79 thoughts on “Thayrasmith live webcams for YOU!”
First of all, congrats on the baby!!!
Secondly, you have to understand that how people treat you is a reflection on THEM, not you. You’re human, you make mistakes, but you’re not a telepath. It’s on you to act how you act, and it’s on you to voice your displeasure. The same applies to your friend. It’s on her to communicate, and if she doesn’t want to, that’s all her, NOT you. It’s not for you to guess for then you’d have the world’s problems on your shoulders.
If you want to, you could email. It doesn’t hurt. Just don’t expect a reply.
I’ve had relationships break before. Sometimes from excessive expectations due to how people portray themselves incorrectly. Sometimes from a lack of respect for boundaries. Sometimes because they weren’t willing to face the truth and communicate that so the relationship could be a better fit for them. They all suck, and are hard, because close relationships suck to lose. Regardless, you did all you could. You did your best. You’re not perfect, so I’m sure there’s areas of reflection and growth for you, but the fact of the matter stands: it is the responsibility of the hurt person to communicate. It is their responsibility to manage their feelings and emotions. If they’re unwilling to do that, if they’re unwilling to help themselves, it sucks ass, but you can’t do anything. You can’t help someone unwilling to help themselves.
Honestly, I think it’s time for you to get out there and do hobbies, or journal, or meet people (even if just other mommies). All relationships have grief stages. How would you handle a breakup with a boyfriend? This is very similar, and I’m assuming a year later you don’t still constantly ruminate over the old boyfriend.
And if it helps at all, dropping a whole relationship over a baby shower sounds awfully immature. Not appropriately communicating all grievances with someone you care about so they can be addressed sounds immature.
What's going to happen if one of you becomes infertile (guaranteed to happen when you hit menopause if not sooner)? Will he divorce you, or just stop having sex forever?
Will he refuse to have sex when you're confirmed to be pregnant, since there'd be no chance of conceiving?
Some men don’t just want sex, but a lot of men today do just want sex. We live in a hookup culture today. Where sex & having sex before marriage is whatever. We don’t value principles the same. It’s disgusting that men degrade woman & don’t treat them with respect anymore. But again this is more so about age then about anything a 20 year old having sex with a 30 something year old is kinda creepy & you need to think what his intentions are.
Being together in one country is going to take at least 15 months due to backlogs. We both want children but also to spend some alone time together. If we don’t know by now, we’ll be looking at being 40 before having children and that’ll likely be way too late. The few months that I have spent ‘living with her’ were perfect but as you said we may only be seeing each others best behaviour. I guess we’d never know until actually living together.
Yes, like the: you can come over now but we will talk about treatment options when you’re here. I can drive you to a clinic because next time, i will not let you stay in my house. I finally went into the ward because I thought my boyfriend would break up with me if I didn’t. He wouldn’t have, I misinterpreted something he texted. I was sure i would die if he broke up with me so I went
Dating is alien to you, of course breaking up is weird for you. It takes two people to start a relationship and one person to end it. It isn't a negotiation. He doesn't have to agree.
I think there's a difference between condoning the behavior and being jealous. You have every right to your feelings. I think you both need to sit down and talk about how these interactions make you feel and the boundaries he has with these “friends”. He can have friends that are girls but they need to be respectful to your relationship too. Can't be buddy buddy like with guys. It just doesn't work like that
I tell him I know people in longggg term relationships whose partners trust them to go have girl time with no problems and he says if their man doesn’t care for their girls safety that’s on them. I tell him I been alive and going places this long without you I’ll be just fine?
For future reference, it would have been best to approach her husband with the idea, maybe make it a combined gift and have him pitch in however much he could. Giving a woman an expensive gift is generally a red flag as many men have strings attached even though you didn’t mean it as a romantic gesture.
Would it be possible to meet one on one with husband to apologize for not giving him a heads up? “Hey man, I want you to know the car was not meant to upstage you in any way. I only wanted to thank her for helping me get to where I am now. I realize now that I should have talked to you about it first. My bad.”
Either way, I’d give them a little breathing room for a while to show there were no ulterior motives.
Your family isn't in your relationship. You and your partner are. Date who you want. You family will get behind you or they are not worth having as family.
