Mau_Whitelive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “Mau_Whitelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, and if your boyfriend is bothered by it then it suggests that there's something he's not telling you

  2. You're not the first person to mention defensiveness is somewhat normal, so I'll reconsider that. I think where I'm coming from, I've gotten rid of most of my defensiveness though therapy. The people I dated later on in life (and has married) don't get defensive that often. If someone told me I was abusing my animals, I would be concerned and curious, not offended. I think it's a self-esteem thing and looking at the situation objectively. “Someone told me I'm abusing animals. It is my actions, not who I am as a person. It doesn't mean I'm a horrible evil jerk. It means I'm not aware that what I am doing may be causing harm. Let's take another look.” But anyway, I can see how some people may get triggered initially. The way they respond after things cool down can say more perhaps.

    And yes I agree he likely isn't a “budding psychopath”. Not that great of a partner perhaps, but OP can work it out with him as they get to know him more and keep an eye out for what we have mentioned.

  3. 1) You not wanting porn in your relationship is like second date material. Not something you bring up months into the relationship /facepalm.

    The assumptions for the majority of people is that it's ok.

    2) The reason for 1) is that the change of somebody stopping to watch porn imo at least is nearly 0, but the likelyhood that people will lie about it, especially after being in a relationship for a while that they don't want to lose, is rather high.

    1) more or less caused 2)(him lying isn't your fault of course)

    Be honest about it quickly so that people who do watch it are less likely to go “I'm going to lie to keep the relationship”.

  4. It sounds like all the effort is coming from your end, and none from his. And unless he decides to value you and this relationship more, then there's nothing much you can do.

    Do you feel like he is still in love with you, or has this relationship become one of convinience for him?

  5. Yep. End the relationship so she can find someone who wants kids and you can find someone who doesn’t. Not fair to make her stay in a relationship where you know you won’t give her something she really wants.

  6. This is your decision to make. But reading this it feels like it would be better if you broke up. Love isn't really enough to sustain a relationship. He won't change.

  7. Sorry my guy, what I bring to the relationship is irrelevant here. Clearly this man wants to be with me so why even ask the question. And I’ve already acknowledged his aspirations are respected. But neglecting your relationship in the mean time is a no go.

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