SuzannaFlowers live webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “SuzannaFlowers live webcams for YOU!

  1. Totally reasonable to cut him out of your life, and necessary for true healing. You will not regret it.

    You say you're studying, see if your school has a counselling program for students, many do. There are also free abuse victim services that offer these things, google for these in your area.

  2. Well i guess our cultures and the way of life js different here too, since 18yo here still go to highschool and they pary and act like idiots and drink etc instead of working on their life. If someone told me 18yo is mature id laugh in their face, if anything its the age everyone here waits for just so they can act even more stupid since now they are seen as adult by the state and they dont have to get their parents permission to do things.

    And this is mostly guys btw.

    And what do you mean mental age doesnt dictate how mature you are? That is literally what it does, im sorry you can disagree with me as much as you want but atleas say something that makes sense and its backed up by some kinda research.

    Everything that i talked about in this post has been researched and studies have been done on it. Just take 5 min to google the maturity differences between man and woman. Most of people who reply here have no facts and just reply with their feelings.

    Girls do mature faster than men, and its a huge difference, there are also studies that men choose younger women as partners just so they are on the same mental level. This is also the reason alot of girls tend to fall into the motherly role in the relationship and men tend to fall into the irresponsible child role.

    Also the only reason im talking about this here is for research and to gather what people think and what kind of emotion they feel when connected to the topic.

    And no im not happy with with any minor being with a fully grown adult. But i just dont see 18 as a fully grown adult, most 18yo men, at least in my experience only have partying and drinking to their name, they dont know what to do in their life, alot dont even care.

    While based on my research and the actual studies, it would appear that women are more mature than men, focusing on the future in their life as early as 11 years old, which is insane to me tbh. Women become more responsible early and they tend to grow develop sooner than men mentally.

    Also i have seen many situations where young women went for older men just because the older men are more mature, i mean that is the reason for alot of women liking older men.

  3. No. We’re just comfortable and our daughters behavior has gotten better and I’ve been having baby fever more and more.

  4. Forgive me – I’m laughing at the fact that he said “oh they were exaggerating OP – I only cheated 2 or 3 times” like that makes him a better person ?

    Girl if you don’t drop kick this man out of your life!

    A reasonable and mature person will talk about their unhappiness with their partner, and either come to a solution or break up. He’s a coward for cheating. And this was 3 YEARS in. What chance do you have? ?

  5. Yeah well – he cheated. Period.

    Drugs are never an apology but may I ask what he took? Often we think that the control-loss on drugs is much heavier than it really is.

  6. I’d be expecting a man twice my age to at least provide, but it just looks like you have a giant toddler hanging around your nipple

  7. Well you either accept that x money will be gone every year or not. Whatever your finances are you’re x down per year. If you can’t accept that then end it.

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