ashestlive sex stripping with hd cam


3 thoughts on “ashestlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well, good luck for when she cheats on you again, physically this time. That's where you're headed. She's not sorry at all, only that she got caught, otherwise she wouldn't keep lying over and over again everytime and blaming everything but herself (depression and ED don't make you cheat lmao wtf does that have to do with anything). You clearly cannot trust her to ever be honest with you. She probably did worse that you don't know about. If you stay with her, you are literally giving her permission to keep cheating since she'll have no consequences whatsoever. You're being a doormat who'll be back here in a couple years talking about catching your wife with another dude and nobody will feel sorry for you this time cause you chose to stay with a cheater.

  2. But you don't live with her. It's pretty clear she's not happy about that and part of this may very well be her acting out about it, but that doesn't change the fact that you don't get a say in this.

    If you don't want to live together while she has a dog, then tell her that now so you can both figure out what the next steps are.

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