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FiorelaLeninlive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “FiorelaLeninlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Lol. Ok. Possessive, controlling, insecure, and ridiculous. Get some confidence and let others love their way. Is she upset? Nope.

  2. I know from experience that it is completely possible to do a masters full time and have a job part time.

    It’s a big red flag that your partner a) dismisses your concerns and b) isn’t taking responsibility for supporting herself and c) is making these demands based on her own dreams (Not acted upon) while d) not supporting yours.

    You didn’t ask, but it would be very very very reasonable to put off moving in together a year until these things are settled.

  3. Okay this situation is fucked beyond measure

    I say this as a practicing nonmonogamous person

    Ya'll are both toxic as fuck.

    Jealousy of any kind and ENM do not mix. Period.

    Requiring videos of sex acts with partners that have no say in that is fucked up.

    You both sound like the worst kind of ENM couple, and i can't even call you that because what you're doing isn't ethical.

    Do yourselves a favor and get away from each other. Then stay single for a long time and go to therapy for your jealousy, control and boundary issues.

  4. I think what your boyfriend means is that he’s just not an activist? At least from what I’m hearing, he isn’t actively going to go out of his way to be performative or charitable about it. Not that that’s a bad thing, but that is also how I am. I definitely support LGBT and abortion rights— I’m a bi girl myself. But personally, I like to just stay low-key politically and keep to myself about these things. By definition, I would lean more left/democrat, but I would never say I’m a democrat because I don’t like to get into politics.

    After all, you say he thinks people should have these rights.

    But at the same time, you also say he says his religious beliefs make him unsure. So which one is it? Does he support these rights or is he unsure?

    Just talk to him. Try to keep an open mind. Obviously, if he turns out to be anti-abortion or anti-LGBT, then I’d say definitely reconsider your relationship… But also make sure that he sees your side as well. Tell him these things are very important to you and explain why— communication and understanding is key.

  5. You think OP was a clear communicator here? I think they’re entitled to feel how they did about the joke but it’s really not all the serious as to storm out and fly home early.

    No heroes here.

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