EllaLong live webcams for YOU!


EllaLong Public Chat Channel

Date: October 23, 2022

10 thoughts on “EllaLong live webcams for YOU!

  1. i am!

    question… u think this back and fourth will continue this december? like u think hes gonna keep reaching out?

  2. L take. There’s nothing wrong with appreciating bodies in real life but a half decent boyfriend won’t publicly be displaying that by liking thirst traps. There is some stalker stuff on her part but that is unacceptable behavior on the part of the guy

  3. I agree with most of your comment, but wanted to point out one thing. It is absolutely possible to have pain severe enough to prevent someone from making even a simple snack. Lots of people, including myself, live with pain like this every day

  4. I would hire a bouncer. Doesn’t sound like you a need full blown security detail, but hire someone to stand at the door and throw any ~literal~ clowns out.

  5. I do not understand why anyone sends nudes or keeps them at this point. Shit gets hacked, catfish scams are insanely common, sending nudes is just a FAFO proposition at this point.

  6. Fiancé has gotten cold feet. Views the marriage as the end of romance and its possibilities, rather than the beginning of happily ever after. Was feeling that the relationship had already settled into more of a routine than an adventure (neglected) and saw no way out (depressed). The kiss was an escape attempt, and Fiancé is what law enforcement might call a “flight risk.”

    I can't draw any firm conclusions about it ending at a kiss. Perhaps a gut check about who she was kissing: YOUR best friend. Someone who might suffer pangs of conscience, reject her, and blab. Someone whose betrayal would double your loss. Not a good escape vehicle.

    So much for amateur therapy. For reliable answers, please see a professional. Good luck.

  7. sis hes cheating on you .leave him block him out your life starve him with divorce papers. let him be with Laura they clearly deserve eachother.. you'd be on to better things .

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