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Room for online video chats sabrina_teen1

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5 thoughts on “sabrina_teen1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So you went alone to his room drunk? Why? It hasn't been that long so I would most likely dump someone who thinks it's okay to go alone to a guy you just mets room drunk. I wouldn't date someone with such poor judgement regardless of what happened in the room.

    do I say nothing and what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him but if he finds out down the line it will be a hundred times worse?

    Fyi this is the logic most cheaters uses to “justify” not telling their spouse, so I don't think this is a healthy mindset to have. I'd tell him, because if it comes out later I don't there is any chance your relationship survives, I mean why he would he believe what you say then. The quicker the better

  2. This is tough. Its clear you might still have some feelings for this person. Also just because someone looks at your story or likes a picture doesnt mean theyre talking about you. Liking a picture takes two taps and then theyre on to the next picture in their feed.

    Would reaching out add value to your day? What are you hoping to get out of talking again? Are you prepared for them to not want to talk with you? These are things youll want to ask yourself.

  3. I got gardasil when I was a kid and still got HPV somehow. I was abused as a kid and have had multiple partners between the first time I ever had sex and my husband, but throughout all of my STD panels I never tested positive for it, and only found out I have it because I had a flare up while pregnant with my second son. I had to have precancerous cells removed from my cervix right after he was born and it was traumatic. It hurt SO bad and I bawled the whole time. Luckily it hasn’t come back, so I’m just getting my check ups every year and crossing my fingers at this point.

    I feel so bad for OP. Obviously I’m not her and she has to make her own choices, but idk if I could stay married to a man that caused me such serious health issues through his infidelity.

  4. As someone who has been in your shoes, please leave. It won’t get better, but you will waste years of your life and do even more damage to your mental health than has been done already. It’s hard to do but it feels so much better once it’s done. The right man would not make you feel like this and you’ll be shocked how much of your anxiety is healed by removing yourself from the things that produced it. Choose happiness.

  5. Yea it’s been hard to completely understand what’s happening. I asked him if there’s someone else and he says there isn’t. I’ve been losing my mind over this bc he was all over me then suddenly nothing. And then he stops me from saying a lot of things to him and it’s just all so bizarre. I have been distancing myself from him but it sucks bc he’s back in town this week and I was looking forward to seeing him. So idk what’s happening anymore. It doesn’t make any sense how someone could be all over me nonstop to acting like this. And then I keep wondering what if there’s someone else and he isn’t telling me. I just don’t know if he’s trying to get over me bc we don’t live near each other I just don’t know anymore

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