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5 thoughts on “stephaniiechanlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. No he’s honestly average in body weight but he said that vaping could’ve been the cause because when he started to get addicted is around the time it shrunk and he recently quit so maybe it will change.

  2. You are underreacting to the issues in this relationship. You are not important to him. If you were, he would make the effort to see you, have you an active part of his life and him yours. So what if this is his first “serious” relationship. Because it's not really all that serious to him. He's 31 yo and should know how to treat someone he's supposed to love and respect. I would assume he cares about his family and his friends? Enough to spend time with them? Make the effort be there for them? Why not you? Because you aren't that important to him. I'm sorry, but your bf isn't very nice and you need to move on. You need to believe in your self worth and not have to beg for scraps.

  3. You are underreacting to the issues in this relationship. You are not important to him. If you were, he would make the effort to see you, have you an active part of his life and him yours. So what if this is his first “serious” relationship. Because it's not really all that serious to him. He's 31 yo and should know how to treat someone he's supposed to love and respect. I would assume he cares about his family and his friends? Enough to spend time with them? Make the effort be there for them? Why not you? Because you aren't that important to him. I'm sorry, but your bf isn't very nice and you need to move on. You need to believe in your self worth and not have to beg for scraps.

  4. I guess a few of my coworkers did not like me and complained.

    Is that really what the person who fired you said was the reason?

    The longer you lie, the worse it gets. Time to rip the bandage off and come clean. Sit your partner down and tell him that you have something difficult to tell him. Then tell him the truth. After 3 kids and 13 yrs, you two can make it through this (assuming your relationship is otherwise healthy). Its not like you cheated or something unforgiveable.

  5. I wonder if during your long car drive there were messages or phone calls between her and those friends to get their stories straight or to ask for advice.

    Just ask her if you can look at her phone and look at messages.

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