Steicylan1 live webcams for YOU!


scissors [GOAL MET]

Date: December 16, 2022

7 thoughts on “Steicylan1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. You might be right, but trust me, unless she’s equally inexperienced, she’s going to figure it out. What do you suggest?

  2. Most shady people delete things afterwards. I would've said the same thing as you until I realised Google history keeps every link you've clicked – even things you've deleted. I thought he was an angel until I used Google history to find a recipe we used a few months prior…..

  3. ‘She’s engaged, so I definitively don’t wanna fuck anything up.’ You forget that you’re engaged too so that remark is very sketchy. If you’re that sensitive about receiving compliments while you disregard the biggest compliment that she is in a relationship with you you might want to rethink the relationship.

  4. Ok. First of all, you are on the verge of at least emotionally cheating with the old flame. Very few women would be OK with their boyfriend living with another woman, even more so if she is attractive. Uour GF appears to be one of the majority. She has already told you how she feels. Of you wear her down and she finally says OK. She won't really mean it. And if you keep trying to get your way after she has told you her boundary, you apparently don't care as much for her as you may wish to believe. If you move in with this other woman, you may feel you can control your emotions, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Although I don't believe your intentions are noble. I think you want to test the waters and perhaps monkey branch to this other woman. Even if that is not true and your actual intent is to remain faithful, you will be on a very slippery slope, and I doubt that you will be able to remain upright if she shows the least bit of interest. So, if you really care for your current GF, honor her wish and don't move in with the other woman. If y do, recognize your current GF will eventually become your X through this and break up now to save her the heartache when she learns you are cheating. Then, you will be dating a person who knows you are a cheater and birds of a feather and all that. That is my crystal ball opinion. That should answer the question. And, you will continue to believe you will remain in control. This is exactly how these things happen. Two cardinal rules for a long-lasting relationship are: 1. If you would not do it directly in front of your SO or without their knowing approval… don't. 2. Never allow yourself to be in a situation or environment in which even the slightest opportunity to inadvertently violate #1 has the potential to occur. You are already breaking #1 by trying to force your GF for her approval to allow you to violate #2. No doubt you wish to have your cake and it it too and you know it. You GF does not deserve this.

  5. Can we stop with the trope “ he is a sick and harassing you because he likes you”. This sucks and is abusive. It sets up women to accept being debased and abused because it is normal. It is not .

  6. Ask her about her childhood. Those love languages have an equivalent in relationships she had before you. Write them all down, and have her think of instances where she felt best.

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