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ScarletStorm69live sex stripping with hd cam


51 thoughts on “ScarletStorm69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would recommend bringing up PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) to her.

    PMDD causes extreme mood shifts that can disrupt work and damage relationships. Symptoms include extreme sadness, hopelessness, irritability or anger, plus common PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and bloating.

    My friend struggles with similar issues, although she internalized a lot of her feelings. So instead of taking them out on her partner, she felt unwanted, insecure and literally crazy at times. At some point she seriously considered ending her relationship with her partner because she felt her partner deserved better. Usually a few days after her period would end, she would be back to normal but that would make her feel even crazier.

    Then she found out about PMDD and got the diagnosis and medication to treat it. She's been doing much better and I helped her do some research about it, I also just wanted to educate myself on it in general because it was the first time I've heard of it.

    It's worth looking into. There's medication and therapies she can use to help cope and regulate her emotions better, by herself as she should. With your support of course, but you are not responsible for keeping her calm if she's going to belittle you and call you names when you're actively trying to defuse the situation.

    Whether she has PMDD, or not, she should still see a doctor about this.

    I really hope this helps, even if it helps someone randomly reading my comment.

  2. He called her a liar. He’s angry at her for being abused. Instead of being supportive of the fact that she shared a traumatic event with him he’s acting like she’s deceived him in some way. He refuses to look at this from her point of view and has centered himself as the wronged one. These are abusive behaviors.

  3. Okay, here's the real talk: when it comes to picking a partner, love doesn't matter.

    Let's pretend relationships are loaves of bread. Flour is fundamental to bread, you have to have it but it's not what makes the bread taste good. The stuff that makes bread taste good is salt and other possible additions. Flour is just basic, it's required for the bread to exist but it's not something you take into account when choosing a yummy loaf.

    In this metaphor, flour is love. Love is a fundamental part of relationships. Love will always be a part of your relationships. Love is not what makes the relationship good. Communication, care, willingness to compromise, etc…THAT is what makes a relationship good.

    Love is a stupid reason to stay with someone. You will also love the next person. It's a basic requirement. so, choose your relationships based on that stuff that matters.

  4. If you want to truely end this you need to end the conversations.

    His actions towards his child are not those of a good father but there is nothing you can do about that.

    Make sure all items have been returned and make a clean break. He really didn’t sound trustworthy from your post and quite frankly his ex is right in that you are worth more than this.

  5. Yeah i think therapy might be good, thank you. In the meantime i just am not sure how to move forward and talk to my partner about this

  6. Maybe that's the issue, she has to deal w it 24/7 but you wanted to end yourself from just doing it for a little bit. So you can understand why she's miserable, she's done it for longer

  7. This is pretty complicated, OP. In some ways, it sounds like he wanted the process of introducing new partners into your sexual dynamic to involve both of you, though he went about it poorly, and you backed out on that process, because it wasn’t truly something you were comfortable with. The communication around this new dynamic broke down very early on, and that led to where you are now.

    He shouldn’t have pushed you to do something you weren’t comfortable with. Full stop. You should never “talk your partner into” something as intimate and complicated as sexual activities, especially if it involves other people. So he was definitely in the wrong there. And tbh anything that happens as a result is his fault, since it happened at his initiation.

    He’s also correct, in that you are not swinging. You are in a situationship/ FWB relationship with a single person. That’s not swinging, that’s more like polyamory, where you’re in emotional relationships with multiple people. So in a way, you’re in the wrong… but it also seems to me like the rules and boundaries weren’t fully established, and assumptions were made based on misunderstandings. To be extra fair, you’re new at this, and he isn’t, so the burden was on him to establish the rules of the game (that, again, you didn’t really want to play).

    Prognosis on your relationship is, things will be difficult for a while, if the relationship even survives. Hopefully it’s a strong marriage to begin with, because it sounds like both of your boundaries were overrun, and your communication around this really significant new phase of your relationship broke down really badly early on in the process.

    Good luck.

  8. You could always say to the sister, in front of your girlfriend, shielding your eyes, that she is making you uncomfortable. She doesn’t have to put on clothes, but she doesn’t need to be prancing around either. Say something.

  9. way to choose some unstable vindictive woman to sleep with. What did you do to make her angry at you? This seems extreme and you seem to be hiding a lot of info.

  10. Massage/spa day, a bill paid to help her and a dinner out, chocolates and bubble bath stuff with candles, etcetera. All things that make Moms feel appreciated. I know- I am a Mom!

  11. You're 23 and not married. End it and find someone new who wants you.

    When people ask for open relationships they typically either have a specific person in mind they want to have sex with who isn't their partner or they are looking to retroactively cover over cheating. She just went on a retreat without you…

  12. Nope nope. I was with this guy for 3 years. He always needed more time. Nothing changed. I knew he loved me, but emotionally unavailable is emotionally unavailable and that’s deeply rooted in a person, shaped by years of experiences. You can’t undo it. You can’t change it. He can’t change it if he doesn’t address the underlying issue, with a licensed therapist. PLEASE don’t make the same mistake as me and stay with this guy. 7 months is not very long and a hell of a lot easier to detach from than a 3 year relationship. Recommend therapy to him (I bet he says no he can do it on his own) and let him know you’ll be available to him when and if he can be available to you. My ex has been in therapy now for over 2 years working on this one, and I’m in a very happy relationship with someone else who is incredibly emotionally available. I did spend 3 years of my life in emotional hell though. I wish better for you, good luck.

