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7 thoughts on “ass2mouthlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Pride cometh before the fall

    I'm a fool. I love being a fool. I get fooled all the time and couldn't be happier. I tried. My best. I don't regret anything. My fool is what allows me to live life fully.

    Example. I lost 2 kids and my wife when I was 19. I didn't take it well, went into the woods for about 9months. Lived buck naked in the woods. When I came back to civilization, I was wearing a bear I had jumped out a redwood to kill with a rock. In the next 5 months I went around the world 2 times with no passport. Once by boat as a deckhand, once hitching planes. Did you know you could hitchhike a plane? I didn't before I heard a guys say it, and tried. I was a fool to listen to him, a fool to try and a fool who loved it.

    Never be afraid to try, especially if your in hell already.

  2. Take back your own power. Your BF has already told you he's not going to do anything, so make the commitment to yourself to do something. Call her up, tell her you saw her message because that's the kind of relationship you have with your BF. Then tell her she is no longer welcome at your home for game night because you and your BF have decided to limit invitations to friends only. She is not a friend to either one of you, thus she is no longer invited.

    Then re-think your relationship with your BF because he sure sounds interested in her feelings.

  3. Let's be real, if she would've told you that she had another love interest you'd react poorly. She knows that too, which is why she chose not to disclose it. Being dishonest was shitty, but it was also kind of shitty for you to request that she tells you about her love life. At this point, you should move on and find new friends and a girl that likes you.

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