KiraVerasha live webcams for YOU!



Date: November 24, 2022

12 thoughts on “KiraVerasha live webcams for YOU!

  1. She’s probably still cheating and being faithful to her boyfriend. You should’ve divorced her it’s not too late.

  2. I would be heartbroken if my (now) husband had approached me at the 5-year mark to say he thought I could potentially be abusive. I'm sorry OP. It's up to you if you want to continue the relationship, but I don't think anyone could fault you for being done.

  3. If we are playing fair, she also has the same change to become an abuser too. Honestly I don’t blame you for wanting to break up. That would feel like a huge violation on her part if I were you and she’s being super insulting. It’s not like you just started dating a year ago like her friend. You guys have had years and years to get to know each other. I think she needs to go to therapy to learn how to process this second hand shit. I don’t feel like you should prove anything to her, you’ve already done that by being a good partner for 5 years.

  4. If we are playing fair, she also has the same change to become an abuser too. Honestly I don’t blame you for wanting to break up. That would feel like a huge violation on her part if I were you and she’s being super insulting. It’s not like you just started dating a year ago like her friend. You guys have had years and years to get to know each other. I think she needs to go to therapy to learn how to process this second hand shit. I don’t feel like you should prove anything to her, you’ve already done that by being a good partner for 5 years.

  5. oMG. I swear I read the same post a couple of months ago or last year.

    Dang. So many Asian women massage therapists giving 'happy ending' unrequested. Dang those Asian massage therapists, double charging for “happy ending.” /s

    I swear, by the tone of the post and the similarity from last year or was it the year b4……F for creative writing grade.

  6. I don’t think he did anything wrong, even tho I was a bit shaken seeing it all, not for a moment I thought of being mad at him for it. It’s his past and that’s totally ok. But it scares me about the future. When I had herpes and got tested, he knew and was there every step of the way being v supportive, but he didn’t mention getting tested himself. At the time he even mentioned being worried about me passing something to him.

  7. THIS times 10000000!!! It shows true the character of a partner when you are at your worst and they can't be at their best to support you!

    He wasn't even trying for mediocre. It's like he was actively trying to be worse.

  8. OP,

    What I have learned is that your not the problem, they are. Instead of talking with you that there is any issues, they use that time to talk with someone else. This is why it is called emotional cheating. All this time they use to talk with someone else is taken away from you to find/fix any issues with your relationship. Then they get closer and it turns physical.

    It has nothing to do with your looks, your skills in bed, your giving all to her. IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU AT ALL, it is all about her. She failed you, she failed herself and she failed your child. Right now you can not see this, All you see is the blind rage of what she has done.

    What you need to do right now is work on yourself, If you can please see a therapist to assist with you moving forward. Work out, go for a walk, a run, a job, trekking in the woods, biking, anything. Meet new people, do things you have wanted to do but didn't or couldn't do. PUT YOUR SELF AND YOUR CHILD FIRST.

    Nothing says you have to move out, kick her out etc. Make her get a job, sleep in separate bedrooms etc. If you only have a small apt, make her take the couch. You can grey rock her all day long, only talking about your child needs.

    I wish you the best of luck

  9. Yes, it was. He should've told her that there was a possibility so she could at least be informed and prepared and make a decision before their relationship progressed. He even admits that. He just wanted to be with OP and ignore reality until he couldn't anymore, and that wasn't fair to anyone. Can you give one GOOD reason why he didn't tell OP the possibility that he could be the father that doesn't boil down to selfishness?

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