ConnorPiercing live webcams for YOU!


ConnorPiercing Public Chat Channel

Date: October 25, 2022

18 thoughts on “ConnorPiercing live webcams for YOU!

  1. Oh. My. God. You say you feel like you can't take another second of this shot. DO. NOT. Take another second of this shit!!

    He is totally gaslighting you to make you feel like you shouldn't have these feelings, and you shouldn't need what you need from him. Well, from a marriage. Because you are never going to get what you need from him.

    I am speaking from experience. When I met my first husband, I had had a very weird and disturbing experience with friends of mine who I did not know were swingers. I was very young (not a minor, but not far from it,) and they had been grooming me and I had no idea. When I tried talking to my then-boyfriend about it, he got all excited thinking I was into it.

    As I said, I was very young so his reaction made me question whether my ideas of marriage and sexuality were actually the norm or if I just had a Little House on the Prairie view of life.

    Anyway, that entire relationship was fraught with the things you describe. Although his extracurricular activities weren't traceable because we did not have the technology available to you today, I know they existed. And I know exactly what you mean by the constant barrage of “hints” and the demoralizing. How nothing was ever good enough because it was only with me. And if I wanted any semblance of any kind of non-sexual life experience, like travel, or even my second child, I was always told in a circumspect way that it was quid pro quo.

    We could have more of the things I wanted, if he had more of what he wanted. I know how it all made me feel so I am telling you get out. Get out now. I “loved” my husband too, and the marriage ended with his death from cancer. I took excellent and loving care of him during the last two years of his life, which I don't regret; but I do regret having been put in that position for so long, and not setting clear and distinct boundaries from the beginning.

    I've been married for almost 19 years to a man who has only ever expressed that I am beyond good enough for him, and has never even once mentioned the idea of sex with someone else. Unfortunately, this marriage, too, will end with cancer, but I won't regret a minute of it.

  2. You don’t know that for sure. You should tell her how you feel. Let her decide if she wants to continue being in a relationship with you. She has a right to know that you view her as second best. You wouldn’t want her harboring feelings for another man.

    If you’ve only spoken to your ex about surface level subjects, why do you think you’re in love with her? You don’t really know her anymore.

  3. It’s not a ”treat” to ask someone to something in bed that they hate. You can’t propose someone do something they hate every now and then to satisfy you. You can find a girlfriend who loves giving BJs.

  4. Does he get any alone time right now? Because from this post it doesn't look like it. Alone time is healthy for both of you. You basically rely on him to keep you company in all his free time. And this has nothing to do with the fact that he doesn't want to spend time with you – right now he spends 99% of his free time with you – but he also wants to be his own person too. Do something to get out of the house couple of times per week, like obviously I don't know your schedule but go shopping, go to the cinema etc.

  5. Why on earth is 6 year old sleeping with you?

    That's fairly normal in a lot of families if a kid wakes up

  6. I'm a guy, and I have met other guys who admitted that they have used the ol' “I forgot” excuse, just to have sex without a condom. Much smarter for the woman to have one on hand, so that excuse (whether accidental or deliberate) never has a reason to work.

  7. Is it? I just think he doesn’t want to hurt her or blindside her at a public event that he also has a stake in (business partner)

  8. Your boyfriend won’t “allow” you to buy a toy?

    Are you dating your dad?

    Won’t allow you?

    To hell with that noise.

  9. Oh I read it and understand completely. I just have no sympathy for you and think you're getting what you deserve.

  10. I was initially going to say to throw both of them out of your life and don’t look back, but she wasn’t just a little tipsy. She was blackout drunk. She was taken advantage of. Your husband raped her.

    Throw HIM out of your life. Heal with your sister. Try to get her some help for her drinking problem.

  11. Do you really have to leave? She’s pregnant and you are this worried. ?can this travel for work not be postponed?? If not, trust she knows her body and her abilities. Because honestly if you are really as worried as you come off, you wouldn’t be gone for 2 months. ?‍♀️

  12. You made a mistake by getting engaged after only 8 months, especially since it was a long-distance relationship. But it can be corrected by leaving this toxic relationship.

  13. I don’t think you should send it. It reads that you want him back and it doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship. Hopefully you’ve learned from it and will make the changes in your next relationship.

  14. Every penis is perfectly-perfect just the way it is. If your GF doesn’t appreciate your beautiful penis than find a woman that will.

  15. Better 5 years than 50.

    You are basically contemplating agreeing to allow him to cheat on you.

    How would you feel if your best friend was dealing with this and what advice would you give her?

    Get out now.

    I know how hard it is. I called a marriage quits after 18 years and for a long time I kicked myself for staying so long, but now I'm just grateful I didn't let it go on for longer. I am with the best man I could ever imagine now and I've never been happier.

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