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11 thoughts on “AliceSexelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I had a husband that would be out for hours drinking and couldn't be bothered to text me if he was still alive or not (his best friend was a drunk driver that killed his passenger in a rollover accident and spent 5 years in prison) nor could he text me that he was not coming home and staying with a friend. There was more than once that I left for work in the morning not knowing where he was.

  2. Is this something she wanted, or you did?

    I do want to say that to me, a crush is not really serious. It’s a dopamine hit. I would still tell me husband and make sure he could be a part of every interaction I had to have with that person to stay comfortable. Communication is key and it’s important to be honest with your partner, always.

    If you wanted this break because you can’t trust that she actually wants to still be with you, I get where you’re coming from. I really hope it works out. Don’t cut off all communication if you can. Schedule some chats at routine points to check in.

  3. Good for her! That's all I have to say about that.

    If you were holding her back, good for her for dumping you.

    If she was focusing on herself during your relationship, that's OK, because she's a young woman who doesn't have to put her boyfriend first, no matter what his condition is.

    If she's having a great time now and not sad about losing you, then that's OK too.

    You really need to focus on your nowhere life. Maybe copy what she's doing, because obviously it's working.

  4. I barley talked to him the rest of the night out of shock. Him masturbating doesn’t offend me but just knowing he was a room over doing it bothers me and makes me wonder if he does this a lot while I get ready for bed. Not sure how to approach it, but in a way I’m hurt.

    This is a very conflicting statement. Do you think he should help only masturbate when you are not home? If so, why? You need to dig down and figure out the WHY so that you can process what you are feeling.

  5. No, feeling sad about someone’s sexual history isn’t what I would consider a usual response. But then I wouldn’t not expect someone to say they didn’t have a history, so when you say you weren’t expecting it, why not? People have lots of different experiences and people in their lives. That’s my advice. Is look at what your preconceived ideas were and whether or not 1) they matter in terms of making decisions about who you do and don’t have relationships with and 2) whether it’s reasonable to have them. There are many times I expect something, it doesn’t happen, but rather than be sad it’s a good time to challenge myself. Is it reasonable that I thought that, or is it time to challenge my preconceived ideas.

  6. you sound like me when i thought my child's father was just sleepy all the time. turns out he was a raging alcoholic who was drunk 24/7 and I kept lying to myself telling myself he was telling the truth. one day i decided i was done lying to myself and i was done with him lying to me. he will have 1 year sober in a few weeks. he took responsibility for his shitty behavior. this dude is shit for lying and i hope you wake up and see it sooner than I did.

  7. You’re making too big of a deal of the likelihood of getting pregnant at this point. You’re making not nearly a big enough deal about what he did to you. Honestly, you could press charges if you wanted but at the very least block him on all platforms, and if he ever finds a way to contact you again, let him know exactly why he is never allowed in your life ever again

  8. OP, you seem to be looking for the validation that this relationship has issues that are big red flags.

    I try to give alternatives to whatever the popular advice is just so it doesn’t feel like such an echo chamber. I agree with most of the other posters that continuing this relationship has significant risk. If you were my bestie I’d be saying that this one should be a pass.

    All that being said. Couples therapy can help open lines of communication and can teach people how to communicate respectfully.

    Using “I feel” statements can help you communicate without blame. It feels more as an us against the problem and less me vs you. How it works: “when you (action) I feel (your reaction)”

    Example “when you were unfaithful, I felt like I would never be enough to satisfy your ego. I feel like when I’m not around to pay attention to you, I might as well not exist.”

    I also like to recommend “crucial conversations” for everyone. It is a great book that helps to isolate the elements that cause communication to break down.

    As I said before, I think you already want out and I tend to say go with your gut.

    Good luck.

  9. Hey OP, i make about what your husband makes and my wife is a stay at home wife at the moment. It’s pretty clear that everyone responding doesn’t understand that 200k doesn’t magically go as far as they think it does. They mean well, but they really struggle to understand that your household income basically only finances the “luxuries” of quality healthcare as needed, funding your retirement, and having a bank account that can save you if something terrible happens.

    What are your savings and retirement investments every month? If you’re already maxing our your 401k match and your Roth IRA, then it’s ok to pull back from, say, 20% to 15% in order to get some breathing room (assuming high interest debt is paid off and you have your emergency savings funded).

    I get your husband is more logical than emotional. Laying out the difference for him should be relatively straightforward if he’s inclined to compromise and wants the best for you.

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