Thickxhoneylive sex stripping with hd cam


11 thoughts on “Thickxhoneylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I’m really sorry for you and your bf loss I’m expecting a baby and I couldn’t imagine being in that situation I really hope after you talk with him things get better

  2. Ask her what she thinks of it. All it means is that you two agree to date each other exclusively. If it works out, it works out, if it doesn't you break up. If she still wants to be free to date other people then yes, it will be too soon for that too. You can only find out by asking.

  3. even a bette[sp] race then me

    First, stop with that BS. Unless he's the son of Arathorn, I guess.

    Second, block her now, because she's using you. She has already shown that she will hop to whatever she thinks is the next best thing.

  4. Alright, the most important thing here… is to work at a pace that is comfortable to you.

    For example, him expressing love for you and if you're not ready to handle it… that needs to be managed and dealt with appropriately.

    You could have a great connection / potential, but how things are executed can be a make or break.

    I implore you to not rush anything. T

    Take your time and ensure you're building a foundation instead of running on honey-moon emotions.

    I met my gf 2 months after she got out of a 10 year. I, on the other hand was on the dating scene for 2 years. When we met, there was so much that fit. But… she wasn't genuinely ready for a relationship (chance you might not be either)… it took a lot of patience and work, and the end result was worth it.

    I cannot stress this enough… the pace needs to be something you're comfortable with and everything needs to be done for the right reasons.

    I can relate if you met a right person during bad timing, but if its going to work, you two will discover ways around it that would make it manageable.

  5. A lap dance isn't cheating. He should have been honest about it but this post gives me the “wife being the quasi-mother of her husband” vibe, so of course he feels like he cant be honest because you both have different morals. This is the problem when men pretend to be someone they are not when entering into a relationship.

    I don't know what answer you want but do you want the typical “divorce him now” which is what you will get here on reddit or do you want the practical i.e. you just had a kid with him so try to work it out without all the drama that lasts days on end.

    Maybe approach him from an empathetic POV instead of accusing him and you may get the answers you seek

  6. Everything that has been said is pretty much what I've been feeling. I was hoping someone would have a logical answer against what I thought but I'm just stupid and hopeful.

  7. She’s treating it well. She just doesn’t like dogs, it doesn’t make her a bad person. I like my dogs but I’m very much a cat person. Dogs are overwhelming and loud. I don’t by any means hate dogs and I always baby the ones I’m around, but I don’t necessarily enjoy being around them long term.

  8. End the relationship.

    Tell him that he is fucking delusional to believe that he can at the same time, be scared of you, your family, and all other white people, and date you.

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