stephany the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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stephany live sex chat

Date: November 26, 2022

40 thoughts on “stephany the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you don't feel right, back off, no one's forcing you. You'll find some better when you feel the time is right. Everybody finds someone so will you. All the best

  2. Not sure what you mean by he’s a good man, but the only option here if you don’t leave is immediate marriage counseling. There is a tiny small chance he is ignorant in his behavior and your request to counseling could be a wake up call. If he doesn’t agree or unwilling, then start to consider your options.

  3. That's all I ever see as well, and I'm still waiting for the “regret” and “hardships” and “miserable life” to come ??‍♀️

    I was too curious to never have kids. I wanted to know what being pregnant and giving birth would be like, and I wanted to see what me and the love of my life would come up with lol I would have regretted it if we never tried, but we were also content to not have any of it wouldn't happen naturally.

    30 is the perfect age imo. Youve got your “youth” out of the way and had all that time to find yourself, find a stable job, save money, and have experiences. And if you haven't done anything with your life yet, then having a kid is NOT the reason you won't do it now.

    Kids are hard for maybe 10 years, max. Babies are easy, teens and up is easy. It's when they're annoying little kids that need to be supervised and entertained that's “hard”.

    Basically, they're worth it if you want to see what it's like. Is it worth it to have an abortion if you're going to change your mind in a year?

    (Also not to be a downer, but 1 in 4 pregnancies end in a miscarriage, usually before 13 weeks. My first wasn't planned, and wound up ending at 8 weeks. But it made us realize we were ready and wanted kids)

  4. You should also report this person to her bosses. I think border patrol are employed by US government? Don't they have adultery laws like for US soldiers. Report her to her superiors. It may be a fireable offense if she has a security clearance.

  5. He isn't willing to move in to a new place where I planned to start my career. And he doesn't want to be in long distance relationship

  6. I am being pretty petty but I think we both know doorbell footage is savage. Just be sound, do the right thing, speak to her, speak to him. Don't choose chaos.

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  11. Your cousin has valid concerns. Your boyfriend has groomed you since you were 15. He is into young Asian girls and he got you to think going after him was your idea. It wasn't. As an adult person he has known what is going on and what he is doing the whole time.

    If you want real love and a real partnership, this guy isn't for you. He took advantage of your naivete and broke the law. He is a predator.

  12. You need to stop taking advantage of vulnerable people. No well rounded person is going to pay you money just for the sake of it. Pay him back if you can.

  13. i am not sure if i should answer. i am very very sour of this kind of situation.

    i see many girls and women who want to be free, enforce the need of consent, want to have the better of the two guys, who want to decide for herself, who propose to open the relationship…

    … then complain that the other side do the same. as if the freedom was just for her.

    I saw gays in the same zeitgeist. my new year night has been a shitstorm with five fans. (it was strange to not be lame duck, for once)

    your story happened to me.

    when my 7 years fiancee that kicked me has tried to retake me after some months, we had the better sex of half our common life. she asked when was my last time. “yesterday” made her frown like you did. she realized that her plan was doomed from the start. she tried to manipulate my GF of the moment … which in fact united us.

    Right now, my better friend is friendzoned by three women at the same time. he is the only father figure of the son of one of them and have save another from a toxic relationship. the third is luna lovegood crazy; she doesn't get the obvious.

    his house is where people come to hav fun, chill or find sanctuary.

    last night he told me about his anger. one day, one of them or another one will give him consent to make his move. and the others will lost their friend, their safehouse, and their free holydays in other countries.

    so i should be happy to see your karma.

    but i am sad.

    really sad because it is a fool game for both side.

    i am sorry for you. and i am sorry for him.

  14. Playing devil's advocate because I've seen people push the idea of preference supporting otherwise. So, for those who push the “well its their preference” to race and dating, while disagreeing and more importantly being disgusted with his views on mere tanning here…

    Why is it bad here and ok there?

  15. Dang that whole shit is weird. Seems like she’s going through something? I would just give it space and then talk again later like it didn’t happen. Friends are rare and sometimes do weird dumb shit. You def aren’t in the wrong here though

  16. Sounds like she was looking for a fight. Calling someone a pedo for thinking another adult is attractive that is only 4 years younger is weird and a huge over reaction. There may be issues in her relationship of her boyfriend liking/gawking at younger women and she is projecting her frustration on you.

    Give her space, let her know that you’ve reached out and won’t be doing so again and if she wants a friendship the ball is in her court. Can’t really do much more than that.