Yeah sadly it’s from personal experience as my ex had a friend at work who pulled this on her. Oh I’ve run into money issues I am going to be made homeless I can’t afford the rent. My ex paid this girls rent for ages but eventually told me what was going on as she was proud of helping her friend, I was shocked this girl treated my gf like shit had a well paying job and still my GF was telling me how great her friend was. Me she didn’t even invite you to her birthday party, has never got you a present for your birthday and despite the fact you give her frees lifts to work and other places has never once said thank you she hasn’t even thanked you for the money (which she spent on drugs as she had no rent) . Worst of all she told you that if she gets the chance she’s going to seduce me and fuck me in front of you! So WHY ARE GIVING HER MONEY AND WHY DO THINK SHE IS YOUR FRIEND?
Yeah sadly it’s from personal experience as my ex had a friend at work who pulled this on her. Oh I’ve run into money issues I am going to be made homeless I can’t afford the rent. My ex paid this girls rent for ages but eventually told me what was going on as she was proud of helping her friend, I was shocked this girl treated my gf like shit had a well paying job and still my GF was telling me how great her friend was. Me she didn’t even invite you to her birthday party, has never got you a present for your birthday and despite the fact you give her frees lifts to work and other places has never once said thank you she hasn’t even thanked you for the money (which she spent on drugs as she had no rent) . Worst of all she told you that if she gets the chance she’s going to seduce me and fuck me in front of you! So WHY ARE GIVING HER MONEY AND WHY DO THINK SHE IS YOUR FRIEND?
Really? I'm 48 and my first husband was 18 years older than me and my second husband is 20 years younger than me. Age restrictions can be limiting for true connections. I was with my first for 10 years and the reason we broke up weren't age related and I've been with my second for five years. In between I was with a man i never married for ten years. And he was my age.
Block her. Mourn. Move forward with your new normal that will feel weird at first, but will feel freeing once you’re out of the pattern. You are currently stuck in a sunken cost spiral where you feel you put x amount in, so if you just put a little more in things will turn around. They won’t. You are simply wasting more time and en energy that will bring you deeper into that spiral. You won’t get the time and effort back, but that’s okay because you can learn and move forward to all the things you are missing in the world because of this relationship.
Block her number, then delete her number, and start fresh.
You think it's weird because it IS weird. People that are in their 30s that actively pnly aim for people in their early 20s are both immature and WEIRD. It's absolutely a red flag.
Well-adjusted 30+ year olds usually find people in their early 20s to be kiddish because they haven't been out of highschool for very long, they have a major lack of adult life experience, and plenty still haven't grown out of thinking like teens.
I hope I'm wrong, but i have a feeling you will regret ending things with her. You can't expect to have a partner who has everything you wish for, there's gotta be some differences. Have you tried telling her you want her to get out of her comfort zone?
The first thing that’s a really big problem here is you have two different styles for your libido he has a higher libido. That’s going to cause this relationship major problems to the point of ending the relationship possibly. So both of your gonna have to compromise you’re gonna have to give him more and he’s gonna have to step back more
Oh okay so you don't have proof just assumptions, she's not comfortable with it full stop, I'd think you'd know the definition of no means no and you're pretty judgmental yourself calling her vanilla
said no, and then said sometimes she imagines me being this random pornstar she knows by name. Then I asked if it’s ever anyone she knows personally, and she said I don’t want to know.
She tried to warn you, you wouldn't want to know.
Many people roleplay or think up scenarios in their head during sex. The important part though, is to be present with your partner when being intimate vs when you're just having sex.
Age gaps don’t always mean unhealthy relationships, but they happen a disproportionate amount of time. Not all age gap relationships involve grooming or abuse, but many do and that’s why people bring it up all the time. People with healthy relationships rarely post here. If this guy treated OP kindly and respectfully to begin with the idea he could get her to have his kids and be his bangmaid in the future without actually being a good husband. Now he’s laying it on to convince her it’s her fault when she catches him cheating.
With zero context, calling her the wife and not ex-wife or estranged in any way, going “why is dating like this FML it's so hard” when you give absolutely no information about the situation… This very much sounds like you're the mistress, and given the low effort in your post compared to such a high maintenance and obviously tumultuous scenario it seems almost impossible that this isn't some joke.
