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Liiaalive sex stripping with hd cam


42 thoughts on “Liiaalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Root cause of jealousy is insecurity of some sort. Find out what that is, reassure him with words, proof, actions and things will get better. Is way way more to this that these few rows, but that is all in a nut shell.

  2. Totally get it. I understand I may have a bit higher standards than most. But at the very least, pick up after yourself dude. I’m glad your man tries for you

  3. I had the same thing with an ex and I took him back, he proceeded to cheat again. And then when we broke up and he got into a relationship with the girl he cheated on me with he proceeded to cheat on her to. Don’t do it

  4. This time you are right and she is wrong. If you ignore it, she might end up dead. Make a police report and then to the DMV. Don’t confront him or talk to him. See a supervisor, specifically a female supervisor.

  5. I second that you should breakup. She has the advantage because she knows if she fucks up again you guys are done. She’s mentally prepared and will leave the relationship feeling nothing. On the other hand you’re hoping and praying she doesn’t and if she does, you’re going to be heart broken. End it, go through the heartbreak and become the person she wants but can’t have. Don’t even confront her, going through so many breaks isn’t healthy and shows lack of commitment.

  6. You mean ex husband? I was with my partner for 18 years 18 years he was so close to some of my friends that if they were not drinking together I wouldn't give a shit…He would have never ever ever ever done that… if you walked in or overheard a conversation he would come to me and be like hey I heard you and Papa blah talking I don't even know if you would do that he would tell me to take her to the sex store…Did he buy anything for you from there? Did he say hey babe I was picking up some lingerie for you when I grabbed this for her because I overheard the conversation you guys are having … This is a garden of flags…

  7. I can attest to this. My much beloved American Eskimo at 14 developed dog dementia and became incontinent. Same scenario about pooping at night in my bedroom. Our vet suggested we put him down. It was for the best as his quality of life greatly reduced in a few short months.

  8. I don't understand the comments here. You did nothing wrong. I think your boyfriend is just embarrassed because his brother probably out-gifted him. Don't listed to the people telling you to return the shoes if you actually like them. Keep the shoes and maybe get rid of the boyfriend since he seems immature.

  9. Well, obviously it's subjective and wading through horrible dates/people sucks, but when you get to that right one, everything feels right, it's just the best.

    As an introverted guy who feels incredibly comfortable alone and went 24 years single no problem, I found the right one who I now call my fiance and I'm just head over heels for her. I'm not very good with my emotions, but she's helped me improve and as a whole as well. She pushes me to be better. I truly love her.

    Stick to your principles and you'll be ok!

  10. Uhhh, you can leave a relationship for any arbitrary reason. You obviously dont want advance. I promise you will regret every minute you stay will her. Your ridiculous concept of how “society” functions is delusional, antiquated and false.

  11. And then maybe she leaves him for accusing her and going through this charade. Trying to “prove” you didn't cheat only works against you and then makes that person feel like shit that their partner accused them in the first place. I know now that accusing someone of cheating to the point of this level can be a sign of the cheater projecting. I'm so glad that my small actions aren't being scrutinized anymore as “cheating” by someone who was actually cheating. It was so horrible. If you have to drive that person to a location to prove they aren't cheating then you don't need to be in that relationship.

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  13. Babe that’s suchhhhh a red flag. Let’s say in the future you get married, get pregnant, are taking care of a new born and gain a few pounds – do you want this dude making you feel bad about yourself?! I’d break up with someone immediately if they seriously commented negatively on my body

  14. Hello /u/throwoutilovemaya,

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  16. Damn, you got gaslit….hard. I understand the strong belief of the sanctity of marriage, but how can you listen to her vows and think there’s real meaning behind those words now? The whole thing is a sham.

  17. Hello /u/enm2746,

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  18. I was a child of compromise where my mother felt obligated to have me to make others happy and it has been a terrible upbringing and I could tell all through my young years that she resented me even when she was nice to me. There was a look of guilt to it. She ended up bailing once I was in my twenties, she moved to another country and doesn’t talk to me. Being a parent is forever so definitely don’t make any quick decisions or base it on thinking you’ll want a kid eventually because you might never.

    You will be okay. I promise. Let yourself feel and grieve. Reach out to friends and family. Take every moment minute by minute.

  19. No, my point is what separates a relationship from non relationships are restrictions.

    When he's not faithful, or attentive to your needs, the restrictions that keep the right things going often enough to where the result is improved quality, well, they just aren't in place enough.

    We could redefine that to you want a relationship that retains enough trust, and values exclusivity's limits enough.

  20. You guys promised to be together forever and youre talking about quitting after four months of turmoil. Youre within your right to pursue a divorce but you should really reflect on the fact that you made a lifelong commitment and after a very short time, you want to throw it all out. Reflect also on the fact that you didnt tell anyone you didnt want to get married. You are an adult and its time to be responsible for your decisions.

    Divorce or not, you need to realize that any relationship is not going to be great 100% of the time. Especially considering everything else y’all have been going through.

  21. You should tell him how your feeling. You not saying anything will strain your relationship. If he does talk to his gf and tell her not to film you and she continues then you should go no contact with him. Or maybe just invite him out for a brothers night out every once in awhile so she doesn’t go.

