SweetMaia live webcams for YOU!


New here, can you show me around ? [906 tokens remaining]

Date: November 27, 2022

12 thoughts on “SweetMaia live webcams for YOU!

  1. Text her back. Say this:

    Hi, [mom’s name]. You can ask [girlfriend] and myself directly about our relationship. We believe that it’s better to get information like this straight from the source.

    Just like that, boundary is established. If she replies asking again for your parents’ number, completely ignore her. If she starts asking you questions, straight-up ignore the ones you don’t want to answer.

  2. Reading this and your replies is really heartbreaking. This reminds me so much of my abusive relationship in my early 20s, the only difference is my ex was my rapist and beat me down so mentally and emotionally he blamed me for him raping me, said it was my fault.

    You deserve so much better OP. You seem like a very sensitive person with a very kind and gentle heart. I used to cover for my abuser too because I didn't want people to judge our relationship or think poorly of him but he did so much damage to me, mentally, emotionally and occasionally physically. I'm 30 now and I only just reported the rape last year. I held that deep guilt scar very close to my chest and didn't tell anyone until 5yr later so I completely understand holding it in and burying it deep down. I'm still dealing with it 10yr later. You remind me a lot of myself when I was 20-21.

    You are worth so much more, deserve so much more. He will not get better, he'll get worse. Please please please leave him, dump him, go completely non-contact, ANYTHING but do not go back to him. He doesn't have any redeeming qualities and you being with him for 5yr is nothing when you're so young. Someone will love you so much and support you the way you need, not abuse you. People who love you don't make you feel like shit they make you shine and feel safe.

    Wishing you all the best

  3. Yeah what are we doing here? Reliving our college days? Lol

    They’re just Tits but, c’mon, all the more reason to not do it.

  4. My husband had 2 emotional affairs, on the second one he went for counselling and actively worked on reconciliation.

    Your husband is blaming you for the issues and not taking responsibility for them.

  5. Anything that she did prior to you two closing your relationship is her business as long as she's not deliberately misleading you. If she says that she had a coffee date with someone else before you two went exclusive then just be grateful that they didn't make the cut and you did.

  6. The operative word here is “first.” You aren't compatible and it's OK to move on to a second , third or fourth love until you find the one who respects you and your life goals, and you complement each other. Do not let this first attempt at love be your last and straddle you with children too early. It's ridiculous he would even date a woman preparing herself for a career if he wants a housewife. You both made the wrong choice in partners.

  7. sounds like you missed your chance. and that may be good or bad depending on where you want the relationship to go.

  8. I don’t think you are grasping the concept of breaking up.

    You are not together, you are not friends. Why does he owe you an explanation of anything?

    It seems to bother you that he is ready to actually focus on himself and you are not.

    I suggest you get off reddit because there’s no relationship advice for you here, you are not in a relationship.

  9. I called her twice and texted twice each day after the argument just saying things like goodmorning hope you have a good day. And then again with a I love you. I honestly wasn’t trying to harass her in anyway, I was just trying to be nice with my messages. I can see how maybe she took it that way. I just in my own head feel wrong going 4/5 days with no communication.

    The argument was that she’s an ex addict and suffers some mental illnesses. And our friends were planing a trip down the beach for st patty’s day. I do drink beer and we discussed this prior to our relationship. Everything was ok, she ran into her old friends and she decided to had a couple drinks which she was hiding from everyone due to her sobriety and mental state. She left our group for her old friends for over 3 hours while I was looking for her, I finally found her with them at a different bar area and asked her why she ditched me and what was going on. She acted like I was nobody to her friends and pretty much ignored me. We got a Uber to the room after that and the next morning she said it was my fault all of this happened. I dropped her off at home Sunday morning and haven’t heard from her until this morning when I called and she messaged me that text back.

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