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Your_Honeeylive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Your_Honeeylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This is a bit unethical – but if you are that scheming type, find one of his ex gfs and make friends with her ‘randomly’. Give it a week or two. Ask your ex fwb to keep it a secret for a month while you “figure out what to do”, then tell your BF you used to be fwb with his friend. If he freaks out, come back the next day and tell him you discovered he used to hook-up with your close friend. Even Steven. This is unethical and I would just tell him ASAP, but it is an option.

  2. I agree. I blatantly told her after the first come up of this that I’m more than capable of giving her plenty of space to figure out the things she needs to in our relationship or whatever she has going on. But the “things” have been outlined different ways to where it all sounds like bullshit. And still insists on a break. And the fact her last reason was to “be the girlfriend I deserve” is what is really throwing me for a kicker here.

  3. He just constantly tells me I dismiss and belittle him and don't hear or see him and all I do is try to fix that at the detriment to my own needs/mental health.

    This man is mentally abusing you. Period.

  4. Dude, they hand not even gone on 1 date yet, that was the day he asked her out.

    Not exclusive, no dates, just hung out with a bunch of friends they were both a part off. Only a month after asking her to go on a first date did they become exclusive

    Wow, I guess in your world if some guy shows interest the girl most immediately refuse all attention from every other guy just in case

  5. I think people need to realize that sex irl isn't like it is in porn videos, it does tend to get “samey” after awhile but when you really love your partner it stays being awesome, at least in my experience but it takes TWO to keep it going, each has to make an effort and not let yourselves fall into a rut, take time away from each other, go on some mini getaways, vacation sex is out of this world. 🙂 The main thing to remember is that it's easy to fall into a comfy pattern and it's up to you to break out of that pattern.

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