Lily-velezzz live webcams for YOU!


Heyy im new!!! SALE SPANKS ASS OFF PANTY X5 [Fill The Tank Show]

Date: December 24, 2022

8 thoughts on “Lily-velezzz live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your boyfriend needs to understand that faith isn’t a logical position, and debating with someone who is highly religious is not only pointless but potentially dangerous. You can’t use logic to get someone out of a position they didn’t use logic to get into.

    Regardless of the quality of the points made, your brother was going to be hurt/offended and there was no upside in engaging the topic, however respectfully it was intended.

  2. It's a mentality. My husband had a porn addiction. He cut it out of his life over 3 years ago and hasn't looked back. But many of these “what she doesn't know won't hurt her” or “it's totally normal I shouldn't have to stop” dudes skew the statistics. If he doesn't want to stop or isn't real about changing his habits, he'll never change. But it is possible.

  3. Lol i'm a pet owner and have owned many, as in dozens, of pets in my life. What in the fuck would I do with a pile of hair? Zero interest.

    If i dated someone with a drawer full of dead animal hair I would also be weirded out.

  4. Love is not a magic spell or pill and neither is a marriage. Love is work, compromise and sharing a life and experiences.

    Did you question your marriage before this? If not, then don't now. Block this man and enjoy your love and life with your husband, the person you have shared your ups, downs and in betweens with.

    Look, I am not married but I have known my fiance for more of my life than not. We've been together since 2018 and my love for him gets stronger with time. Never once have I thought of the should've, could've, would've's because I have no interest in giving up this wonderful love I have on someone else.

  5. The research is stating that even being adopted from birth is traumatic and, despite the demand for “domestic infants” (ew), there is no guarantee that child won’t spend time in the system or will be given to a stable family.

    I am admittedly extremist when it comes to this topic but that is because I have seen and experienced first-hand the harm it causes.

    I do not believe adoption should be a go-to “solution” for an unwanted pregnancy. There are already enough children that are alive and suffering, rolling the dice for another is unimaginable to me.

  6. proud of you, kid. stick to your guns, and hold out for someone who doesn't do any of this shit your ex did. you've got a good head on your shoulders, and women obviously find you attractive enough, so put yourself back out there and have fun.

  7. Sometimes they're little red ribbons, sometimes they're massive red banners. Sadly, there's always someone who fails to see them.

  8. Again it’s you, you, you. Leave him alone, actions speak louder than words. Welcome to your actions have consequences !

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