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30 thoughts on “VanessaKimnishlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. “I wonder how he would feel if you went out and @#$%ed other dudes?”

    Ironically there was recently a woman on here whose partner wanted to open the relationship and she was originally against it. She met someone and the husband overhead her talking about how great her boyfriend is. He didn't like it. He should be careful what he wishes for.

  2. Is she ever nice to you? Why wouldn't she be happy for you? People shouldn't want their significant other to have high blood pressure and die young

  3. Why the hell would you want to connect on a dating app with someone that much older than you?

    Are you looking for something serious and long term? If so, then even if he is a wonderful, not-creepy guy who becomes your life partner, he'll be senile and geriatric and most likely impotent while you're still in the prime of life, and he'll leave you a young widow. And any kids you have together (if you both want them) will likely lose their father when they're too young.

    Also, why would he want to connect with someone so much younger than him? That alone is very suss.

    You can do better.

  4. I had wanted to leave my last relationship so so much sooner, but didnt want the uncomfortability of starting over. I do feel like I am rushing things, but I think I've given that impression to this new partner. I've told him that that IS what I'm looking for sooner rather than later. Because at the end of the day I do firmly believe you cant always choose who you fall in love with, but you do have to wake up and make the choice every day to stay with them amd keep loving them. My brain and heart are very separate on the matter 🙁

  5. He is either going to start assaulting you, or leave you for another 18yo sex toy. Either way you are going to be hurt. This is not normal.

  6. once my relatives will happily pay for everything else

    Do you see how this budget example only works for you?

  7. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. From an outsiders perspective, your boyfriend has shown you exactly what he wants, and it is not to be with you. It was cruel for him to spring this last minute on you. But there's not much you can do — he's made his choice. All that's left is for you to evaluate if you want to stay with someone who would string you along and harm your career prospects due to his inability to commit. I'm sorry, OP ❤️ Good luck.

  8. People aren’t perfect, but there are plenty of people who get drunk, are with people of the opposite sex, and don’t cheat. So it’s not like cheating is a side effect of drinking like slurred speech. Yes it impairs you, but if you really weren’t thinking about cheating while you’re sober, I highly doubt that some alcohol is going to push you there if you really don’t want to do that.

  9. This is what happens when people don’t take the time to truly get to know their partners before getting engaged/married/having kids…

    I am deeply sorry that you are putting up with this madness, but hopefully you can share your story and discourage other people from becoming so entwined with people they don’t KNOW. You can’t possibly know someone after 2 years- especially not if they’ve been living with their MOM most of the week.

    There were big red flags but you didn’t take them seriously.

  10. Take it from someone with lots of experience in drug addicted people.

    You can not help them, if they first don't help themselves. If she is serious about getting help to stop she should first go to a rehab, or hospital and admit herself. She then needs to follow up with meetings, and programs that will help her stay clean.

    Being in a relationship while getting clean for the first year, is not recommended. She needs to use that first year to work on herself and not worry about a bf etc.

    I have heard so many times from loved ones, that they needed my help to get clean, and when I tried, they pretended to do what was expected, but were still using.

    You can not help her, she needs to help herself

  11. Why dont you understand why that would be an issue for him? He doesn’t want drug users around his kid. Period. Yes leave him, you cannot be so casual about this kind of thing with someone who has a kid, you’re incompatible.

  12. By not doing it again. By understanding what feelings in yourself you needed or chose to feed in that moment. By practicing trustworthy behaviour.

  13. Female here. Dude chill out! Change up your attitude towards life cause i believe positivity attracts positive. I was single from 21 to 35. Im 36 now and ive found myself a good man

  14. Tell her you'll propose when you can afford it, then. If she wants it that badly, she can wait.

  15. I admitted to being naïve as well as explaining that the goal of this post is for me to better understand why I feel this way. I wish there was a “scared straight” course for people who think they want a kid but don't appreciate the challenges, as I so clearly do not.

  16. I appreciate the advice. It is good advice because i can see this possibly changing me and F32 friendship dynamic. I hope it doesnt but it probably will.

    To explain their dynamic: F26 is best friend with F32’s younger sister since middle school. F26 became close with F32 family to the point where F26 calls F32’s parents her “adoptive” parents because F26 lived with them for a bit. F26 and F32 are close but its like sisters who are a few years apart. They love each other and hangout with each other but because of the age difference there are some things they sometimes disagree on. Its a very sister type relationship. F32 just gets annoyed when she tries to give F26 advice and F26 doesnt take it and it blows up in F26’s face (like any older sibling).

  17. My husband has been hinting at me to get a boyfriend for a while.

    Husband of the year.

    Now he's sulking. What a man.

    You married a dud. So sorry for you. 11 year marriage, it's a damn shame.

    You ever going to trust this guy to stay monogomous? Strong likelihood he'll be joining these dating sites in secret, you'll be none the wiser.

    Stick to your guns, be strong. Don't let him guilt you into this.

  18. ehhh i've had instances when a girl couldn't make something. It goes one of two ways either she says she can't do that day and offers up a different day, or she says I can't do that day and offers nothing. Now ideally you want a girl in the former group if that happens, if shes in the latter group you can be like your friends and be persistent. But in my experience id say 4/5 times I've done that if the girl flaked initially she will probably flake again. The 1/5 times the girl does actually respond well to my persistence it sometimes goes ok but normally there isn't much mutual interest and it doesnt last. Think about it, any person guy or girl who is interested in you will definitely reschedule without much effort from the other person. Why wouldn't they? They should be eager to see you if youre asking them out and they are into you.

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