On the off chance it isn't: of course they don't like you.
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
Im sorry in advance, I haven’t had anyone to vent to. Me (23m) and my girlfriend (26m) have been together going on 2 years now, and have lived together a little over a year. Like any relationship we have had our ups and downs, but we got past them. About 6 months ago, she was going through a rough patch mentally (diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder,) and decided her solace would be to go behind my back and talk to other guys. Alone, this is enough to put me on edge, but I could’ve gotten past it easily. The real issue came about when I found out she was lying about hanging out with her sister to hang out with guys, had guys names saved as people from work I’d never suspect, and blatantly went and hung out with a guy she was “just friends with” that i specifically expressed concerns about. Then ended up getting drunk and “just cuddling” and falling asleep, all while I was working to pay our bills while she was on a work hiatus for her mental health. She has blamed everything that’s happened on her mental health. After everything that’s happened my trust in her is completely gone. She done everything she can in the recent months to show me she’s faithful but I can’t get the ideas out of my head. I have her location, she’d let me go through her phone, whatever I wanted. But I can’t help but worry future mental issues will result in the same outcome. Can I even be sure her mental health even caused this? I’m not the first person she’s done this too which doesn’t help my uneasiness. I already have her dream ring put up in my safe, and she mentions me proposing all the time, but whenever I feel like I should, I feel like I might be screwing my self. Any opinions greatly appreciated. She is the love of my life but I can’t get over it, at least not yet.
Tldr: Girlfriend lied and ruined my trust, blames mental issues, then does everything she can to regain trust but I still can’t trust her. What do I do?
And what happens when he tells the guy to stop and the guy and his friends turn around and started kicking the shit out of him? Or pull a gun? Are you gonna jump up to defend your bf then? Highly doubt it.
He came from a family of alcoholics and honestly I was watching him heavily abuse alcohol as well.
He doesn't want to even entertain the idea of changing. Not to harp on the age difference here, but when you got together with him at 19, he probably already had a decade or so of alcohol abuse under his belt. I hope you are able to leave him, if for no other reason than to try to break the cycle for your toddler, so they don't grow up seeing the alcoholism and thinking its normal.
Ah okay. Yeah, this is kind of what I expected. Funny that he was thinking about eating breakfast with a dry af mouth.
But see it like this: He chose to lose control. MDMA is simply not an excuse. I would consider breaking up since I have zero cheating tolerance. What do you think of doing now since we will only tell you what you already know?
No. You do not NEED anal in your relationship. Especially if it's at her expense. Get over it or let her go find someone who will not get angry at her not not putting herself in a very uncomfortable position for the sake of her partner.
Work on yourself. Maybe send him ONE text along the lines of “I am still working on myself, I am sorry for how I treated you, I would love to try and rebuild something. Please reach out when you are single.”
I asked him why he even deleted all of the mutual friends, and he said it was because he met them during our relationship, that my friends were friends with me before they were friends with him, is there allegiance will most likely be with me, so it’s not worth his while to remain friends with them. Kind of seem self-centered to me
Thank you for your advice. You are right as feel like it's more convenient to stay, I've felt this for a while now actually. I need to work up the courage to speak out ?
When a man wants to marry he will do anything to make it happen. Do you feel that’s what he’s doing? Is he excited about marrying you? Does he tell you he loves you?
What would he say to you for an explanation? Most likely he's just going to give you some lame excuse or lie to you. Do you really want either one of those as an answer?
While I agree with the middle of your post, the first sentence and the last one sound a lot like you’re blaming OP for not knowing any better because she was manipulated at 16 years old. I don’t think that’s fair. She is doing the right thing now, based on her post, so I’m not sure that it was necessary to respond so incredulously. She was groomed and manipulated, of course she’s surprised.
Someone who is going through something like this doesn’t need to be admonished for being manipulated, or told “this is ridiculous” in the same sentence that it’s suggested they get therapy. She does need therapy, but she’s been through a lot, and is doing a good job of getting away from this guy, so maybe be a little more gentle?
