Wonder woman , ??‍♀️⚡ live webcams for YOU!


fuck ass [289 tokens remaining]

Date: October 9, 2022

20 thoughts on “Wonder woman , ??‍♀️⚡ live webcams for YOU!

  1. I am 43M. I think that is an amazing gift for him. He will enjoy it. Don't listen to whatever female told you that. Go with ur gut. It is a thoughtful gift but more importantly a gift he can and will use. Good luck

  2. “I'm sorry that I super-glued your right hand to your pubic hair while you were asleep, and placed a small bucket filled with eggs by the foot of your bed where I estimated your feet would be once you woke up and realized that your right hand was glued to your pubic hair. Also I apologize for hiding all the soap and scissors so that you would have a harder time freeing your hand… which was glued to your… ahm. Anyways, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. So, can I get an invite to your wedding?”

  3. I’d never say no to a blowjob because I’ve been with my girl for 7 years and I can’t remember the las time she initiated any sexual act.

  4. Then he should find a partner that has those priorities, instead of harming his depressed gf that is already having a tough time and might have mental health more as a priority right now than physical health. And if she is doing nothing to handle her depression and only keeps drinking, that really sucks and it is okay to step out if he can't support anymore. But it is kind of stupid he doesn't recognize that someone with depression might not prioritise and choose his lifestyle, when she made it very clear he needs to stop.

  5. Life lesson for you here: honesty is a two way street. If you want people to be honest with you then you need to be a person with whom their truth is safe. That means you need to learn to stop judging people so harshly and accept that we are all different, there’s no one right way to be, and life is not black and white. People aren’t stupid and they’re not going to give you personal information about themselves when you seem likely to weaponize it as you’ve done here.

    People don’t owe you honesty at all costs. It’s unreasonable and frankly pretty toxic to load your questions so heavily and make a huge deal about lying when you’re asking about things that are 100% none of your business. Regarding sex people owe you whether they are have a communicative infection or not. That’s it.

    It’s 2023 and being obsessed with a “body count” (eye roll) is immature at best. We live in a society with very damaging views about sexuality and it impacts us all differently – some people build it up and get anxious and get less experience and some people take it on like being sexy is a character trait and have a ton of experience – and everything in between.

    If you have a personal hangup around a partner having too much or too little experience (or an insecurity about your own) you should say that very early, before people get too into you. If someone’s cool with your intrusive questioning then they can keep dating you, but the rest of us will know to keep walking.

    If you were a man people would be calling you out for what sounds like fairly abusive behavior towards your partner. Demanding information that doesn’t affect you, repeated, intrusive questioning that you’ve built up to be some kind of overhyped purity test about honesty and threats about leaving them if they don’t want to subject themselves to your interrogation – this shit is really not ok. You should enter therapy and find out what you’re so scared of that you feel the need to be so controlling of your partners past history. I hope you’re ok, and that you start treating him better very soon.

  6. I actually see the language barrier as a good thing, it frees me from having to make conversation, it means I don't have to be interacting with them all the time. They can natter amongst themselves while I curl up with a cracking good book. I have also taken advantage of them being at home to go off and do my own thing while they have the kids. They can't expect me to socialise with them when we don't speak the same language.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that if we were to all speak the same language they would start to understand just how radically different I am to them. One of them works in chemicals for example, and AFAIC, chemicals are poison so he is working to poison the world. If he knew my stance, he wouldn't think that I'm a delightful person. So the barrier prevents them from getting to know the real me and I can just smile graciously and that's all I have to do for them to love me to bits. It works for me.

  7. Not a sign of a problem. You have a newborn and other plans that day. Often times things don’t happen. We all have different ways of showing our love. Valentines displays may be more important to you than for him.

  8. Not a sign of a problem. You have a newborn and other plans that day. Often times things don’t happen. We all have different ways of showing our love. Valentines displays may be more important to you than for him.

  9. Aspiring to be a housewife is awesome too.

    Well apart from when OP comes back crying that dear hubby has cheated/throttled her/has turned into a total slob because it's her job to clean up/whatever other problem that there's no coming back form, but she never finished nursing school has no diploma no work experience no way of earning money except in a deadend job with hours that are incompatible with raising the three four or five kids he saddled her with.

    I took a few years out of my career to look after my children when they were little, but I still did a little bit of freelance work here and there, and I was on unemployment benefit for the first and had parental benefits for the second, and I was back at work the day after the second started at nursery school. At no point have I had to be totally dependent on my partner, and I would never have agreed to that, just in case things went tits up.

  10. Sounds like you need to talk to someone and work through your trust issues instead of creating a problem in your relationship. I’m bi and lived with women before living wit my now husband, guess what, no cheating bc I respect my partner and we trust each other. If we didn’t we wouldn’t have made it through the last 15 years.

  11. What did you do from last time you asked?

    It was a problem before and what did what did you do?

    Unless you use the advice, it’s not going to help.

  12. Get a divorce and quickly. He's absolutely irresponsible and unreliable. Two major things you don't want in a partner.

    Also, I wouldn't count on him helping with the baby at all. I would put him on child support which will force him to keep a steady job

  13. He’s unemployed but can’t find time in his day to do any of his own cooking and cleaning? He wants you to pay for some groceries even though you don’t live together? Quick question, what does he do for you after you’ve done all this emotional and physical labour?

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