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Ariadna4ulive sex stripping with hd cam


27 thoughts on “Ariadna4ulive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Oh man…my wife has the best nose I've ever seen in my life. It's the hookiest-witch nose kind….but it drives me wild every time I see it. She once mentioned that she hated her nose…and from then on, whenever I see her walk past (and I see it in all its glory), I stop her to tell her that she has the best and most beautiful nose I've ever seen.

    She's also said several times that she wants a boob job, and each time, I tell her that it's 100% her choice, but I think what she has is already perfect. Eventually when I asked about it, she said something along the lines of, “Well, you like them so that's all that matters.”

    I also asked her if I should get a penis extension, as I'm less than average length…of course, she said she loves it and wouldn't want me to change a thing. I guess that's how you know your spouse loves you.

  2. From my perspective I just find the societal rules and expectations around marriage odd and outdated. I am interested in finding out whether I am overlooking something fundamental or, is everyone just going through with it because ‘it is what people do’. It seems to me that a lot of people that it works for either have similar assets and incomes going into marriage or, have not considered what might happen if they separated.

    I agree with your point that they should aim to understand each other and empathise. But, not necessarily compromise. There can be equal and valid reasons behind both sides stances.

  3. We figured out my wife is asexual a while into our marriage… You need a perspective shift. “Once in a while, not too often” is something much more akin to once a year than once a week. I'll say it for someone with experience who is is stuck in a relationship with an asexual partner… Run. Now. For the good of both of you.

  4. My friends would also understand that I wouldn't be attending any events with my ex or ex-bff. If they still plan other events with just me, we could stay friends. If the two I won't be around are always invited, they've made it clear that they don't care if I come or not.

  5. Agreed, it’s totally reasonable to not want to live together at this stage. I’m not ready for that either. I was more offended that I was called exhausting.

  6. God, you’re an angel I would’ve dump him as soon as he did that, it’s so gross I would feel violated.

  7. “she said I didn’t explicitly say what my boundary was as far as something like that so she had no clue I’d be upset about it.”

    People keep misusing this word, “boundary”. This isn't a “boundary”, this is you being controlling. Let it go, she doesn't owe you any apology. If anything you owe her one for being an AH about an outfit you already said was not an issue. For days now? Grow up

  8. Hope you don't find that the friend knew all along and even participated in the trist. If so, he has already been told that you know about the girls.

  9. Even a sock full of rice would have helped more, and I'm willing to bet you had that at home. She cheated.

  10. A lot of people do end up with people who aren't their typical “type,” although they should make their partner feel beautiful and secure.

  11. I bet he snorted something too. But allergies can absolutely make you sweaty and seem “antsy”. Your body is having an allergic reaction to something.

  12. I do have one, but it’s tough to get in more than once a month. So it’s a lot of journaling, trying to stay occupied with my other obligations and seeking outside information. Not a fast process by any means

  13. No part of this is OK.

    Seems like you'd like an opinion saying this wasn't rape, and its perfectly likely you'll return to having a great relationship.

    However, the reality is that your boyfriend has shown himself to not care about your feelings, to not care about your consent, and to take what he wants from you, regardless of your wishes. He raped you. I'm not sure you're going to get the answers you want here.

    Because from the outside looking in, the only option is to leave him before he gets worse. And preferably report him to the police so he ends up on a register and future partners will be able to see he's an unsafe partner.

  14. He said “what's up.” Which is a greeting just like “hello.” He didn't invite the guest over, he had no obligation to them.

  15. If she’s given the “maybe another time”’answer multiple times, go seek other prospects who display actual enthusiasm.

  16. Yeah you need therapy. He is your ex. Hai actions have nothing to do with you. He told he he didn't want to be emotionally involved with you by breaking up with you. Find a new job and a good therapist.

  17. We’ve only been seeing each other for about two months, so I feel like it’s too soon to talk about becoming official. If we continued seeing each other in person I think we’d end up serious but i guess that’s sort of the issue.

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