Squirt Angel live webcams for YOU!


100tk waterfall squirt/90tk anal machine [200 tokens remaining]

Date: October 9, 2022

15 thoughts on “Squirt Angel live webcams for YOU!

  1. Well us potheads know that having a joint is way better and less dangerous than drinking. I've never had my head kicked in when I've been stoned and I've never got into any serious trouble either. On the other hand when I've been drunk I've got into all sorts of bother. I don't have any more advice but I hope it works out for you all the same ?

  2. Here’s a reminder: if you’re dealing with sexual harassment on a regular basis (because this quid pro quo crap IS sexual harassment) AND the boss doesn’t take you seriously, you are not working your dream job.

    You’re young and fresh enough that it’s not uncommon for this behavior to seem somewhat normal or excusable- it’s not, it is sexual harassment. If you’re careful about evidence collection, you actually have grounds for a really solid legal case against your employer; get everything you possibly can in writing.

    Find email or text threads in which your supervisor mentions going out together and other such inappropriate things, gather up as much proof as possible, and email screen caps and text logs to both your actual boss and whoever your HR person is (if you have an HR person). The ball is in the boss’ hands at that point; if he refuses to take you seriously, inform him you can settle it in front of a judge and find yourself a good lawyer. If he fires you after mentioning any of that, it’s a direct act of retaliation- get evidence for this too.

    Now, this route will not make you popular- but you shouldn’t be concerned about that in the face of genuine sexual harassment. You might find that the entire office quickly finds out once you’ve gotten the ball rolling- that’s a breach of personal privacy on the part of your bosses, which adds yet more fuel to the legal bonfire you’re building.

    I genuinely wish you luck- this kind of garbage has been “acceptable” in the work place, especially male dominated fields, for far too long. Your employer is legally required to ensure this kind of environment doesn’t develop because it has the potential to ruin your livelihood or career trajectory if not handled correctly; shut it down before they have a chance to really damage you. You might feel bad about doing it, but remember that they’re going to continue treating women as they treat you unless you demonstrate how they should be handled back.

  3. do you mind sharing what u guys did to make it work since there might be time differences.

    Because currently I am really worried about what might happen

  4. As a rule, best to avoid barking up that tree. I always think, why would we want to become involved with someone who is clearly engaging us on the side? And so often, these people paint their current relationships in such a way that they are the abused, neglected party and their partner is the villain, like film noir. I hope you’re able to disengage cleanly. Something like: “Hey I’ve become increasingly uncomfortable with the frequency and intensity of our conversations all while you’re in a relationship. Let’s press pause on this and agree to revisit our friendship once you’ve ended things with ________.”

  5. Im so incredibly sorry for your loss. I highly recommend therapy so you can grieve properly, and so you can be safe. Best wishes.

  6. You say no. You report shit to CPS if for some reason this dumbass decides to move his kid into a house where he’s actively pimping you and others out. Do whatever you want when it comes to work and relationships. Don’t you dare take part in covering for a man who wants to move his child into this environment. You’d be just as culpable and guilty of traumatizing an innocent child. There’s no compromise here. If you facilitate this, whether or not you’re happy in this relationship, you’re absolutely part of the problem.

  7. You literally just explained why you’re not a platonic friend. Do you think I, as a women, tell my platonic female friends to make sure they let me know when they have a new sexual/romantic interest.. just so I am aware?!! No, I don’t. They will tell me when they’re ready to.

  8. This is not an optional expense. You have to go. If you are truly having blackouts, you might be seriously very ill.

  9. he claims it was because he got more days off in a row that way because he has both of those weekends off meaning he's off from Saturday through the NEXT Sunday (9 days in row) instead of just taking off Monday through Sunday (7 days in a row) with me.

    but honestly anytime I question him about anything he gets mad.

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