  13. You can't rectify anything you can't even acknowledge you did. If you stand in front of your rape victim and call it “going overboard” “confusion” or “I couldn't help it hormones make decisions on their own” then you're specifically telling her you're not even sorry enough to not gaslight her. Rapist.

  14. You accept your wife for who she is. She is still dealing with trauma and you would be a huge ah for even mentioning her weight, unless her physical health is being affected.

  15. Some parents, especially Filipino moms, find it hard to cut the umbilical cord. My own mom tried to “bribe” me with an allowance because she can't understand why I would want to work when she can just give me an allowance and be at her beck and call anytime, all the time.

    I didn't confront her about it. I just went on doing what I want to do, when I wanted to do it. When I got a job, I moved out as soon as I can.

    I didn't ask permission. I simply informed her of my plans. No better way to show your parents you're growing than to make decisions for yourself and stick with it.

    Pero pasaway ako eh. Matigas ulo. ?

  16. Do you think it would be good to be in that situation where we’re not involved with other people ? Or would that just lead to more hurt

    Sorry, can you touch on that again? I am a bit confused on the phrasing.

    I somewhat covered the topic of other people during break in my comment.

    Do you mean, would this situation have been more salvageable if he didn't lie about kissing others, considering everything else?

  17. Imagine for a moment that you had a male friend or family member who came to you with this exact problem with their wife/girlfriend/whatever.

    What would you tell him? It probably wouldn't be 'repeatedly tell her that she's not doing enough for you, and then dump her if that doesn't work after a few months', it'd be 'be supportive and understanding of her mental health, don't take it personally' and possibly with a side of 'she doesn't owe you sex and you should learn to go without!'

  18. This. I’ve never understood why so many people seem to think that cheating is okay as long as they pay for it.

    If OP doesn’t have an open relationship, then it’s really hard to understand how touching another woman’s naked body for the purposes of sexual arousal isn’t cheating?

  19. The fact that you never once cited the UCCJEA in your screed makes me doubt that you have much experience in practicing family law, anywhere.

  20. He can text the mother of his child about the child a couple of times a day. But the constant texting, hiding that he's texting and telling you that you are insecure are red flags.

    If he's always on his phone there's no reason for him to keep you waiting for 2 hours or more.

    Talk to him about how all this makes you feel. Depending on his response you will have to decide to stay or go.

  21. For your sake, I hope he’s more sympathetic to your bullshit than I would be. I simply would not allow you to use the car anymore if you have so much “driving anxiety” that you can’t get out of the house and bring me what I need.

  22. If he’s acknowledged that it’s official then his behavior is unacceptable to you so he’s already failed. If you’ve been clear about your boundaries and he’s crossed them then that’s it. Boundaries are only good if they are respected and if there are consequences for overstepping then. You should not have to explain to your partner that calls from other women at 1:30 am are not OK.

  23. Yeah, he needs to give you an explanation before asking something like that. He needs to be able to present a valid reason why.

  24. Yeah, I blinked twice at that – her implying that not wanting to call her pet names than infantalise her makes him not a good guy?

    Heaven forbid the dude want to treat his adult girlfriend as an adult…

  25. As someone with ADHD, this is just plain insulting. Your BF is a lazy selfish ass trying to hide behind his disorder. He is hiding behind “feeling bad” because he knows he can guilt you into just taking things as is. At this point, you’re actively letting him use you like a fleshlight because he has proven to you over and over again that is all he will see you as in terms of your sex life. A man that wants to even try to bring you pleasure sill not give up after 2-3 minutes and shrug it off without making any attempt to better himself or your sex life.

  26. First time getting waxed and the only thing that got me hard is how stimulating it is, didn’t find anything actually sexually arousing about it tho

  27. Your boyfriend is horrid. Blaming the SA on your leaving him? Truly disgusting. Reason enough to leave him for good. Seriously. No one deserves this. And listen to your gut – he is seeing other people.

  28. i appreciate the advice. i think the emotional intensity of my previous relationship was addicting and I remember that more than the negative emotions that came along with it. things do seem to be moving in the right direction. Ive noticed my feelings towards him and happiness from the relationship increasing with time. i guess if things are moving in a positive direction, then that's a good sign. Maybe the immediate, intense passion and love can be a facade and the fact that this wasn't the case here will actually make me capable of building something much stronger and more real.

  29. >there’s a chance they won’t have developed the emotional capability to understand what’s actually happening

    Oh gee, that's comforting.

    Also, there are benefits to being raised by two parents beyond finances.

    But, just to confirm, you think it's easier to navigate joint-custody of 4 young children, rather than also care for a 5th child?

    Because it sounds like a lot of effort to avoiding caring for a vulnerable child.

  30. I think this is too much for you to take on as your problem. Just see them less. Less conflict in your life. They are old enough to foresee how this impacts you.

  31. Adults: leave us alone!

    Older adult: presses for legal visitation

    This is unhealthy. In fact it's what we teach kids NOT to do

  32. This is a bad take. I do tons of things at work that I have absolutely no interest doing at home or for my partner.

    The issue here is that she kept it a secret, everything else is ops insecurity to deal with. Of course she looks like shes having a good time. Thats the job. I swear yall are the people who ask for a baristas number because she was nice to you as if her training manual doesnt say “smile and be friendly with customers”

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