Veronica the MILF live webcams for YOU!


power hour, dont waste it!

Date: October 10, 2022

13 thoughts on “Veronica the MILF live webcams for YOU!

  1. Not the norm. My husband is very turned on by me and on the flip side I’m turned on by him. He has gained some weight in the past 2 years and it does not influence my feelings because I love him for him, not his external appearance.

  2. But why did it affect him so much? He couldn't study, he couldn't keep her on his whatsapp, whenever he saw her, his face changed into sadness and when she wanted to fix things, he followed her around like a puppy and accepted her wishes.

  3. The man sexually assaulted your husband. He should count himself lucky if no charges are pressed. I don't understand how you could even question cutting him off. What would you do if it had been a female friend he assaulted.

  4. The man sexually assaulted your husband. He should count himself lucky if no charges are pressed. I don't understand how you could even question cutting him off. What would you do if it had been a female friend he assaulted.

  5. But I do understand now why Aish is offended. I can't tell Sara the truth. She will break up with me. I am just gonna apologize to Aish and try explaining her.

    I feel like I am going to lose her.

  6. I’ll be waiting for it too ?

    My long distance relationship isn’t what I thought it was…. Do I still have a chance with my husband ?

  7. OP leave with your son now and go to the hospital. Inform them that your husband is holding your papers hostage, has drugged your son, and is trying to have your son taken from you. These are all true statements. The fact that he is sending these texts means he’s trying to create a paper trail. Then tell them that you and your son need a drug test.

    Do not respond to his texts. Screen shot them and email them to yourself.

  8. You need to break up with her. She’s trying to bully you into doing something that not only makes you uncomfortable, but straight up causes you extreme anxiety.

    A good partner doesn’t ignore their SO’s needs. She’s selfish and sounds like she’s using you.

  9. It has only been 2.5 weeks so that's probably why I'm still unable to trust him. That said, he has been trying to show me with his actions that he's trying to change (beyond making an apology). I guess it'll take time like you said!

  10. Yes you’re right, I have begun addressing the root of the problem but shes unwilling at the moment.

  11. It’s not your job to regulate your partners emotions.

    If she can’t come up with solutions on her own, like taking her medication, or isn’t willing to put in the effort, you need to decide on if you want to be her punching bag.

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