Vixen_Sashalive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Vixen_Sashalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Has she mentioned wanting to get married? If it’s something she wants and you don’t want to, let her go. If both of you are on the same page, keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t let anyone pressure you into marriage.

  2. What advice would you give a woman? Stay with the man that assaulted her? They are always sorry, always broken, always distraught. That’s how it works.

  3. Yes, I have insomnia and nothing worse than lying awake listening to someone breathing all night and not being able to do anything.

  4. Yeah, I get that. I just didnt think I'd have to worry about a married woman constantly hitting on my boyfriend when she knows we are together. So disrespectful

  5. Can he just do what he would do if they were not employees there? You know, there is more than one way to shut flirting down. Like showing blatant disinterest in their existence. Failing to listen and answering with yhm, aha, to any non-work related conversations. It should be the first measure to deal with this. This is also the only one I had ever used when I was insensitively hit on in work.

  6. That’s reaching. Let her say the exact words. Even better, say them to her bf. It may or may not be the issue

  7. He is really going to regret telling you. You aren’t really being supportive cause you aren’t respecting his desire to keep it quiet

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