You are treating him like a child. Tracking video game hours? Did he ask you for help with this, or is it something you imposed? Is your poor treatment of him critiques of how he does chores? Maybe he's done with chores because he can never do them “right.” If he's simply a slob, then stop doing certain chores for him. If he wants clean clothes, he launders them himself. Etc.
I remember when my high school boyfriend would pull the same shit just to see how long I could take it before flipping on him. Intentionally ignoring for days “because XYZ” is emotional manipulation at its finest. People who do stuff like this will only end up tormenting you emotionally in worse ways. Cut the cord
Everyone has a different idea of “affordable,” so you’re going to have to figure out what that means to you.
That being said, what’s your gf’s biggest stressors, her biggest daily challenges, and do you have any idea if she prefers to be active on vacations, or completely offline?
Because people underestimate how different other people’s ideas about vacation can be.
When I was younger, I loved walking all day and finding favorite, off the beaten path local favorites. Local restaurants, boutiques for shopping, museums, etc. The idea of sitting on a beach doing nothing all day made me itchy just thinking about it.
Now that I’m older, things have changed. I still like finding secret places, but I also love just laying on a beach, or sitting lakeside and staring out into space for a few hours each day.
Figuring that out is pretty important if your vacation is going to be a proper escape for her or not.
All-inclusive resorts are great for checking out of life and obligations, and they often have activities you can opt in and out of easily. But if she’s a “let’s go explore” type, a resort will probably be very boring for her.
Also, keep the travel as short as possible. Not knowing where you are, you’re going to have to do that leg work yourself, but keep travel to a few hours, door to door.
He doesn’t like you and probably has another gf or wife. Personally I wouldn’t let someone treat me like unwanted leftovers
Try something citrus. It’s very clean
You said you’ve googled it, and people have said that their phones/GPS have shown them in places they’ve never been.
Of all the places that a glitch might accidentally put her location, how the hell does it wind up putting her at a coworker’s place?
Jesus Christ, you know the world doesn’t end if you don’t get a blowjob, right? Way to blame her.
You need to get rid of both of them and seek therapy. One of them raped you (yes, that’s what that was) and the other is mentally unstable.
You are treating him like a child. Tracking video game hours? Did he ask you for help with this, or is it something you imposed? Is your poor treatment of him critiques of how he does chores? Maybe he's done with chores because he can never do them “right.” If he's simply a slob, then stop doing certain chores for him. If he wants clean clothes, he launders them himself. Etc.
I remember when my high school boyfriend would pull the same shit just to see how long I could take it before flipping on him. Intentionally ignoring for days “because XYZ” is emotional manipulation at its finest. People who do stuff like this will only end up tormenting you emotionally in worse ways. Cut the cord
Moving on is so much easier said than done… Is leaving someone because of sex a normal thing? Or am i being childish? Sigh
Everyone has a different idea of “affordable,” so you’re going to have to figure out what that means to you.
That being said, what’s your gf’s biggest stressors, her biggest daily challenges, and do you have any idea if she prefers to be active on vacations, or completely offline?
Because people underestimate how different other people’s ideas about vacation can be.
When I was younger, I loved walking all day and finding favorite, off the beaten path local favorites. Local restaurants, boutiques for shopping, museums, etc. The idea of sitting on a beach doing nothing all day made me itchy just thinking about it.
Now that I’m older, things have changed. I still like finding secret places, but I also love just laying on a beach, or sitting lakeside and staring out into space for a few hours each day.
Figuring that out is pretty important if your vacation is going to be a proper escape for her or not.
All-inclusive resorts are great for checking out of life and obligations, and they often have activities you can opt in and out of easily. But if she’s a “let’s go explore” type, a resort will probably be very boring for her.
Also, keep the travel as short as possible. Not knowing where you are, you’re going to have to do that leg work yourself, but keep travel to a few hours, door to door.
Ooooh become defensive now have we? Ugh I can tell you’re a nasty piece of work.
She was never mean to her. She didn’t even say that to Alex. Alex overheard her saying that.