  17. You are insecure…without solving this you won't accept that someone watch porn and that it doesn't have anything to do with you. Did you try to watch yourself? There are so many different kinds maybe you like it and you will know that it's not cheating or about your partner.

  18. If doesn’t sound like you two were in a serious relationship, just talking. So it really isn’t anything to feel guilty over at all.

    Most people have alternatives while in the talking stage, she might have as well. Let it go and enjoy your relationship as it is!

  19. Only you know if you can live with that. Some people agree to disagree and just don't bring up those topics. Others can't stomach the idea of sharing a life with someone who has a fundamentally different worldview than them.

    The fact that you're asking the question on here makes me think you're in the latter camp, because if you were in the first one you probably wouldn't have.

  20. OP Please ghost this guy, he made clear he prefeers dogs over humans, plan your leaving and when you are ready send a message to his parents explaining that you are leaving him and please be there for him to give him support, but you can no longer take this amount of emotional mistreatment.

    Then block them (ex + parents) and focus on your mental health, his behavior is seriously abusive and manipulative and is not going to get better.

  21. I'm on the spectrum too, sounds to me like he likes you too!

    I mean tbh #6 is a total crapshoot, the light could've been low, my meds dilate my pupils, etc, but honestly everything thing else sounds like he could very well be romantically interested in you

    Even if you accidentally scared him off a bit, if he reciprocates, you absolutely didn't say anything that was actually detrimental, just maybe word-vomitted your feelings a bit too early. Seems like an easy recovery to me ?

    Good luck OP

  22. “I felt like she should have made an effort to suggest us work out together but she never did”

    Yeah, when someone says this it almost 100% translates to “you're getting fat and I don't like it” to whoever hears it. It goes over about as well as a load of bricks. Maybe it would have worked on OP because he was in denial, but I doubt it.

  23. People who suddenly get back with their exes are almost always trouble. It wouldn't have worked either way.

  24. Cherry picking internet statements wont make me agree with you that a virgin seeking a virgin is based on insecurity alone.

    ” Research show that jealousy is OFTEN fueled by insecurity” See this ? Right there? The often? This also means, not always. And what does that mean? INSECURITY ISNT THE SOLE ROOT OF ALL THESE THINGS. You said it yourself, bravo! All of these things CAN be based in insecurity, but it is NOT the ONLY reason. Hence the stop the generalisation.

    I dont know who you need to see so they can explain to you thoughts and emotions and reason are all very complex things but shit, you might want to take that psychology course again and try to spend less time on your phone.

    All im saying is you generalise too much, you just proved my point here with the ” OFTEN” yet you'll refuse to acknowledge it, and come back at me with some baseless insult again.

  25. Cherry picking internet statements wont make me agree with you that a virgin seeking a virgin is based on insecurity alone.

    ” Research show that jealousy is OFTEN fueled by insecurity” See this ? Right there? The often? This also means, not always. And what does that mean? INSECURITY ISNT THE SOLE ROOT OF ALL THESE THINGS. You said it yourself, bravo! All of these things CAN be based in insecurity, but it is NOT the ONLY reason. Hence the stop the generalisation.

    I dont know who you need to see so they can explain to you thoughts and emotions and reason are all very complex things but shit, you might want to take that psychology course again and try to spend less time on your phone.

    All im saying is you generalise too much, you just proved my point here with the ” OFTEN” yet you'll refuse to acknowledge it, and come back at me with some baseless insult again.

  26. To be honest, I wasn't even looking that far ahead, because I was assuming this was starting from day 1.

  27. Why does your husband keep doing this if he wants a relationship with your son?

    Because from the sounds of it, he is a sanctimonious right winger who feels the need to browbeat everyone over the head with his “truths.” We all know exactly who his father is, and most of us have cut these obnoxious people out of our lives, too.

  28. How can he own up and take responsibility if he doesnt even know the kids are born? Now that he knows they are real he is trying to be a part of their lives and she tells him they have a dad already.

  29. There’s a thread up now of a screenshot of all the rejection based murder headlines that have happened this year

    It took like four screenshots to fit them all. 111 headlines, many of them multiple people being murdered.

    It’s a genuine fear that has basis in fact, sadly

  30. You have no idea how little time a year is. That is not a slam. She’s 22. You didn’t waste your time. You have spent some time with someone you care about. It didn’t last forever. Be grateful for the good and learn from the rest.

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