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9 thoughts on “maialina2live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My opinion about this matter changed when I actually read your answer on what “jokes” you were saying, and honestly, I didn't feel like you had intent to hurt him. Poor taste? Maybe. But some people use humor when they are bothered by something. It sounds like you're not compatible sex wise and I would let the relationship go. I also don't like that he gets mad when you're crying since it doesn't sound like you're using it against him. I could understand if you were playing “the victim” but you said you were crying at work and then he got mad when he found out. He's done with the relationship and I would just let this one go. You'll both be happier finding more compatible partners elsewhere

  2. That’s the conclusion I thought I had come to a couple of years ago. As much as it definitely comes across like a codependent relationship. I wasn’t sure, because I do want him to be independent. I don’t enjoy him relying on me sooo much. It would actually be nice if somebody would look out for me once in a while. I am a naturally empathetic person and a lot of my life is helping those around me. But I might have another look into it, thank you for the reply.

  3. You're holding on and he's pushing you away but wondering if you should let go? Lady, if this was your daughter, based on what you wrote, what would you tell her? How many times and in how many ways is this man going to tell you he doesn't want you, love you or respect you?

    I'm not trying to be mean but wake up! What are you trying to save? Love yourself enough! Save yourself from this man. Advocate for you and your mental help. He keeps feeding you false hope to bait you and bring you in then, gets comfortable and switches up.

    Are you the main bread winner? If that's the case, I'm sorry to say, he's using you. Get tested because he definitely cheated and go see a divorce lawyer.

    I'm sorry op.

    We all want love but op, this ain't it!!!!

    Don't have kids or anymore kids with him.

  4. My step mom has had a steel rod in her spine for over 35 years because of her Ex DDing on a motorcycle. The highway curved, but they didn't. Don't replace your spine with a steel rod, GTFO.

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