Valenwants live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 6, 2022

9 thoughts on “Valenwants live webcams for YOU!

  1. And then you'd b*tch that she spent your money to buy them. Just reaffirming your ridiculous beliefs that she's a gold digger. I feel so sorry for her. To have been your support system for years, to have kept your home for you and bent over backwards for you and this is how little you think of her. I sincerely doubt that you haven't always been this self centered. But it's okay! I'm sure she'll find a wonderful man that will love her and appreciate not only her homemaking skills but also not look down on her for her salary. Meanwhile, you will find out what a true gold digger is. After much dating and getting used, you'll eventually find that high powered career woman won't have time to make your meals, do your laundry, or even have sex with you. But hey, money can hire all those people. And one day you'll look back and see yourself for the insufferable, dh that you are and realize you made the biggest mistake of your life when you let go of the woman that had your back and loved you no matter what.

  2. I don’t have enough information to see if you did anything wrong. But I do have enough info to see that he needs to put his big boy pants and communicate with you. If he has a problem, he shouldn’t ignore you/be passif aggressif… i would just say to him « I don’t feel like from your behaviour that something is troubling you, I wish to resolve the issue with you. I’ll be there when you are ready to talk, if you tell me that everything is fine then I believe you. » and then if he still insist that « it’s fine » go on about your day. Go watch a show, go have fun, you can’t fix the situation if he is not mature and does not communicate with you

  3. No one remotely said you did.

    I asked a question. You don’t have to answer. But you also don’t have to twist yourself in knots to justify not answering.

    It’s just very telling that NO ONE can answer this question in a way that doesn’t involve saying trans woman aren’t really woman. Which is inherently transphobic.

    And we all know rather than self reflected on if there was a reason for that, we must throw temper tantrums about being called out.

  4. While you royally screwed up, she is at fault in this situation as well.

    I mean it’s 2023 if marriage was that important to her, she could have proposed to you.

    Instead she did the one thing that is almost guaranteed to get young men to dig in their heels, and that is the passive nag. The constant “ooh this would be nice”, “this is how our wedding could be” etc.

    So what do you want? If you want a relationship with her, then you are going to 1 start SHOWING her how much she means to you. 2 seriously think about proposing, and how to make it a good one, cause down on one knee at a restaurant or something like that isn’t going to cut it anymore. 3 propose, and pray she says yes.

    If not, then grow a spine get some respect for you and her and end the relationship.

  5. I'll replace with names. And no, my standards are not high, it's just i'm not a really emotional person and i don't really like people either. That is why i'm aşkına for some advice

  6. People treat you how they feel. Patterns of behavior tell you how they feel about you over periods of time. What people aren't willing to do shows you where they have drawn the line at what matters. I think you should say something like, “It's been super bothering me that you belittle me constantly, and that needs to stop. I realize I need a partner that builds me up, and I realize now what a major turnoff it is to think it's funny to tear me down.” When he keeps doing it because he doesn't care enough to be a better partner for YOU – -keep your mental energy away from his take on the situation and stay focused on how YOU are being made small so he can laugh. Real kings treat their partners like queens.

  7. Yeah, that's how it goes: if you are a 30-year-old man who wants to date someone almost 10 years younger, that's how it works. She provides her young body, you provide the funds. I thought this is a well-knowndynamic? The older man pays for things, the pretty young thing on his arm provides sex and companionship way beyond his league age-wise. The older mand does not split the bill with the young pretty thing! If you dislike this dynamic date women your age.

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