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DesereaRoselive sex stripping with hd cam


46 thoughts on “DesereaRoselive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I fully expect that she will snap out of it and come back to me

    Don't. Maybe this if an off the cuff move based on some whim she has…. but it also may be real.

    When someone says “it's over” take them at their word. Even if it hurts, and in your case, as you've written it, it really fucking hurts.

    Romance and physical aren't the same thing. For whatever reason, she feels she's lost the romance. That doesn't need to be a reflection on you by the way, you could be Captain Romantic but she's not feeling that. And that's a her thing.

    If you're both still in contact and it's open and amicable then by all means ask the questions you feel you need the answers for. Just be aware that she made the move and the answers may not be the ones you'd want.

    If it truly is the end, the goal is acceptance. And no, you can't fix what can't be fixed and that's NOT on you.

    Is it going to hurt? Fuck yeah it's going to hurt. If it didn't, then the relationship meant nothing at all and that's clearly not the case. After 5 years, it's not unreasonable to want reasons, but if they're given, you'll need to accept them.

  2. I feel like this is written by the sister, given the emphasis on apologising to the person who performed the prank and acting like the reaction was a bigger deal than than the awfulness so free actual prank.

  3. Please don't lighten your skin. Dark skin is just as beautiful as light, and I say that as a white man. You just haven't met the right guy yet.

  4. If a friend of yours was going through this nonsense what would you tell them? You'd say leave the dork right? Same applies here.

    Yes you'll be alone for a minute but you're alone already.

  5. No one's mentioned that, but I'm reading about it online and it sounds perfect. It sharpshoots exactly the things she struggles with. Good info, thanks!

  6. This is assault. You should go to the police before you go get your hair fixed. He assaulted you. He made a choice about your body. He took your autonomy away from you. How can you ever trust him again? How can you ever fall asleep next to him without the fear that he will do something like this again? You deserve better!

  7. This is Wild. So OP never wondered who were those photos in lingerie were for since they weren't for him? Just chilling on his wife's phone and happened to be stolen from the mutual friend? Now both sides have deleted everything and this poor naïve dude is just going to move forward cause he has no evidence. Wow.

  8. and i can tell you dont understand limerence. its not a disorder that goes away over time. it only goes away with treatment. i lost years of my life to limerence. its horrible.

  9. Her: “Babe, we need to talk.”

    Him: “Yeah, what’s up, babe?”

    Her: “I – – we – – hold on.” opens reddit, scrolls down to gordonf23 “Honey, I really love you and I love having sex with you…”

  10. Lol yeah I’m this case I think he’s full of shit. Can a guy have a girl bf, sure, but they usually have been around a while and are not that physically intimate with each other unless there are feelings or they are fucking behind your back.

  11. Eh even if he doesn’t “look black” if his culture and environment is black eh. It’s such a diverse word and feeling to us.

  12. As we mature, we find out who we are, our values change, and we grow in different directions. Friends who don't mature at the same rate or whose values don't align with ours anymore get left behind, and that is okay. It is good you are recognizing that you and she are no longer a good fit. Distance yourself and move on. You have outgrown this friendship, and that is no ones fault.

  13. Maybe it’s for a green card, or maybe she truly cares for OP and is worried that if he doesn’t commit soon, she will have to leave him and go home once her student visa expires.

  14. If he doesnt trust her then he shouldnt be having sex with her, simple as that. She has every right to be upset.

  15. you need to take a break from dating and find out what your looking for in a relationship.

    Its not this.

  16. Get a lawyer, maybe some personal therapy and move on with life.

    She's probably borderline and be lucky you got out from it.

  17. Uhhhh Lmfao I would’ve told her to gtfo of my bed the minute she laid down. You don’t have to accept this shit. Stand up for yourself

  18. Love that you’re doing this!

    Depends on whether she wears and loves the ring, why you chose it in the first place, and if anything significant has changed in your relationship since the first proposal. Are you starting from scratch and asking her the question all over again, or are you ‘performing’ the proposal knowing she’s already said yes?

    Personally I’d think if the original ring carried a lot of meaning, it would be really sweet to keep it the same.

    All the best!

  19. A 32-year-old using the “mature soul” on a 19-year-old is highly suspect, regardless of gender. It’s a classic groomer line. Avoid avoid avoid.

    You’re 19, my dude, you have plenty of time to meet other, better girls. Just put yourself out there and focus on building relationships (platonic as well as romantic) with women. BTW, “putting yourself out there” doesn’t have to be aggressively socializing at a club. It can be getting involved in your local SCA, picking up a new hobby, whatever—anything that spurs you to meet and hang out with other people every so often. Personally, I recommend going to couple dance classes—there’s never enough dudes at those things! 😉

  20. As Amy from TBBT said, “there's the vulgar adage: Don't defecate where you eat.” Meaning don't have a romantic relationship in the workplace. Oftentimes it creates more problems than solutions.

  21. The problem is you want more sex than her. I presume you've already done what you can to make it fun for her.

  22. Sounds like abuse of services. Anyone who would use such a thing as a tool to flame or troll someone else here says a lot more about them then it does about the person they flamed/trolled with it.

  23. Yeah it’s not unreasonable to have a discussion about finances before moving in together. In fact I recommend it. It’s not clear but as to who should pay what though… that’s only between you two. For instance if my wife makes more but pays a bunch in childcare, healthcare, student loans.. whatever and I just pay for a phone, then maybe it’s not a perfect ratio to our income

  24. I really hope you stop going to strangers homes while intoxicated or while planning to be intoxicated.

    There are a trillion different things that could have gone wrong. Please be more careful.

    Don’t feel ashamed. We’ve all done crazy things that make us cringe when we think about it.

    Just feel thankful that this is all that happened.

  25. I'm hoping I get the chance tomorrow, I tried explaining this in the moment but she said I was just digging my grave deeper so idk it felt too personal to even discuss like it wouldnt help but im hoping giving her the night will help.

  26. It seems like he has red pill attitude about women. He thinks that all women are liars and cheaters and out to take the man’s money. Nothing personal against you. I personally wouldn’t want to marry a man who doesn’t like women.

  27. Even if it didn't happen to my very lovely girlfriend (hopefully never, because I'll have blood on my hands tbh if so) and to a stranger, done by my best of buddies, and I was drunk, I would instantly sober up and make them stop. Someone in such a vulnerable state should never be bullied like that, or ever. Luckily none of my friends have ever been rude regarding my ex to me, and I hope I never make such friends, or a significant other who does that to anyone, let alone to their friend's girl and all. I understand it's difficult, but you have to move on from this event, don't let it break you. As for your “boyfriend”, make sure he's completely erased from your life. Just take him as someone in the categories of “not to date”. That's it, no more acknowledgement, just like he didn't acknowledge your emotions, don't acknowledge his existence after you breakup, just keep the past as a lesson.

  28. He has shown his true colours. You don't need a 'man' like this, especially if he can't even defend you while you are in a vulnerable position and crying. This is not the actions of a grown decent man.

  29. How do you make him understand? You leave, divorce him, take half of everything, go back to university, finish your degree and live a happy, fulfilled life without this parasite making you unhappy. That’s all you need to do.

  30. Yes, shared chore meant her doing it all. I had a very similar situation where in theory it was shared but in reality I did it. When I first just stopped washing his clothes then suggested separate laundry however he was embarrassed as he knew he wasn't doing his share. He didn't get angry with me.

  31. That is an extremely cruel thing to call anyone but especially a diabetic. I absolutely did not say or insinuate that. OP hasn’t said that she’s done anything to help herself, just that he is entirely responsible for her care and finances which is not fair.

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