know. I don't know his childhood or anything like that. But the underlying process is extremely similar, something is setting him off for whatever reason and he chooses to act like/believe he cannot control how he behaves. And if he was traumatized, it would still be wrong.

    Thankfully there are treatments that can be pretty effective for this kind of thing. I hope that commenter is able to access something that works. I don't believe this behavior has to be a permanent blemish on her character, or is indicative of something innate that is wrong with her. I don't condemn people in that kind of way (though don't get me wrong, I don't like her in the slightest and I truly hope to never interact with her again unless she does take responsibility in her own healing). And I don't trust anyone who says they are morally pure and only allow morally pure people in their lives, because I've been around long enough to know that's simply bullshit.

    At this point in my life, without a doubt I wouldn't even let a friendship form with an abusive person. Not good for my headspace, not my job to save anyone. But what are you gonna do if it's your kid who's the abuser? Shun them and hope they magically get better, or that you at least don't have to know about what they're doing? Beat the shit out of them? Tell them there's something fundamentally evil about them that can't be changed? I'd really hope not, especially because the latter two are… abusive. And in terms of getting results, they do not work. You'd owe it to society and to your child to get them help in the best faith possible. I hope you never find yourself there, and if you do, I hope you are able to do what is right.

  16. Actually, OP has clarified that her ovaries weren't removed, only her uterus. Her lack of sex drive would not be a normal result of this procedure and she should definitely be talking with her doctor about it.

  17. Yes you actually expressed why it hurt me better than I did haha.

    Right know I don’t know what to do with him, because there are definitely good things about our relationships and I don’t want to ruin it because of a single fight, but I’m still very much upset

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