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Sweetgattinalive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “Sweetgattinalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Honestly you're better to stay at home and save as much as you can. Not sure where you live but houses are coming down jn price around me, I would think it better to purchase then rent.

  2. My friends have gone through this. Pretty common. My answer is always simple.

    you do not deserve to be treated like the person she wrongfully chose in the past.

    Her mistakes, ex's mistakes have nothing to do with you. She needs to either let go of the past and give you a chance or you need to think about if want to deal with this treatment going forward.

    It's not fair to you

  3. Hello /u/CheeseChicken11,

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  4. Are you an idiot? No, you're not an idiot. You're a person in love w a horrid man.

    Is it the right thing to dump his ass? Yes. It is.

    Stripping is work. You performed a service and were paid. It was a job. Just like the Army, it's a job.

    He's not the right guy. We've all loved the wrong person before. It happens. It doesn't make it hurt any less.

    You have value. You are worthy of love. You matter. Your feelings matter. Love yourself and dump and block him. He no longer brings anything positive to your life. Hence, he serves no purpose. You've outgrow him.

  5. I just felt that if she was truly happy w our relationship she wouldn't need to remember her exes yk

    First, that’s an assumption you have no support for. I don’t even understand why you would assume that. Second, she isn’t remembering her exes, it’s about her. Remembering herself. I see how this might be confusing for you. Because third, it’s not about happiness, it’s about self reflection. And fourth, stop being so short-sighted. I’m sure you wanna be in her life forever, but you don’t know what the future looks like. You’re 21yo. But you want her to throw away her mementos, which is PERMANENT. C’mon dude. Grow up. You might die tomorrow and you’ve made her give up all her mementos.

  6. Does no one else see the hypocrisy? She went searching for a sugar daddy and is shocked that the one she found has his ticker off on women's rights? And that SHE was in that type of site to begin with? Oh, what a shock It doesn't work like that.

  7. To be honest as a woman if I lived in a place where abortion was illegal (don't know if that's the case for you) I would also be like this probably… I am Terrified of pregnancy. Her position is completely understandable. Getting pregnant changes your life forever.

    If it's not what you have in mind and you will not be able to be ok with that arrangement, leave her now. Don't waste both of your times. Consider talking to a therapist about it, it might help clear your thoughts, because everyone is so sex-focused now that of course your friends are going to tell you to leave her but that might not be how You see the situation. Sit with yourself about it and decide what's right for You and You only.

  8. Thanks, I cried about it because I really do feel insane. There's no reassurance, he thinks I'm destroying his friendship, when all I ask is a little respect and understanding of my emotions Do you think is there a proper way to set a boundary? I can be too emotional and ruin everything

  9. Can't go back in time but you as a 30 year old should have never dated a 20 year old.

    Your life cannot revolve around one sole individual. Break up, go to therapy, and date someone who is in a similar stage of life to you.

    You'll save up money and move out. She needs to prioritize her own well being. She cannot be your source of well-being.

  10. Dude wear a condom. This would not be a discussion of the roles were reversed. You are not ready to be a dad so protect yourself.

  11. You’re right, the conversation shouldn’t be about my ex it should be about how I want to be loved. I’m just worried it won’t work because it’s a conversation we have had many times about him loving me but I just don’t feel it, love languages etc, he does better for a week then goes back…

  12. Just be honest tell her truth if truly your best friend she will understand. I missed my best friends wedding he asked me be his best man..I was in anther state couldn t afford the trip Just told him He understood kind of thought I wouldn t make it . We still best friends

  13. I think the wife kept it secret because of her strict “no texting women” rule. She knew that by admitting she developed a friendship with a man, it would mean OP could do the same with women (if he wanted to). Rather than remove this 25 year rule, she cut contact with her new friend to stay consistent.

    OP even said their texts weren't salacious, just frequent. It honestly just sounds like she made a new friend of the wrong gender, and the rule she made for OP was more important to her than keeping the new friendship.

    If however, they had an open “you can be friends with the opposite sex” relationship, like yours, then yeah. A secret text friendship would raise an eyebrow. Because why not tell them?

  14. Find yourself a partner that has nothing to hide and doesn’t care if you check their phone, but also a partner where you feel no need to check their phone.

  15. How come they broke up?

    I mean, my ex used to come round to see my cat (we fought like divorcees over children over that cat). When the cat was in very bad shape, ten years after I left the guy, I still called him to say, if you want to say goodbye you'd better come this week because he's in pain and I don't want him to suffer any more.

    My partner was not insecure about it, he knew I'd left him for a reason, and after all the ex did look after the cat during my pregnancy etc.

    The ex would come round after work, because he worked near our house, and we'd have a chat and a drink, and he'd mostly be gone by the time my partner got home, I wouldn't necessarily mention it because it wasn't like anything interesting had happened. If I did mention it, my partner would just say oh right, like it didn't really interest him.

  16. Honestly, you can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped. The best you can do is show her that her drinking has negative consequences and hurts others but leaving the relationship.

    She's physically abusing you when she drinks and despite knowing this, she's not willing to change. You need to take care of yourself first.

  17. That’s true .. he keeps saying it is safe since it’s only to people he knows … and we have a solid healthy history before all this … but yea I absolutely don’t want to marry a dealer

    “Just selling to friends” doesn't actually turn much of a profit, which is why anyone selling drugs that plans to make a living doing it eventually branches out to friends of friends, and then whoever the hell calls them. When he gets caught (which is borderline inevitable, it doesn't sound like he's approaching this in a smart way at all) it's going to create massive problems for you, and even if he doesn't get caught by the time you have kids skeevy strangers will be coming in to your house at all hours of the day and night to buy.

    This is not a life you want.

  18. You asked why your friends try to have sex with you. That's the question that statement was answering.

  19. Break up with her and keep the friends. You’ll all have having her as a sex-ex in common. If she decides to remove herself from the friend group at that point, then that’s on her. Based on their reactions thus far I don’t think any of them would fault you for it.

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