Stefani-Nymann live webcams for YOU!


“SEXY SQUATS ON DILDO” #smalltits #anal #new #18 #lovense #teen #lush #squirt #bj [GOAL MET]

Date: October 8, 2022

44 thoughts on “Stefani-Nymann live webcams for YOU!

  1. She has cheated a few times and wants to keep doing it. She no longer respects you. Time to divorce her she is now complete trash

  2. That’s why I get confused. One day he says he is excited the next day if there’s a disagreement he would tell me not to come even tho tickets are booked. My friends honestly don’t like him and tell me all the time about the break up

  3. I'm not embarrassed or anything by this? This was an honest post and real questions. People ate me up, sure. But im not deleting just because you tell me to. I'm not losing sleep over this I just wanted some opinions and clearly reddit is not the place since yall just tore me apart lol. I'll stick to other means for advice moving forward but thanks for your time ??

  4. I dont know what country you live in but where i live there are no states or territories that allow men to give up the child without having to pay child support without another man adopting the kid.

  5. I will never understand how women just move into a house that a man has already shared a life with another woman in.

  6. Thanks for asking for clarification. Well I am wondering if I should seek out someone who will help me grow where I can be my best self rather than being content with where I am at. I do wonder whether she should be some part a contribution to things like losing weight and developing emotional intelligence. I don't hope for her to do the same things I do but at least be someone that I should be better for (i.e. I am more physically fit because she is beautiful and I want to match her beauty in my own way). Let me know if you need further details. Thanks!

  7. She's only there temporarily and is already set to leave, she is apparently happy and dating someone else and has already gone mostly no contact with OP. It's OP that's having the hard mental time, not her. She's been living with someone with a ton of mental disorders, she's probably only just realising what it's like to be free of that right now.

    Dating someone for a few weeks and trying to move in with them is a huge way to end any relationship. I cant imagine asking a guy if he will let me stay with him a few weeks after meeting him. You literally barely know someone after a few weeks, don't want them permanently in your space and don't even know if they're safe enough to live with at this point.

    OPs mum is safe and OP is reasonable enough to respect her boundaries. She's in a safe place with someone she trusts and got on with, that's all she really needs until she moves out as planned in Febuary.

  8. Your point is mostly a good one but just because she is a nurse doesn’t mean she is up on the latest Covid research.

  9. If you stay with her, she'll end up cheating with someone abusive because right now she is wired to think that's what real love looks like. You can't fix her. She needs a professional.

  10. I don’t kiss with morning breath and I brush my teeth before I get in the shower.

    Morning breath is a mood killer for me.

  11. I understand that they're grieving, but

    a) they cannot withhold that letter from you, it's yours. b) they had no right to READ his suicide letter to you.

    That's just wrong

  12. It seems that the sister was the golden child for his mum, and it was that way for years. Your fiance has chosen to keep the peace, as it happens with family dynamics like that. Sister is clearly a narc so there is not much you can do about her, apart from smiling and letting her be up herself when you see her or interact with her. Put up solid boundaries as a couple on people like that. The quicker, the better. As hard as it may seem, your fiance is an adult and does not have to put up with any of this, but it is family. He should get counselling on that as people like his sister, usually walk all over you, and you have no idea, as you are conditioned as such. I hope your fiance takes your side and will be able to see what happens and place some boundaries/distance between your new family unit and his. Stay strong and don't let a family emotionally blackmail you into accepting this. Good luck. I've been there…

  13. I’d start by making sure you have access to all of the accounts/money.

    Pay down debt as quickly as you can. Cut out any extras, buy cheaper food. No need to keep this a secret…many couples decide to focus in laying down debt.

    Then save. A penny here. A dollar there.

    Then talk with an attorney so you know what to expect. They’ll also have advice for you.

    Emotionally, one day at a time. Try not to look too far forward.

  14. As others have said you need to tell her as soon as possible. I understand wanting her to have a support system in place, but don't use the pregnancy as an excuse to minimise things. Just tell her the same way you'd tell any woman her fiance is a cheating piece of shit. (And yes I know how hard that will actually be).

    I also hope you've told Vivian that she's a horrible excuse for a human being and you don't want anything more to do with her, and after you've told Maya, expose Vivian to any mutual friends you have.