I’m so sorry, I can understand the codependency you had with one another. Ultimately you will feel sad for some time. You will pour over the good times. But you made the right decision for both your sakes to exit the marriage. Hopefully he is able to heal himself and thrive as well. Healing and thriving will be so freeing for you, your best years are still ahead of you. Focus on you, share your story, help others. In doing so you heal yourself ❤️
hysterectomy won't work unless its done in conjunction with oophorectomy which itself carries a huge risk of a different type of pain. another reason is that my doctor says at some point the pain can be very minimal, so hysterectomy is a rush now. its honestly a big risky choice and i dont think i am mature enough to decide
My friend says she is trying to help me understand that when talking to new people, not disclosing my relationship status and not mentioning my BF upfront is a form of cheating.
I would kind of understand that in a purely social setting like a party, but that's not what this was. I wasn't omitting a mention of my BF to be deceptive, it just didn't seem relevant to what we were talking about. (And personally – I find it kind of annoying when people insert a mention of their SO into the conversation at every turn, especially when the conversation is otherwise about work/school stuff, but I guess most people don't feel that way.)
Wait, he called you by your name twice in your whole relationship? Why the fuck are you married if that bothers you? Why are you only complaining about it now? So many fucking questions..
Yeah, that’s something you keep in your back pocket. LOL
Seriously, if my partner does something dumb dumb like leaves his laundry in the wash til it stinks after 3 days, I might walk out to the living room and be all “first middle lastname WTF with your laundry dude?” And we laugh. It’s not really a big deal at all but it’s kind of a teasing thing.
As a kid though? If I heard first middle last I was in deep doo doo. ??
You spend time together, but is there any quality in the quantity? For example, when was the last time you went on an actual date together? Such as going to a zoo, theme park or museum etc and just enjoying a day of casual fun and feeling happy & relaxed. How much time do you spend chatting with each other and showing a genuine interest in each others lives? Do you know what your partner is up to? Do you have any particular dreams or goals (and are you actively pursuing them)? Please do not go look for sex/intimacy elsewhere outside of this relationship (in any shape or form) as it will really put a coffin nail in what remains of your relationship. The lack of sex is a consequence of both your partners self esteem and anxiety issues (which will become even more compounded if you start looking elsewhere) and the distance between you two. The sex issue will not improve until you deal with the underlying causes of it. Is your partner suffering from depression at all?
Then OP needs to make the facts known “your father got me pregnant then refused to believe you were his babies and refused to help me. He assumed I'd get an abortion but didn't offer to help even with that.”
OP you don't have to use subjective words like “mean”. If you just recount the facts anyone can see that the guy was mean and a deadbeat. It's important for the kids to make their own minds up about their parentage.
If you don't let them see him now, you can't stop them from reaching out forever.
Tell him to go stay with his sister then. Fuck this guy he is putting smoking over the health and safety of you and your child. If he’s this irresponsible now imagine when kiddos old enough to get into his stash – you know he wouldn’t take them to a hospital out of fear to protect himself.
First of all, congrats on the baby!!!
Secondly, you have to understand that how people treat you is a reflection on THEM, not you. You’re human, you make mistakes, but you’re not a telepath. It’s on you to act how you act, and it’s on you to voice your displeasure. The same applies to your friend. It’s on her to communicate, and if she doesn’t want to, that’s all her, NOT you. It’s not for you to guess for then you’d have the world’s problems on your shoulders.
If you want to, you could email. It doesn’t hurt. Just don’t expect a reply.
I’ve had relationships break before. Sometimes from excessive expectations due to how people portray themselves incorrectly. Sometimes from a lack of respect for boundaries. Sometimes because they weren’t willing to face the truth and communicate that so the relationship could be a better fit for them. They all suck, and are hard, because close relationships suck to lose. Regardless, you did all you could. You did your best. You’re not perfect, so I’m sure there’s areas of reflection and growth for you, but the fact of the matter stands: it is the responsibility of the hurt person to communicate. It is their responsibility to manage their feelings and emotions. If they’re unwilling to do that, if they’re unwilling to help themselves, it sucks ass, but you can’t do anything. You can’t help someone unwilling to help themselves.
