⭐Evelyn +Adam (guest) + Kira and Tony (couple) ⭐ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


⭐Evelyn +Adam (guest) + Kira and Tony (couple) ⭐, 30 y.o.


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⭐Evelyn +Adam (guest) + Kira and Tony (couple) ⭐ live sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

28 thoughts on “⭐Evelyn +Adam (guest) + Kira and Tony (couple) ⭐ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Yea I find them funny alot cause of the looks on their faces when Chris comes out. There's something about criminals caught and Backes in to a corner when they didn't expect it that's entertaining/funny

  2. Oh, I missed the memo that not trying to hit your partner made you perfect. In that case, yes, I'm perfect. Pretty low bar to set.

    I find it worrisome how you are downplaying it. Communication is vital in a relationship, yes, but we're talking about physical abuse here, not trying to decide where to go for Christmas. Are you suggesting he asks “babe, why did you try to hit me?” JFC.

  3. Do not see him again, in person or otherwise. He isn't the one for you and you don't know him well enough to call him your soul mate. You don't know him at all. You've been dating a phony who had to lie to you to date him.

  4. Also, it's mostly his friends, work colleagues etc who just gently tease him about how he's a chatterbox. Easy to take when you're talking about Netflix, not so easy when a counsellor falls asleep whist your talking about all your worst moments.

  5. He would have found someone else somewhere else. New assistant at work, some girl at the gym, whatever. For all you know this isn’t the first time he’s cheated or tried to. This is just the first time he’s been caught and there’s some real consequences.

    Has your sister said she holds you responsible at all?

  6. Do you think you are overreacting? Do you genuinely feel afraid of him? Are you scared that he is going to hurt you?

  7. I think he does, but I've asked him several times and he insists he doesn't. like i've been straightup with him about my concerns and he insists that he's not gay or trans.

  8. Just don’t focus on it and try to live your life. Plenty of time. I was single for 8 years and didn’t look for a partner because I knew when the time was right i would find someone. After I turned 28 someone reached out I used to go to school with and we just clicked. We have now been married for 3 years and have a great family together.

  9. You’re 30. Say no and keep saying no. No other words. No “because I’m not a hairdresser” or “because I don’t think I can” or any other “because”.

    Just “no”. Then change the subject or walk away. Cut her off. Literally the minute she says “I want you to cut…” your answer is “no”.

  10. YOU DESERVE TO SEE FRIENDS. That is a normal thing.

    You are the only one who can protect you.

    You can choose to stay, choose to accommodate that kind of behavior. Or you can choose not to.

    He will likely not agree if you choose to remove yourself. It doesn’t matter.

    It is your choice.

    Just like going out with your friends is your choice.

    CHOOSE THE RIGHT THING and fuck him if he is going to throw a fit

  11. The title doesn’t do this post justice. This isn’t laziness this is apathy. You love him but he doesn’t love you. The laptop bit made me feel sick because it reminded me so much of a toxic relationship I was in. Why are you still with this guy. You’re not his girlfriend you’re his FWB

  12. She should look for a new job, but that’s a whole other can of worms.

    I think you need to tell her that you are mentally burnt out too and don’t feel like you can give her as much help as she needs and you want to talk about what you two could do. Could she see therapist more often? Could she sometimes call her mother or a friend when you aren’t home? Could she do something like go on a run?

    Second, you need some boundaries. You need to say hey, when I get home, I need x amount of time before I can talk. Another option is, hey I want to have dinner time be when we discuss this, and when dinner’s over I need to be done talking about it for the day.

    Give her windows to vent to you that still maintain boundaries for yourself.

    In terms of a new job, you could at the end of every bad day, open up a job search together for a couple of minutes. Don’t pressure her into it just so much as make looking for the next thing apart of the regular healing routine

  13. We have talked about it after sex like when we were cuddling and just laying next to each other just kind of mindlessly touching each other in a non sexual way.

  14. he does not want to get back together, leave him alone to process this his way. you think about yourself and how you are going to process this. no one is going to be angry at you for getting an abortion because you don't want to take care of a baby by yourself. congratulations, that's called being responsible, and guess what? you can have a baby with someone who wants to be with you when the time is right. don't bring an unwanted child into the world in hopes it will magically make your ex come back. not fair at all to the child.

  15. This really sucks. Don't marry this woman. have the strength to call the wedding off and give yourself time to heal.

  16. Well, parts of that sounds promising.

    What would be even more promising, is if he understood that expressing 'I love you' right now, would push you away instead of bringing you closer.

    He may be ready to say it, but you're not ready to hear it.

    Neither of which is bad. It just needs to be understood by both sides, which is the key.

    Ngl, I knew I loved my Gf within the first few months… it took her over a year to express it. But we didn't force it on each-other.

    There needs to be a pace that works for the two of you.

  17. I guess one reason could be that it's a very narrow-minded and privileged view. So many people in the world don't even have enough water to drink, let alone showering every day. And if you start to smell after not showering for one day (assuming it's not hot outside, you haven't exercised etc.) then there's probably something wrong with you. Not showering also doesn't mean you don't wash your face, armpits and genitals every day. It just means you don't shower.

  18. see I'm a sucker for romance stories like this, so if I saw this on wattpad I would prob check it out haha

  19. I'm possessive about the person I'm spending the rest of my life with.. yes. Why is this weird? I don't understand why I'm the idiot for saying no, I'm not calling anyone anything for saying yes. I'm just saying no I wouldn't and wanted to know if I was the majority or the minority.. that's it. And for perspective, my wife is the one and only relationship that I have been in. So she is held high in my eyes, you can say I'm weird or what ever but I don't know. My position still stands. I wouldn't do it.

  20. That's not how the story read to me, but sadly it has been deleted so who knows. Regardless, considering the risks women face with online dating, I think investigating someone is reasonable. And its not like she wasn't looking at stuff that anyone has access to. This wasn't like she hacked a db to spy on him or something.

  21. She is her own person I recognize this more now, i told her the food stops idea and she loves it and it makes me feel better knowing that I’m giving her support as opposed to trying to control the outcome of the hike. Thanks so much.

  22. People cope with grief in different ways. The way even you closest family manage may not be the same as the way you do. There is no “correct way” to grieve.

    It is also common for the denial/ disbelief stage to run for a while, especially for someone who was so instrument in your life and it is difficult into believe they are gone. It may hit you in a couple days or a couple weeks. Personally, I am usually pretty ok until the funeral but then it hits me.

    Secondly, you don’t need to get over her death. She was hugely influential in your life and a constant factor you. Her influence will always follow you and is a huge factor of who you are. That is good and you should be proud of that. I’m sure she is proud of you. You will always miss her, now it will be a show stopper. Over time it will be less (or at least you will manage it better)

    You can take comfort in the fact that she lived a full and long life. She was active until just before her death and her suffering was short. She had accepted it was her time. All of these are things that are denied to many people.

    Be with your family. Allow yourself and them to cry and be upset and angry. Remember the good memories. Laugh and cry as you need to. Work through it and support each other. This is how you honour her memory.

  23. Sunk cost fallacy is not a reason to stay with someone.

    I want you to stop thinking about your crush for a sec and think about your boyfriend back home. Do you see yourself with him in 15 years? Like, I'm not joking. Do you really see yourself settling down with him, starting a family, getting a dog, making coffee on a Saturday morning?

    If the answer is no, then regardless of your crush, break it off with him so he can find someone who does see a future with him and then you are free to do your thing!

    You are young and long distance relationships are tough as nails. Don't stay with your long distance man if you don't see a future with him.

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