SweetCandy live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 10, 2022

7 thoughts on “SweetCandy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Before you leave see your HR and ask about touting a percentage of your check to a personal bank account he doesn’t know about.

  2. Any advice?

    Don’t have tough conversations when she’s on the phone with a friend.

    That’s just common sense.

  3. She’s trying to heal and move on from the breakup. NC means NC. She’s clearly trying to not be in contact with you.

    Let her alone and move on

  4. We bicker recently about money, he saves more than me. Plans for the day, he likes to be up early and I move slower. And other day to day things. When we come together we come up with resolutions, but it feels like whenever we work hard to tackle one problem, another one arises and we have to do it all over again. Neither of us have had this issue in previous relationships. But neither of us have dated someone like ourselves before.

  5. If my husband was constantly accusing me of having affairs, that means that he does not trust me. Without trust in a relationship, there is no relationship. I would not stay married to a man like you.

    If you want to make your marriage work, change your behavior and get help.

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