Honestly, I think it’s time for you to get out there and do hobbies, or journal, or meet people (even if just other mommies). All relationships have grief stages. How would you handle a breakup with a boyfriend? This is very similar, and I’m assuming a year later you don’t still constantly ruminate over the old boyfriend.
And if it helps at all, dropping a whole relationship over a baby shower sounds awfully immature. Not appropriately communicating all grievances with someone you care about so they can be addressed sounds immature.
Bruh are we serious??? He cheated
What's going to happen if one of you becomes infertile (guaranteed to happen when you hit menopause if not sooner)? Will he divorce you, or just stop having sex forever?
Will he refuse to have sex when you're confirmed to be pregnant, since there'd be no chance of conceiving?
Some men don’t just want sex, but a lot of men today do just want sex. We live in a hookup culture today. Where sex & having sex before marriage is whatever. We don’t value principles the same. It’s disgusting that men degrade woman & don’t treat them with respect anymore. But again this is more so about age then about anything a 20 year old having sex with a 30 something year old is kinda creepy & you need to think what his intentions are.
We are in the US
Being together in one country is going to take at least 15 months due to backlogs. We both want children but also to spend some alone time together. If we don’t know by now, we’ll be looking at being 40 before having children and that’ll likely be way too late. The few months that I have spent ‘living with her’ were perfect but as you said we may only be seeing each others best behaviour. I guess we’d never know until actually living together.
I work with someone like this and it's mentally exhausting to try to pay attention to them. You might be fucked
I think you missed the whole concept completely there
You're bf is pedo. Leave asap!!!
Yes, like the: you can come over now but we will talk about treatment options when you’re here. I can drive you to a clinic because next time, i will not let you stay in my house. I finally went into the ward because I thought my boyfriend would break up with me if I didn’t. He wouldn’t have, I misinterpreted something he texted. I was sure i would die if he broke up with me so I went
Dating is alien to you, of course breaking up is weird for you. It takes two people to start a relationship and one person to end it. It isn't a negotiation. He doesn't have to agree.
I think there's a difference between condoning the behavior and being jealous. You have every right to your feelings. I think you both need to sit down and talk about how these interactions make you feel and the boundaries he has with these “friends”. He can have friends that are girls but they need to be respectful to your relationship too. Can't be buddy buddy like with guys. It just doesn't work like that
I tell him I know people in longggg term relationships whose partners trust them to go have girl time with no problems and he says if their man doesn’t care for their girls safety that’s on them. I tell him I been alive and going places this long without you I’ll be just fine?
how long have you been together? Plus 4 small gifts is the same as one big gift. I doubt he bought you 4 presents that cost $100 each, right?
This is how most normal people feel
My input is, if the guy likes his fanservice, then let him.
Wish I could upvote this to the top!!! I hope OP sees it! Sounds like true wisdom u/chickenfightyourmom
I hope she takes the kid, gets child support from op, and finds some nice women to make her happy without manipulating her into a relationship.
For future reference, it would have been best to approach her husband with the idea, maybe make it a combined gift and have him pitch in however much he could. Giving a woman an expensive gift is generally a red flag as many men have strings attached even though you didn’t mean it as a romantic gesture.
Would it be possible to meet one on one with husband to apologize for not giving him a heads up? “Hey man, I want you to know the car was not meant to upstage you in any way. I only wanted to thank her for helping me get to where I am now. I realize now that I should have talked to you about it first. My bad.”
Either way, I’d give them a little breathing room for a while to show there were no ulterior motives.
Your family isn't in your relationship. You and your partner are. Date who you want. You family will get behind you or they are not worth having as family.
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You don't. You did the right thing.
Yeah sadly it’s from personal experience as my ex had a friend at work who pulled this on her. Oh I’ve run into money issues I am going to be made homeless I can’t afford the rent. My ex paid this girls rent for ages but eventually told me what was going on as she was proud of helping her friend, I was shocked this girl treated my gf like shit had a well paying job and still my GF was telling me how great her friend was. Me she didn’t even invite you to her birthday party, has never got you a present for your birthday and despite the fact you give her frees lifts to work and other places has never once said thank you she hasn’t even thanked you for the money (which she spent on drugs as she had no rent) . Worst of all she told you that if she gets the chance she’s going to seduce me and fuck me in front of you! So WHY ARE GIVING HER MONEY AND WHY DO THINK SHE IS YOUR FRIEND?
