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Asya_Canzaz__live sex stripping with hd cam


39 thoughts on “Asya_Canzaz__live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If the car is in your name you have leverage. Tell her that if she doesn't start paying for it then you are going to sell it because you can't afford to pay for it anymore.

    You can not afford to support your family. None of this money is yours. Every time they bring up money, explain that you only have your income and your partner's money is not yours.

  2. I'm very happy you stood up for yourself and that you met the apparently gorgeous eyed baby in the blow yours! I truly hope you find happiness and I'm sure you will find much better than that trash of a guy who seemed quite full of himself.

  3. Yeah, it's a little bit confusing haha. Either way he's not really the type of person I personally want in my social circle, so ig I'll have to do something about it ^^;;

  4. 100% agree with this. I would do the same because after situations like that, you just can't feel normal or act normal and you need partner's attention and support. OP should definitely talk to her more about this when she feels ready.

    And that friend of hers is probably not a true friend. She just straight up told you, her “FRIEND'S” boyfriend, that she went there willingly. Maybe she was just jealous of her or relationship and wanted to make a bigger problem.

    If OP really wants to be a good boyfriend and stay with the girl, he really has to wait for answers and be more supportive. What's the worse that could happen?

    Otherwise, you should leave and don't get into next relationship until you don't fix the trust issues.

  5. Hmm your concern is valid but for more clear understanding I would like to gather some more data, such as her Instagram account

  6. Um you made a nuanced inference about me. Do you think you’re being subtle? This feigned ignorance only demonstrates that you’re not as smart as you think you are

  7. Hello /u/Playful-Sea1012,

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  8. She has told me she doesn’t want me to drink energy drinks or snus (tobacco/nicotine) because she doesn’t want me to die. I know she cares but I’m just confused when it comes to other things she says. When I brought up how it made me feel when she told me it was small she just said she didn’t remember she said it, she might have said sorry but I can’t remember.

  9. Many people freeze in response to trauma. MANY. I’ve spent my life hating myself for freezing. It was only 20 years later when I was finally seeing a therapist for trauma that I understood that my body had shut down in that moment and biologically there was no way I could have done anything. Affectionate Wheel has no idea what the Fuck he/she is talking about.

  10. I still hang out with the other friend, just pretty infrequently and have distanced myself from her after the kiss

  11. Yeah, understanding you have only worked as an independent contractor should tell you that you don't have the whole view, so he can only speak specifically about vacations for independent contractors. Vacations for regular employees might as well be seen as another category in his mind, as a “know-it-all” should know the common knowledge that office life is different than contractual work. I think the subjects that he thinks he knows are too broad.

  12. She has the time when I game, and I offer her time multiple times a week to make sure she has enough of her own time.

  13. You broke up with what is an essentially a common law partner, and less than 8 months later you’re already living with someone else.

    My guy, find your chill. Holy shit.

  14. I mean, obviously this is on you because you didn’t think shit through enough, but if you can’t get over it, then you can’t get over it. If that’s the case, break up. Save her the heartache of living through a sham relationship.

    And don’t have a threesome again. If a man pleasuring your girlfriend made you limp, but the idea of a woman wouldn’t, that’s some sexist bs.

  15. They have to hide being around each other for her sake. No doubt due to endless crying to parents ever since they were kids

  16. Marriage requires dating. You think that will be a smooth process with your parents?

    You can move out any time you want. The question is whether you can afford it. They will likely still have a melt down because nothing is changed and now you have massive freedom.

    So you need to be mentally ready for them to not like it. Now or later.

    It really comes down to your financial resources and mental fortitude.

  17. I’m sorry but I feel you at being a caregiver, but if what you’re really bitching about is “having” to do the recycling and being jealous of bikers, you’ve lost me. That sounds like some shallow whiny ass bullshit.

    Aren’t you already in your. 30’s? It goes fast. I don’t know anyone in their 40’s who is not starting to adjust their activity because getting older sucks. I mean, maybe you have 50 more healthy years left tootin around on your fancy roller blades, but don’t kid yourself.

  18. I agree entirely, didn't mean to make it sound like it's on her. The guy is a piece of shit and I honestly hope they part ways here.

  19. How did he hurt your feelings? You knew he was in a relationship and slept with him, the only victim is his gf and the only advice I have is that you need to tell her asap

  20. My advice is this.

    Did he actually apologize?

    If so, good. Then if he ever does that again you can walk.

  21. Just a heads up but if he's religious enough that you're forced to convert to marry him be ready for a life of spousal abuse.

  22. Just tell her you don't feel like the relationship will work out and break up with her.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m either going to be with another virgin or nobody at all.

    And that's your choice.

    You sound mighty bothered that not everyone is conforming to your preferences.

    Oh, now I'm being an inconsiderate asshole. I guess you're right, we just can't fight it here.

  23. You'll be copping a lot of shit here dude but you are 100% making the right call even if it sucks. You HAVE to say something, sounds like she's in the same boat anyway.

    Damned if you do, double damned if you don't

  24. is it wrong to fight for our marriage?

    If you are the only one that wants the marriage then yes.

  25. No, not really. You see, you are misinterpreting what I said. I said that paternity testing should be a required test for all births. It should be a standard test performed along with all of the other wellness tests done when a child is born. No husband or partner should have to be placed within a situation to ask for one. It shouldn't be a matter of “do you trust her or not”. This would right the wrong of paternity fraud. Men would know the child is theirs, and in those instances where it's not, the rightful father can be contacted. The winners here are the husband, the rightful father, and the child. You see paternity fraud also robs a child of knowing its biological father. The ONLY person who loses is a woman who would commit fraud in this way. Women who aren't cheating would have zero to worry about.

  26. This guy: “I don't like people that aren't me seeing my naked partner”

    You, absolute genius: “You are just insecure lol”

    The human race deserves extinction if this bullshit can ever be said unironically.

  27. So you think he’s the protagonist of her life? So she’s not allowed to have feelings that go against the main character, who is not her in her own life for some reason?

  28. I didn’t… I feel it was too early to say those things as we just know each other for like about a month. Also, he will sometimes hold then let go of my hand while we holding hands, i’m not sure what he meant by that

  29. yeah that’s probably why that is. i didn’t tell him why i picked up the shifts, so every time i told him i was going into work he’d be really confused ?. it does feel like i am trying to keep up though

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