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evstolia_dolllive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “evstolia_dolllive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. its horrible but if you report this ASAP and get to a hospital to get a rape kit done they can photograph any bruising or tearing or bleeding you've had. You can also access plan B and be tested for any STDS, if he's willing to rape you he'll be willing to cheat on you.

    I'm so sorry this happened to you but if you stay now it will happen again and if you don't report it he may do this to someone else.

    I'm so sorry you've experienced this and that so many people in the comments are being awful about it. Please get yourself somewhere safe, anywhere. Turn off any location tracking on your phone, leave behind any kind of air tags or other tracking devices.

  2. Look, in that situation you need to be explicit. Whoever you're wanting something other than the “standard” move in together, get married, have kids you need to be very very explicit. “I'm NEVER having children, if I accidentally get pregnant I'll abort it, you will absolutely not be changing my mind about this” level of explicit.

  3. I love this advice. I think it's exactly what I need (and I knew that but wasn't fond of it) and I appreciate you being direct about it.

  4. No she is not 100% dedicated to you. Treat this as any affair especially since she is downplaying that two females can't fall in love as if she was with a man? What's with THAT?!

  5. Your options are limited and any of them will cause trauma regardless of how delicate you try to handle it. You can:

    Call the police when she leaves the house, explain she has paranoid delusions, hope and pray they can safely detain her and take her to the hospital themselves

    Drive her to the ER and try your best to convince the doctors that she is a danger to herself, which can backfire and get her released and damage your relationship more

    Wait until she enters psychosis and becomes a actual danger to herself, then get her to the nearest hospital for evaluation

    In the meantime, if you are in the US, contacting Adult Protective Services can get her started on a long term treatment plan in regards to POA. There should be something similar if you are outside the US

  6. If you have both said that you see this relationship lasting long term, then have a sit down with him to discuss your feelings.

    Tell him you have concerns with how their dynamic is going impact your future together. What is he going to do when the two of you are living together and she has a crisis that only he can fix? What is he going to do when the two of you are married and she has a crisis that only he can fix? What is he going to do when the two of you have kids (?) and she has a crisis that only he can fix? Is he going to go running to her each and every time?

    Acknowledge, that you find it a good quality that he is there for his friends, but let him know it is concerning that, this friend in particular, can’t seem to navigate a crisis without him. That you have a hard time seeing how this type of dynamic won’t harm your relationship in the long run.

    I would also make it very clear you aren’t jealous of her or their friendship, but are worried that there is some codependency issues between them that has you questioning your future together. If you both see each other as possibly being “the one”, then your needs and wants can’t be put on the back burner every time this friend has a problem.

    If he starts getting defensive, then maybe point out that there is one consistent theme in his relationships not working out…and it isn’t him…it’s her.

    Good luck!

  7. Years of therapy? I doubt he has made such a miraculous recovery already. He’s an amazing liar. He’s also volatile. He’s been violent. He is dangerous, don’t underestimate him. He’s only shown you a small part of what he’s capable of. I was married to someone like him. He broke my leg. My fibula. I had to have a metal plate installed with 6 screws in it. You should run the fuck away from this guy.

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