Yeah sadly it’s from personal experience as my ex had a friend at work who pulled this on her. Oh I’ve run into money issues I am going to be made homeless I can’t afford the rent. My ex paid this girls rent for ages but eventually told me what was going on as she was proud of helping her friend, I was shocked this girl treated my gf like shit had a well paying job and still my GF was telling me how great her friend was. Me she didn’t even invite you to her birthday party, has never got you a present for your birthday and despite the fact you give her frees lifts to work and other places has never once said thank you she hasn’t even thanked you for the money (which she spent on drugs as she had no rent) . Worst of all she told you that if she gets the chance she’s going to seduce me and fuck me in front of you! So WHY ARE GIVING HER MONEY AND WHY DO THINK SHE IS YOUR FRIEND?
Really? I'm 48 and my first husband was 18 years older than me and my second husband is 20 years younger than me. Age restrictions can be limiting for true connections. I was with my first for 10 years and the reason we broke up weren't age related and I've been with my second for five years. In between I was with a man i never married for ten years. And he was my age.
FUBAR = fucked up beyond all recognition (it won’t let me reply to you)
Block her. Mourn. Move forward with your new normal that will feel weird at first, but will feel freeing once you’re out of the pattern. You are currently stuck in a sunken cost spiral where you feel you put x amount in, so if you just put a little more in things will turn around. They won’t. You are simply wasting more time and en energy that will bring you deeper into that spiral. You won’t get the time and effort back, but that’s okay because you can learn and move forward to all the things you are missing in the world because of this relationship.
Block her number, then delete her number, and start fresh.
You think it's weird because it IS weird. People that are in their 30s that actively pnly aim for people in their early 20s are both immature and WEIRD. It's absolutely a red flag.
Well-adjusted 30+ year olds usually find people in their early 20s to be kiddish because they haven't been out of highschool for very long, they have a major lack of adult life experience, and plenty still haven't grown out of thinking like teens.
This dude is a creep
I hope I'm wrong, but i have a feeling you will regret ending things with her. You can't expect to have a partner who has everything you wish for, there's gotta be some differences. Have you tried telling her you want her to get out of her comfort zone?
You’re room mates who have sex. The current arrangements are convenient for you but you’re wasting her time.
The first thing that’s a really big problem here is you have two different styles for your libido he has a higher libido. That’s going to cause this relationship major problems to the point of ending the relationship possibly. So both of your gonna have to compromise you’re gonna have to give him more and he’s gonna have to step back more
Oh okay so you don't have proof just assumptions, she's not comfortable with it full stop, I'd think you'd know the definition of no means no and you're pretty judgmental yourself calling her vanilla
I will be deleting this later as this is my main. Couldn't get this to post on my throw away
Lol oh yeah, I hope OP sees this. Manz is in no condition to be in a relationship right now.
said no, and then said sometimes she imagines me being this random pornstar she knows by name. Then I asked if it’s ever anyone she knows personally, and she said I don’t want to know.
She tried to warn you, you wouldn't want to know.
Many people roleplay or think up scenarios in their head during sex. The important part though, is to be present with your partner when being intimate vs when you're just having sex.
Flush this girl down the toilet and find a less gross one.
Age gaps don’t always mean unhealthy relationships, but they happen a disproportionate amount of time. Not all age gap relationships involve grooming or abuse, but many do and that’s why people bring it up all the time. People with healthy relationships rarely post here. If this guy treated OP kindly and respectfully to begin with the idea he could get her to have his kids and be his bangmaid in the future without actually being a good husband. Now he’s laying it on to convince her it’s her fault when she catches him cheating.
If it‘s unacceptable, stop accepting it.
With zero context, calling her the wife and not ex-wife or estranged in any way, going “why is dating like this FML it's so hard” when you give absolutely no information about the situation… This very much sounds like you're the mistress, and given the low effort in your post compared to such a high maintenance and obviously tumultuous scenario it seems almost impossible that this isn't some joke.
On the off chance it isn't: of course they don't like you.