  15. Yeah i'm also thinking; if he gets accepted it's probably gonna do him some good.

    But from what I understand the marines have a much higher standard than the rest of the army. You need to make it trough some sort of training week before you are able to join and the vast majority of candidates fails.

  16. You took your shot, she said she wasn’t ready. Instead of taking her at her word, and remaining in the friend category, you got pushy. You still got your hopes up, despite her saying no. You bought her gifts and dinners, flowers and surprises. You hoped that you would win her over, ignoring that she wasn’t interested in you like that. She moved on with her life and slept with someone, like adults do, and you’re taking it personally. This is classic “Nice Guy” behavior, especially with the lashing out and blaming/shaming you’re doing.

  17. Dude. She’s playing games and because you’re both 18, she’s not very good at it yet. Don’t be the “fall back” guy (ever!)

    Stuff happened and decisions were made. You might not agree with it, but the dynamic has changed and you need to stand by it and get on with your life.

    Source: (44M) I’ve been in your situation more than once. It sucks, but for your own sanity you need to let this girl go.

  18. Couple options. 1. She regrets having children and is giving you actual life advice based on what she thinks is best for you. 2. She doesn’t want you to have kids with her son, because she doesn’t like you, and wants to keep what binds you together at a minimum.

  19. If you can not show every emotion you have to the special person in your life then you need a different special person.

    Talk to her. But if the fact that you have emotions turns her off then dump her right there.

  20. Regardless of if she actually physically cheated or not, OP, you clearly can't trust her. And you can't have a healthy relationship without trust. You can totally have a unhealthy, dysfunctional one, though. I guess if you wanted to sacrifice your ability to respect yourself to stay with someone who obviously doesn't respect you or the relationship, that's your prerogative.

  21. this is a messy one, because obviously we all have preferences, but the question becomes where does that preference come from…

    And “unique” reads a lot (in this post) like a modernized version of “exotic” – which would be very “othering” to the women you date – it's not them you are seeing but rather their difference from you/some internalized norm.

    Does this make you a racist scumbag? No.

    Does this come from racist ideas of what is “normal” and what is “unique” – it sort of reads like it does.

    Now don't get me wrong, black women and Asian women are beautiful, as they are women, and all women are beautiful, it's just whether your preference is truly based on them as individuals, or the fact that they are a different/other that is the root of your friends concern… Take a little time, sit with the discomfort that this answer will kick up, and think about where things come from… This isn't a bad thing, it's an opportunity to think about your own biases, and possibly widen your dating pool, or at the very least be able to better understand what your preferences are, and if they really are not about that “exotic” quality, you can explain things to your friend better, and heal that confusion.

  22. Love isn’t just about selflessly devoting yourself to another. Your man is taking the love you are offering and giving very little in return. Does he want the best for you too? I don’t think he is able to in the face of his addiction.

    Alcohol will always be more important to him unless he comes to his own decision to seek help and follows through with it.

    It is hard to watch someone you care about go through this. Please respect yourself and find a way to leave the situation that you are currently in. This will not get better. There’s nothing that you can do to fix it and I know that it’s completely heartbreaking to watch a loved one continue down this path. The reality is that a future with the person you are currently with will bring only hardship and pain.

  23. It isnt predatory and my partner is not a predator! My partner has lessened those as much as he could and is still doing that and understands that others will be concerned about our age gap, but understand that me and him met when i was 18, im not a minor. For goodness sake stop making assumptions about my relationship, fuck.

  24. I’m in therapy and have been bringing this particular topic up for exploration, so aiming to unpack this via this route as well.

  25. Yes he has, for context we live in a country where gay marriage is banned so that is how such a topic gets brought up between us

  26. As he had a child with a previous partner it sounds like the problem could be to do with trauma (SA perhaps?) or another emotional cause. Have you explored that already? He needs to know that you don't want this to be permanent but that you're there to support him through whatever work or treatment he needs.

  27. You’re life is a complete shithole and it’s all my your own doing. Good for your daughter hope she sticks to her guns and doesn’t try to forgive you ever. It’s hard having a parent so worthles.

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