Thunderthighx live webcams for YOU!


Thunderthighx Public Chat Channel

Date: December 6, 2022

44 thoughts on “Thunderthighx live webcams for YOU!

  1. You may have hit the nail on the head. She doesn't mention about being influenced by her parents. And she is happy to have her space. She is very sensitive. She feels people's energy deeply. And it affects her. I don't have that kind of money or insurance to get her therapy. I'm struggling to grt of this hole. But those are things that are already on my to do list once I can afford it.

  2. You really need to have a conversation with her. She needs to know how you feel and her shouting you down when you bring it up is so disrespectful. Tell her stop. You need to explain how it makes you feel. Tell her that if she can't understand how this crosses your boundaries, and you can't at least find a compromise, that you can't see a future together. A couple needs to work together and both need to understand this. So my advice is this. Insist on a conversation. Let her know your boundaries. Outline the consequences of her ignoring those boundaries. Follow through and respect yourself.

  3. Ugh you did all the right things and then went and took him back. He hasn’t changed and he still sucks. Just divorce him and move on.

  4. I didnt ask for an apology bc i didnt think he was criticizing my culture. But i found it weird he joked about how my food wasn’t breakfast or healthy but got upset when i said sandwiches aren’t breakfast. Maybe I’m wrong here but since sandwiches are english I thought they weren’t his culture. I mean we eat sandwiches here too. But beans and tortillas is part of my culture and he laughed so idk. I thought we were both making the same jokes.

  5. Please, just cut him off right away. I had an experience similar to yours and this kind of guys end up trying to do things you do not want to be involved in. Why does he think he's entitled to shove his dick in your face and pull down your pants? FLEE, please

  6. By my count you used the word “hate” eleven times in your post.

    All the same YOU are complicit in this because you continue

    to subject yourself to the issues and do nothing.

    You are Responsible for your well-being and sitting on

    the INTERNET complaining while actually doing nothing does not qualify.

    Get to work.

  7. Is irritability or extreme mood swings a stated side effects of the meds, what has he said of the situation, is he still on those meds?

  8. I thought about that, but worry it would fester in her mind and lead to her closing herself sexually which would just make things worse between us

  9. How does your GF feel about it? You guys already own a condo together so I'm not sure why you'd want to move back into your parents place.

  10. Haha right. That’s the thing that got me. The wedding photos looked great so I’m glad I didn’t marry Jack.

  11. Answering your questions Where I work you can get work down quickly and have a few extra minutes before tackling the next load , she does this and comes to my desk as I work . Loads of our other colleagues do the same but tend to bounce around to one another but she tends to solely come to me when she has these extra moments in her work day . I have spoken to a close work friend of mine who knows our situation and she has told me she she sees what is happening and thinks it’s unfair on her to be acting this way towards me. (I agree yet find myself overlooking this whenever we are together) Responding to work relationships don’t work , I 100% agree with this and go by the “don’t shit where you eat” but I’m up for a slight transfer in my company in a few months which means I won’t be working with her closely or really at all in the future . Maybe I should have mentioned that in the post . Apologies

  12. Actually yes she does eat a lot of those weed gummies, maybe 2 a day. I never thought of that. Thanks for bringing it to my awareness

  13. How's a birthday a goofy holiday? Also if men (I am sure it's not all men like you're ridiridiculously claiming) are so self absorbed that they cannot even buy their partners a cake and a card then these men should stay single because all women cringe at men who think that showing the bare minimum of care for their partners is a huge, irrational expectation that women are crazy to put on their fragile shoulders.

  14. If you make a joke of everything she says, then yes, remove that part of yourself.

    At worst it's cruel, at best it's try-hard funny that just isn't funny.

  15. Ya. I am disappointed bc I honestly thought that we were really compatible in a lot of ways. But I can’t be with someone who prioritizes his ego over my feelings.

  16. The brain does that.

    In instances, where one needs to react for dear life, it just DOES.

    And no, I will not provide data, as I happen to have encountered several situations, where cognition/ thinking just switched off.

    And every situation involved being in immediate/ someone being in immediate danger.

    I KNOW what I am talking of. And I think I understand what OP is talking of.

  17. This is a good breakdown of questions to ask. I just keep seeing people crucify people's age gaps when it doesn't seem inherently wrong, and without context it isn't.

  18. this, coz if he starts making big deal of it, bil might dress normally but bring the costume and change in toilet

  19. She knows you. All her life, you’ve shown her exactly what kind of person and mother you are. There’s nothing you can say now that will erase all that you’ve done. She sees you for who you are, and there’s no going back.

    It’s time to give up on the hope of getting your daughter’s money. That’s never going to happen. Try your loser son, you have a better chance there because you actually treated him like a person and not a stray dog/slave.

  20. I can't stand the mentality of expecting freebies. If you get something for free, think of it as a gift, not an entitlement or right.

    Talk to your bf about it. Let him know that freebies aren't given in the workplace ever.

  21. Sorry to say but this just won’t work out the way you want. Most logical people know not to hang out with an ex whatever if they are interested in who they are with. The adult thing to do is move on.

  22. I think that you should stay put and break up.

    You’re just not that into her and she isn’t that into you. At your age and at 2 years of dating if you two aren’t talking serious commitment like marriage, then stop wasting each other’s time. You’re comfortable but you’re not compatible.

    I sincerely doubt that once she moves, this will last long at all because she’s already made a bunch or excuses as to why she doesn’t fit and she’s moving with really no consideration for you or your situation.

  23. Return the ring. Keep everything else. The items were gifts so you’re under no obligation to return them. Block him everywhere.

  24. As a naturally slim woman I did not get the impression she was putting women like me down. There is a noticeable difference between a woman like me who has a naturally small build and a person who is extremely thin because they are battling an eating disorder… or because they are 14 and have not filled out yet.

  25. The guy could’ve had a weapon and you wanted your bf to put himself at risk to fight this person? Side EYE. You were in your car. He came outside to be with you. He asked the right questions.

  26. You may not have anything to hide, but you are rationalizing the situation. “Her husband” and “your ex husband” will always be simultaneously be true as long as they are married. If they divorce then it would be “our ex husband.”

    Some people are just not on board with close co-parenting because of the dynamics.

  27. She's right, you do need to go back to therapy. You might feel like you don't need to but thats when you definitely need it.

    I made her know right from the beginning that she'll always be second to Emily,

    This is red flag #1. Emily is gone so you're making Claire play second fiddle to a ghost.

    Claire on the other hand seems to have gotten over her husband's loss much better than me though.

    Red flag #2 you sound salty that she's able to move on

    I told her that she has no idea how I feel because I've never seen her braking down like that and questioned whether she even misses her late husband.

    Red flag #3 and this is where you really fucked up, not everyone grieves the same way and for you to throw those words at her was an asshole move.

    Based on how this whole post reads you're not even ready to be in a relationship because you went from having a wife to now having a crutch that you're leaving on. Are you going to police everything Claire does? She can't wear green because that was Emilys favorite color? She can't drink a certain drink because that's what Emily always drank? Where does it end?

  28. Paying for your 34M online girlfriend room/wherever sounds like you have money to spare. Please book a therapy session and leave this person today. This is not healthy at any level.

  29. Now I feel dumb for that one. I did not realize the care that went into having a dog. This is my first ever puppy and we really wanted our son to have a friend since we aren’t trying again for kids anytime soon. I really should have thought that one through completely.

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