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We are Kate and Sofi, and we love to find new meetings , ?, 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms We are Kate and Sofi, and we love to find new meetings , ?

We are Kate and Sofi, and we love to find new meetings , ? live sex chat

Date: January 9, 2023

39 thoughts on “We are Kate and Sofi, and we love to find new meetings , ? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I woukd end it. Her explanation is pathetic. The way to shut him up was leaving. Or better, not getting in bed w him in the first place. I mean, is she going to leave her job? No. So she is going to work with a guy she cheated on you with now? Fuck that dude.

  2. i have i have fucking broke up w him multiple damn times he’s the one who kept coming back and begging for me back on his knees getting me flowers movie tickets treating me out telling me HE’LL DO BETTER. i literally live in his house on the third floor w only stairs, it’s fucking hard moving out and i’ve moved out multiple fucking times but he keeps begging me back and then does this fuck shit . now he’s blaming me for giving him too much stress and tasks and that i shouldn’t be mad he starved my cat after fucking surgery

  3. Well, it is her call. Just assume she has a $900 credit card bill that is payable for some undefined period of time until gf grows bolder and tells mom to shove off. I doubt this is legally an obligation, seems like blood money to me and MIL is selfish and greedy and is willing to guilt her own child with some financial obligation she decides to revive as soon as daughter expresses independence.

    Think about whether you can handle this. May want to discuss with gf that if you progress and build a life together, she needs to establish different boundaries with her mother. Either you have to accept that this MIL is going to be in your fucking face all the damn time, especially if a child comes along, and is probably going to be micromanaging your gf. GF either needs to become more strong or you need to learn to suck this up. The way she goes.

  4. What are they doing in terms of flirting as examples? What nasty things are they saying and how are you learning of it?

  5. There absolutely can be “going back from this”. It will take some work, but if they want to continue the relationship and are willing to put in the work, it could absolutely be fine. Could even be better.

  6. Uh, plenty of people can have threesomes and involve other people in their sex life without it tanking the relationship. You don't have to be a sPeCiAl sNoWfLaKe to think you can do it.

  7. you're young enough and find the kind of connection you want, and it would be entirely fair for you to end this marriage so you can try

  8. You remember 17 year olds a lot differently from being 17 than you do from being 22. GF is an asshole here but remembering the sex she had 5 years ago isn't that weird.

  9. I see where you coming from. I felt it was more an insecurity thing because he’s been in toxic relationships where he’s been written off but there has been times he said he thought I would misunderstand him but what he was talking about was so unbelievable easy to understand. I agree he doesn’t know how to have proper communication to conflict resolve though. He says he trying but I don’t sense a change. Hopefully he read some books with me and the example in there will enact some change

  10. I’m sorry but this is way past the point of “not being taught normal care” and definitely worthy of harsh judgement. I don’t care what you experienced or saw growing up, you don’t get to adulthood thinking it’s normal and cool to let not only your pets but your kid and family live in actual fucking animals piss.

    How the fuck are you unemployed but still have no time or energy to take the pet you chose to have for walks or give it any basic care or love. Now they think they’re clever and can just get rid of the problem by ditching the pet before the move so their lazy ass doesn’t have to do anything to rectify the abuse. No sympathy for OP here.

  11. I know you are super young, but 8 months isn't a long time ago, and you were with him for a long time in your young life. Be easy on yourself. Maybe you aren't ready for a new relationship yet.

    I'm so sorry for your loss, and your diagnosis. Be well.

  12. Yep, I have! I’ve asked how I can support him, offered support, or just done things to support as well. He usually says “I don’t know what I need,” which is why I gently do things of offer (without nagging or being invasive)

  13. IF you want to try and make it work, could you possibly take a vacation together? If not, maybe a weekend once a month? If not that, lots of date nights.

  14. Try looking for a job you wouldn't mind without the idea of letting her know about it. test it, in other words, against what you actually want. I believe she is probably concerned that you have no “desire to move up” and that her focus is on either financial equality or in (negative possibilities) telling you what to do or relying on your money more than hers. You won't know much until you know if you even like what's available, for YOU. I have to say also, you sure as hell are a good listener if she gave all those reasons and you retained them all without being defensive. You sound like a great human.

  15. It sounds like he's intentionally ruining your self esteem so you will think you have no options. It's a thing.

  16. Give him back to his mom. I dumped my ex that told me ‘nobody else would deal w me’ yet I was the one initiating and planning everything we did. I broke up w him in December and I’ve been on dozens of dates and I have my pick of men. They are chasing me, I am the prize. I have a way better bf now and it’s only been 3 months lol my life just keeps getting better each week it feels like.

  17. Get tested. If she’s on treatment you might be ok but she definitely deserves to be an ex and stay an ex. She had no right to not disclose that when she’s the one that wanted to drop the condom.

  18. This was oral rape – being late to your meeting is the least of your worries here.

    he is not respectful and does not respect your boundaries

    This will happen again unless you leave

  19. The fact that he's had sex with (from the sounds of it) one woman and is convinced that he can “show you how good sex can be” is laughable at best.

    Tell him the truth, if he blows up at you then ditch the loser who has double standards.

  20. If you stay it will eventually turn into loneliness anyways. You know he isn't what you want, isn't what you respect, isn't what makes you feel confident in yourself. You will become roommates, which is it's own twist on loneliness. It's not fair to either of you that you continue saying ILY.

    Being alone isn't the goal, being apart from somebody you disrespect is the goal. Finding the right person starts with being the right person. Saying an empty ILY isn't good for anybody including yourself. You already are alone, the “leap” is in being honest about that to yourself. Leave him and start the next unknown chapter of your life, this one's over.

  21. Way to waste the best years of your life waiting to have Easter & Christmas fall on the same day. Get out now before you’re waiting another decade for him to change. YOU need to change and make changes!

  22. Kind of an overreaction. Very thing has been perfect up until now. He does one stupid thing and now you suggest couples counseling? Jesus, you must be a counselor or have stock in counseling organizations.

  23. No, and for your own sake stop looking for any insignificant thing as a sign he’s wanting to cuff you. If he wanted to, he would. Don’t agree to FWB if you want more.

  24. All of his baggage is his to deal with. You should be questioning why he's out there raw dogging people that he apparently doesn't know / isn't dating. And then sleeping with you.

    p.s. it sounds like you bought into his lies because you were desperate. You may want to do some thinking about how you have boundaries, respect yourself enough not to put up with b.s. and actually know what you want from a relationship before you get into your next one.

  25. Tell him that he’s allowed to do that at HIS wedding, but someone else’s formal event is not a place for him to try and shine. That day will not be about him.

  26. I see what you’re saying. I want him to find friends, but I don’t think it should be with someone who’s been interested in him and that he went on dates with. This is my first official relationship, so I’m not experienced with these situations.

  27. What is he going to wear to your/his parents’ memorial services? This dude is self absorbed. The event is to celebrate 2 OTHER people, it is not about him. If he doesn’t get that, it’s a problem.

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