ZulemaCruz live webcams for YOU!



Date: February 8, 2023

10 thoughts on “ZulemaCruz live webcams for YOU!

  1. When someone keeps accusing you of something it's usually because they are doing it. Your boyfriend also sounds less mature than most 18 year olds. If you want this life for yourself then so be it because clearly you're accepting of it. If you want to be happy and live YOUR life then dump him and let him try and control someone else. Men like him usually don't change and the best thing for them is to get repeatedly dumped for their shitty behavior in hopes that they realize it's THEM that is the problem and do some self reflecting. That won't happen if you keep staying with him and letting him stop you from being happy.

  2. Supporting your friends can mean encouraging them to do the right thing for them. Friends aren’t therapists – that’s above the paygrade. I do wish people would recognise this more, there are limits as to how much we can help our friends, the best we can do is point the in the right direction and give them baby steps.

    Seen too many friendships breakdown because the friend was tired of playing “therapist” which they should never have done in the first place.

  3. When you're afraid of being alone, you will settle for less than you deserve. When you love yourself, being alone becomes a gift and you realize that time is valuable and can be spent creating the life you want and working to become the best version of yourself. You could enjoy being young and single, which you should because you aren't young forever.

    Needing a partner is an unfortunate social construct projected onto women and it often leaves us trapped in unsatisfying relationships and marriages. You could end up having children with the wrong person because you didn't want to be alone. Do not give anymore of your time to people who don't deserve it because you don't want to be alone.

  4. I think you should tell your husband and go to couples counseling. Don’t cheat on your partner.

  5. The tan is questionable but if your making a presentation or speaking in front of a group you may want to eighteen your teeth. If this is his co-worker she sees him everyday as he was prior to all of this

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