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QueenDimelive sex stripping with hd cam


22 thoughts on “QueenDimelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Wow thank you this was awesome. I do truly think we are a match, we share a lot of interests but I only get to know them at work. I drew the line of keeping our relationship in the office because I know if it moves away, it will most likely lead to something bigger. What if I lose both. I guess that is karma and I deserve it but as of now, I can’t decide who I should be with, even if it’s neither

  2. Yeah, the mother sounds like a predator, honestly. That's a red flag enough, then you add that he victimized OP. It's unconscionable to me

  3. So for him to be expected to know she would not want it is just unreasonable.

    I thought this from her post too but there are a couple of details in her comments that complicate the issue a bit.

    the thing she had been crying to him about was her past sexual assault, and

    she has told him in the past how her ex used to initiate like this and how she didn't like it

    So on the one hand plenty of people like comfort sex, BUT it does seem a bit ick that he would initiate in a cold “take your pants off” way when she had just been talking to him about her SA and he knew she had this problem in the past.

  4. Even if your interaction seem friendly and strictly for work, your gf can sens that something is wrong.

    If you want to keep your girlfriend, be honest about the situation and admit you have a little crush and talk about things you can do to help ( block her on instagram and things like that to limit communication) unless it's extremely important for work or school ( ex if you have a project together)

    Change gyms to avoid seeing her.

    Do more things with your girlfriend and reassure her along the way. Be honest and listen to her, it's not a nice feeling to know your boyfriend has a crush on someone else.

    Crushes can happen in a relationship but it all depends on what you do about it. If it passes after a week, it's less of a problem than If it lingers for months and years. Id want my partner to be honest about it if it didn't go away after a couple weeks. This is not a judgement I'm just suggesting things to help you keep your girlfriend

  5. Can we drop that phrase?

    Not only is it sexist but it trivializes the actions of toxic, if not abusive women. Babytrapping is a planned breach of consent and assault as it's onpar with stealthing. “Crazy” implies a person can't control themselves.

    Also let's be honest, people who call women crazy tend to be suspicious and throw that around to slander a woman for usually a valid reason (not putting up with BS, showing emotion, etc.) It's much less murky to call a spade a spade and an abusive toxic person just that.

  6. Just do it! Sounds like you are way overthinking about it; there is no perfect line that you can say that will be make it an easier or is more likely to get the result you want.

    If she likes you – she likes you. Don't try to be someone or something else and use your own words. Life isn't a movie.

  7. The baby changes nothing in your relationship except making it even more important that you get out. You do not want someone who is abusive around the child, if you decide to keep it.

    Get an abortion, or don't, either way you have to get this man out of your life

  8. Travel is stressful. Meeting the family is stressful. No one is being their best here, but I don't think he's trying to upset you. He's just stressed and defensive. Is he always this short tempered? Could you both apologize for hurtful things said and work towards a resolution?

  9. No. You aren’t a rapist. You just aren’t. She sounds a bit off mentally. Not a slam. Is she in therapy?

  10. If this is way she feels right now there's no point in trying to talk her out of it. Society writ large in some places is currently underwriting her belief that no one but her could ever possibly understand or have empathy for her. So stop trying to fight it. It's okay for her to break up with you for whatever reason she wants, even if you don't agree with it.

  11. This is the hill of hills to die on. Either she apologizes to you for wrecking your 5th anniversary trip, or you're dumping her..

    No guilt, no fucks given.

  12. Dude, they’re both walking red flags!!! RUN!!! I’m not being funny. You have 2 very immature people planning a life all while looking through rose tinted glasses, and they can’t see the red flags because of the rose tint. Plus Dude has a psycho girlfriend who stabbed him? Like she won’t do the same to BOTH of them when she finds out?

    My Dude, please listen to someone who has been through the wringer because I was hung up on someone and my heart was winning over my head…… tell your heart it’s DUMB and to zip it! And run, do NOT walk! You do NOT wanna be anywhere near this when Fantasy Land comes crashing down with the hobosexual.

    She’s going to run RIGHT to you, make sure you have your back turned and you’re living your best life! I know it’s hard and it sucks. But she CHOSE him over you. You’re second best in her mind! Let her go!!! I wish you luck! Sorry if I sounded harsh, but this isn’t healthy! It’s not conducive to a happy life!

  13. Just add it to the list along with the mold we're living in then. Renting is a God damn nightmare at this point.

  14. my eyes and face have been red and swollen for months

    You still sleeping over at her place? Does it ever happen when she's over at yours?

    If you've stopped sleeping over there, then yeah probably break up. If you haven't, then I'd stop sleeping there, and I'd also make sure she wears a bonnet or gets a special contaminant pillowcase at yours. The reality of you protecting yourself might bring things into focus for her.

    She is being selfish and inconsiderate, but some women have a tougher time finding a good hair routine than others. She's also super young. If you do feel ready to break up, go for it.

  15. Jesus fucking christ leave those people alone. You are not entitled to access to any person, EVER. Your only hope is to start acting like a decent human being (assuming you're capable) and hope to earn back a place in thier lives. And everyone else is right, you'll be laughed out of court and that lawyer is just looking at you and seeing a payday. Drop the case and start behaving like an actual human being.

  16. For your own sake, stop blaming your DIL as though you are a jealous ex. Your son is making decisions and choices for his immediate family. It's a road to continuing bitterness regardless of whether you are re-establish contact.

    You caused the original conflict and many people gave you good explanations of different things you did in two different sub-redits. But, you did not heed the overwhelming advice. If you had – you might've had a chance to repair that relationship.

    Instead, you chose the scorched earth option because you were mad that they didn't toe the line for you. You went to an attorney and made yourself a permanent legal threat to their family. The second you saw an attorney and they knew about it – they did the corrxt legal thing by directing all future contact to their attorney. I would guess they were told that any visitation, accepting gifts, or direct contact is not in their best interests.

  17. That's what I'm saying. It's just a waste of energy. This isn't just a thing that guys do. He knows exactly what he's doing. A man who respects you wouldn't even bother with her or anyone who makes you uncomfortable. And you shouldn't have to settle for less.

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