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31 thoughts on “hotcryst1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Please speak to a lawyer first and foremost.

    I’d see if your dog can stay with parents or friends for a bit so it doesn’t become a casualty in this situation. Call the vet and let them know that you are the owner on account and under no circumstances should any info be given to anyone else. Also ask them to put a note on the chart to contact you immediately should the dog be brought in because it may be in danger of being dognapped.

    Give your gf 30 days written notice to vacate. Follow whatever steps are needed for your state. Remove anything of value from the house temporarily and consider installing cameras.

    Offer her keys for cash to vacate quicker.

    Make sure you rekey the locks when she leaves. This sounds like it has the potential to become a bunny boiler situation.

    I’d also turn off your social media for a couple months to let everything cool down and to ensure she and her family don’t harass you via it

  2. Don't listen to them saying it's just you, or that she might be better at keeping the place in better standards.

    Ask her straight forward , where is her son?, she doesn't have to introduce you , she can say you are a collegue picking something up. If she does have a kid but not with her full time why? Or if she doesn't have her kid at all , why ?

    You need to ask this question, for the safety of your daughters, people act like women aren't part of trafficking rings for young girls , and they help target single parents. If she doesn't have custody of her kid , why ? – you don't want to introduce your kids to someone that can be potentially a danger to them. If she just straight up lied about having a kid that's also a red flag , and you are better off.

    Listen to your gut, you have your daughters to worry about.good luck op.

  3. I agree with other Redditors here. You are mad at the wrong people.

    I don’t know why you are still with this husband of yours if he keeps lying and cheating and hurting you. You deserve so much more out of this life ?

  4. Are you joking? Maybe Elinor thought OP knew but Spencer? Her best friend who knew how tortured she was over the affair- no way. I think he knew she didn't know but was falling for Elinor and wanted things tied in a neat little bow. OP needs to leave the husband and find a new BFF

  5. Hello /u/brokenbathtub,

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  7. When my mom got run over by a bus, she was comming to get me from the school van on the other side of the street. The reason why she went for me was because my uncle, who was supossed to get me from the van was unavailable because he had a lunch date with who would become his eventually become his wife… when he found out he was absolutely distraught, because he blamed himself for asking my mum to switch that day. Of course your husband feels responsible, he offered to get the kids to her place and now feels like he should have insisted because, and get this, even if he got in the same exact accident, he most likely would have been better off since he's got a bigger truck a safer car.

  8. Rarely in the history of parenting and relationships has “stop crying” been an effective statement. So don't beat yourself for being emotional, it's not your fault. You can improve your control though. Being “sensitive” usually stems from two issues, 1) the other person is being a complete twat and mean, or 2) you lack confidence in confrontation. Both can be worked on with practice in communication.

    You could try role playing conflict about random issues/scenarios. Or discuss things like politics or social issues and practice using more constructive phrases then vs. trying to use them in the heat of the moment. Examples are saying things like, “That topic is outside the issue, let's focus”. Or, “So what you're saying is XYZ, is that right?”. Or, “I am not in the right mindset to tackle this right now. I can see you want to talk. Let's talk after XYZ” (and actually do it). “I hear you.” Or, “I'm not sure what I think about this. I need time to process this.” Etc.

  9. Is it really that or are your beard irritating her skin and making her feel pain too ? Do you groom your beard well enough ? Do you use products so it won't hurt her skin ?

  10. You can't fix this. She either decides to forgive and move on, or not. You broke her trust in a deep hurtful way and the only way to come back from that is repeated constant improvement in your actions and never ever breaking trust again. Not even little innocent lies. But, that needs her to forgive and move on for you to keep dating.

  11. I mean she's super popular and liked by everyone, so no one there agreed at all obviously. she's sensitive and tends to overreact to things some times and I think it was very obvious our friend said it in a joking way, I don't think it was misogynistic since my friend was also a female and saying that. I just think my gf needs to get thicker skin sometimes and not let such things affect her.

  12. Thank you for your advice, I think I should be able to hold it off until he returns.

    I just feel so stressful and alone having to deal with all the emotions by myself. 🙁 I feel like right now I'm just pretending/forcing myself to be upbeat and cheerful when he sends me pictures from his vacation. And that makes me feel very insincere.

  13. I wouldn’t worry about the deposit, that could be a drop in the bucket. Do not make anymore non refundable deposits until this behavior is discussed. Acts of service ( making you the tea) can really say a lot about your partner. I am so happy to do things for my husband and he for me. It sounds like she is so fixated on material things she can’t see( as you had to point it out to her!) all the things you are doing. Coveting and greed can make a person turn very ugly. She needs to face reality.

  14. How to get my (24f) boyfriend(24m) to stop being so sexually selfish?

    Stop sleeping with him.

    Problem solved.

    You have a choice here. He is not entitled to your body. Every sexual act has to be consensual. Being BF and GF isn't a permanent green light.

    If the sex isn't up to par and he doesn't fix it when you bring it up, find someone else.

    It's literally that black and white.

  15. Agree with this. OP seems very fixated on the material object and/or the proposal tradition. Instead, you may want to consider whether a 33-year-old man who spends all of his money on his hobbies is a serious marriage prospect. If you aren't financially in a good position to marry and create a future together, it doesn't matter whether or not you have a ring on your finger.

  16. If you’re sure you’re still in love with her and plan on marrying her, I think breaking up to sleep around would be something you end up regretting quite a bit. People do break up and then reconnect down the road, but I would absolutely not count on that working out. You just have to weigh what’s more important to you.

  17. Sleeping 12 hours a day is a big issue. It actually reduces lifespan expectancy and is not physically healthy. He should really speak to a doctor about it to see if he has a sleep disorder. Although it sounds like staying up late is probably his issue, and he needs to adopt a healthier sleep schedule.

    Your concerns are definitely valid, for his health, for its imapct on the relationship between you, and for the possibility of bringing a child into the mix. I would communicate openly with him about that, and about how you don't want to take on the mental load of having to wake him up, etc. Hopefully he will listen.

  18. It is a fresh relationship. You told her that you do trust her. Unfortunately, she's doing what's right for her, and that doesn't include you. 4 months is nothing. And you're being possessive and weird. Don't be like that with the next girl.

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