She didn’t follow her religions beliefs and did what she wanted. That was the problem.
Having moral values is not harmful.
If not causally satisfying your sexual urges is your definition of harm then you have a very different definition of harm.
I mean because I really like him in a lot of other aspects so it makes it a hard decision
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
Im sorry in advance, I haven’t had anyone to vent to. Me (23m) and my girlfriend (26m) have been together going on 2 years now, and have lived together a little over a year. Like any relationship we have had our ups and downs, but we got past them. About 6 months ago, she was going through a rough patch mentally (diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder,) and decided her solace would be to go behind my back and talk to other guys. Alone, this is enough to put me on edge, but I could’ve gotten past it easily. The real issue came about when I found out she was lying about hanging out with her sister to hang out with guys, had guys names saved as people from work I’d never suspect, and blatantly went and hung out with a guy she was “just friends with” that i specifically expressed concerns about. Then ended up getting drunk and “just cuddling” and falling asleep, all while I was working to pay our bills while she was on a work hiatus for her mental health. She has blamed everything that’s happened on her mental health. After everything that’s happened my trust in her is completely gone. She done everything she can in the recent months to show me she’s faithful but I can’t get the ideas out of my head. I have her location, she’d let me go through her phone, whatever I wanted. But I can’t help but worry future mental issues will result in the same outcome. Can I even be sure her mental health even caused this? I’m not the first person she’s done this too which doesn’t help my uneasiness. I already have her dream ring put up in my safe, and she mentions me proposing all the time, but whenever I feel like I should, I feel like I might be screwing my self. Any opinions greatly appreciated. She is the love of my life but I can’t get over it, at least not yet.
Tldr: Girlfriend lied and ruined my trust, blames mental issues, then does everything she can to regain trust but I still can’t trust her. What do I do?
You can see the bullet coming at you. Now it's your decision: will you dodge it?
And what happens when he tells the guy to stop and the guy and his friends turn around and started kicking the shit out of him? Or pull a gun? Are you gonna jump up to defend your bf then? Highly doubt it.
Can you give a more specific example? Is it like “Let have dinner here.” and she says no or is it more “You do the dishes tonight.” and she says no?
He came from a family of alcoholics and honestly I was watching him heavily abuse alcohol as well.
He doesn't want to even entertain the idea of changing. Not to harp on the age difference here, but when you got together with him at 19, he probably already had a decade or so of alcohol abuse under his belt. I hope you are able to leave him, if for no other reason than to try to break the cycle for your toddler, so they don't grow up seeing the alcoholism and thinking its normal.
Ah okay. Yeah, this is kind of what I expected. Funny that he was thinking about eating breakfast with a dry af mouth.
But see it like this: He chose to lose control. MDMA is simply not an excuse. I would consider breaking up since I have zero cheating tolerance. What do you think of doing now since we will only tell you what you already know?
They probably shagged in the car and she dropped him home. It’s not looking good bro.
No. You do not NEED anal in your relationship. Especially if it's at her expense. Get over it or let her go find someone who will not get angry at her not not putting herself in a very uncomfortable position for the sake of her partner.
Will give that some thought.
A very good point.
Work on yourself. Maybe send him ONE text along the lines of “I am still working on myself, I am sorry for how I treated you, I would love to try and rebuild something. Please reach out when you are single.”
Give it some time. Seriously. Don't make any big decisions right now, you just found out.
Yep, I would have said it. But I felt that I always said it too early so I was waiting on him. Then I just couldn't take it anymore!
That's actually very mature of him to be able to create a new chapter in his life.
I asked him why he even deleted all of the mutual friends, and he said it was because he met them during our relationship, that my friends were friends with me before they were friends with him, is there allegiance will most likely be with me, so it’s not worth his while to remain friends with them. Kind of seem self-centered to me
Well there are absolutely no details on the actual relationship so… how would we possibly know?
Thank you for your advice. You are right as feel like it's more convenient to stay, I've felt this for a while now actually. I need to work up the courage to speak out ?
When a man wants to marry he will do anything to make it happen. Do you feel that’s what he’s doing? Is he excited about marrying you? Does he tell you he loves you?
What would he say to you for an explanation? Most likely he's just going to give you some lame excuse or lie to you. Do you really want either one of those as an answer?