  22. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. A 50+ y/o king marrying a 14 year old is absolutely a problem and falls on the door step of the patriarchy. I don’t think an 8 year age gap with two consenting adults plays much into the causation of woman suffrage, especially following the 1960’s.

    IT’s 2023 now, let’s allow a 22 year old adult female decide what’s right for her own life. She’s already got her judgmental mother micromanaging her decisions as if she can’t make her own, let’s now contribute to that.

    I see plenty of comments here painting this man as being wiser than her with this grandiose ability to control women like a puppet master. You want to talk about the patriarchy go there.

    Personally I think this 22 year old female is fully capable of making her own decisions. Like I said already, a 22 year old is equally as capable of being a shitbag as someone of any other age… in fact, I’d argue a 22 year old is more likely to be a scumbag than a 30 year old.

    It’s an 8 year age gap, high normal at worst

  23. The procrastination is bad. Not relationship ending, but bad.

    Procrastinating about paying the tax bill is worse, but again, not relationship ending.

    Procrastinating pay the tax man to the point they straight up just help themselves to your finances? THAT is relationship ending.

    The moment the trust is gone in a relationship, the whole thing crumbles. If he's ignored the TAX MAN in the hope they'll just go away, what else is he neglecting to do?

    Especially given that he has funds to gamble on the stock market, but not pay the IRS!?

    If not for putting you into financial hardship, then at least for his immaturity, you ought to consider if it's a risk you're willing to take staying with him.

  24. Money brings out characteristics in people that they may not even know they had. Greed, selfishness and pettiness can come to play when large sums of money that was previously unattainable or available are now a possibility. Keep your eyes and ears open, take it in. This is who he is.

  25. Yeah, I totally get you. It’s hard to think of a rational way to respond to something SO wild and insulting. The worst part about being the bigger person is that hypothetically, revenge sounds dope af. Sadly the only way OP can come out the “winner” of his obvious slandering is by not even coming close to behaviours that he could use against her

  26. Here’s my theory as a total stranger that’s never met any of you but read your post and a few comments. She spent her younger years in an unpredictable household with her mother and didn’t develop positive skills for coping with life. Nan’s is more of the same so its attractive for the familiarity and the permissiveness. But, your house which is more aligned with positive parenting practices, is also attractive so she doesn’t totally want to burn that bridge. My guess is deep down your home is where she knows she should be, but she struggling.

    I don’t think any of this is stuff she even realizes necessarily, but maybe she’s testing how much do you/dad love her? How much can he be counted on? Is it unconditional? Maybe she’s even angry with her dad for not rescuing her from he mom’s. He had on the weekends and had to know there were issues but he didn’t do anything? Again, she may not even have fully worked all this out herself, but the feelings could be there.

    This situation is not great and you’re not really equipped to handle it but there’s nobody else. Sure, she could live with Nan, but that’s basically abandoning her. Y’all need professional help, not some stopgap like passing her off to someone else. Even if you send her to Nan, she’s going to be in your lives some way or another. What would be best for all of you, including your baby, is if she gets healthy. She won’t be doing that at Nan’s.

    I know you said she has a therapist, but does the therapist know all of this? I’d meet with them, tell them everything recent and talk about your concerns with the baby. Is SD on medication? Maybe she should be? Has she had a full behavioral and mental health evaluation? Does she like this therapist? Maybe someone else would be a better fit?

    You also need to talk with your lawyer and sort out the legal aspects of custody and this bank account. The way it’s all set up does not sound ideal.

    Like the other comment said, look into what kinds of support you can line up. You really want a good support system before you have this baby. It all takes time and energy and money which makes it harder to do, but you really do need to do it. It would be great if dad did it, but it doesn’t sound like he’s proactive.

    One other thought I had was it’s too bad y’all can’t move. If you could get her away from Nan completely that might change things.

    People in the comments are acting like you’re evil for not wanting to deal with this anymore, but it has to be stressful. And you have to look out for the baby. I don’t this you’re evil for looking at all of the options. You should not abandon this child, but of course you’re exhausted dealing with all of this. I hope you’re able to gather up some resources and turn things around.

  27. I wish mine had your enthusiasm. I would settle for once every two days at this point (prefer twice a day)

  28. Girl. Don't ever fuck men that treat you like a sex doll. He understands that you want sexual pleasure he just doesn't give a shit. Also stop letting men just penetrate you, like if you aren't ready and don't want it, just say so. You don't have to let people fuck you. Learn to use your voice and to advocate for your own sexual pleasure but not with your current bf. He can go use his hand from now on.

  29. Right, adhd doesn't make you disinterested in pleasing your partner. Maybe it can make some things a challenge BECAUSE you are disinterested, but it's not the cause.

  30. Exactly why I'm ranting at reddit and not talking to my husband. He's nothing but perfect to me. But after all the Hell my ex and I went through it feels like being punched in the stomach.

  31. Thank you for your advice Lady, I’m leaning towards putting some physical space between us for a while and seeing how that goes. I predict I will realise I am better off without him.

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