Any reason you didn't just call an uber or a taxi…?
While I agree with the middle of your post, the first sentence and the last one sound a lot like you’re blaming OP for not knowing any better because she was manipulated at 16 years old. I don’t think that’s fair. She is doing the right thing now, based on her post, so I’m not sure that it was necessary to respond so incredulously. She was groomed and manipulated, of course she’s surprised.
Someone who is going through something like this doesn’t need to be admonished for being manipulated, or told “this is ridiculous” in the same sentence that it’s suggested they get therapy. She does need therapy, but she’s been through a lot, and is doing a good job of getting away from this guy, so maybe be a little more gentle?
I’m so sorry, I can understand the codependency you had with one another. Ultimately you will feel sad for some time. You will pour over the good times. But you made the right decision for both your sakes to exit the marriage. Hopefully he is able to heal himself and thrive as well. Healing and thriving will be so freeing for you, your best years are still ahead of you. Focus on you, share your story, help others. In doing so you heal yourself ❤️
hysterectomy won't work unless its done in conjunction with oophorectomy which itself carries a huge risk of a different type of pain. another reason is that my doctor says at some point the pain can be very minimal, so hysterectomy is a rush now. its honestly a big risky choice and i dont think i am mature enough to decide
My friend says she is trying to help me understand that when talking to new people, not disclosing my relationship status and not mentioning my BF upfront is a form of cheating.
I would kind of understand that in a purely social setting like a party, but that's not what this was. I wasn't omitting a mention of my BF to be deceptive, it just didn't seem relevant to what we were talking about. (And personally – I find it kind of annoying when people insert a mention of their SO into the conversation at every turn, especially when the conversation is otherwise about work/school stuff, but I guess most people don't feel that way.)
Wait, he called you by your name twice in your whole relationship? Why the fuck are you married if that bothers you? Why are you only complaining about it now? So many fucking questions..
Yeah, that’s something you keep in your back pocket. LOL
Seriously, if my partner does something dumb dumb like leaves his laundry in the wash til it stinks after 3 days, I might walk out to the living room and be all “first middle lastname WTF with your laundry dude?” And we laugh. It’s not really a big deal at all but it’s kind of a teasing thing.
As a kid though? If I heard first middle last I was in deep doo doo. ??
Again read your op. You don't see issues with your behavior, only his?
Waiting till after midnight to bitch about a work photo, off the top of my head.
Immediately address the pain point…
Open by bringing up her couch or spare room – leaving it vague implies that you might sex her up.
You spend time together, but is there any quality in the quantity? For example, when was the last time you went on an actual date together? Such as going to a zoo, theme park or museum etc and just enjoying a day of casual fun and feeling happy & relaxed. How much time do you spend chatting with each other and showing a genuine interest in each others lives? Do you know what your partner is up to? Do you have any particular dreams or goals (and are you actively pursuing them)? Please do not go look for sex/intimacy elsewhere outside of this relationship (in any shape or form) as it will really put a coffin nail in what remains of your relationship. The lack of sex is a consequence of both your partners self esteem and anxiety issues (which will become even more compounded if you start looking elsewhere) and the distance between you two. The sex issue will not improve until you deal with the underlying causes of it. Is your partner suffering from depression at all?
Then OP needs to make the facts known “your father got me pregnant then refused to believe you were his babies and refused to help me. He assumed I'd get an abortion but didn't offer to help even with that.”
OP you don't have to use subjective words like “mean”. If you just recount the facts anyone can see that the guy was mean and a deadbeat. It's important for the kids to make their own minds up about their parentage.
If you don't let them see him now, you can't stop them from reaching out forever.
Tell him to go stay with his sister then. Fuck this guy he is putting smoking over the health and safety of you and your child. If he’s this irresponsible now imagine when kiddos old enough to get into his stash – you know he wouldn’t take them to a hospital out of fear to protect himself.
What good does he bring to the relationship?
I’m confused, do you have a current husband or a current boyfriend?
Never heard of this. Have him see an MD (medical doctor).
You don't put whipped cream on your vagina. What is wrong with you?
Damn I took the trollbait.
That was my first thought