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6 thoughts on “SonoAnnalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. u/strawberrylicious14, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Don't stay with someone who keeps those kinds of secrets. Even if he “chose you” from an ultimatum, he might secretly still see her.

  3. INFO: How long have you been dating?

    How long has your BF lived on his own? Or does he?

    At 24, he should have some basic life skills like cooking simple meals and doing laundry. Those can be learned, but why isn't he making more of an effort to learn them? And why is he second-guessing everything you say?

    What really stick out to me is your phrase “waxing poetic” about his mother. That feels like a big red flag to me. The second is that you have to wait for him to get off the phone with his mother when you're spending time together.

    I think it's time for a serious talk with your BF about this situation. Maybe you want to address the fact that you are very independent and you are concerned that he seems so attached to his family to the point that he doesn't seem to be able to do anything without calling his mother. And I think you should ask him to spend less time on the phone with her when you're together. After all, that is time that you have set aside to spend with him, and he's not giving you the same courtesy by focusing on you.

    I would also try to get a clearer picture of the mother-son relationship. It may be that she wants him to be more independent, but he simply won't grow up. But I think that's the least likely scenario here.

    If he is unwilling to address these issues, or even to have a serious conversation, then I think it's pretty clear that his mother will always come first, and you will always come last in this relationship. Only you can decide if you love him enough to accept being second fiddle to his mother and family for the rest of your life.

  4. He's become so desperate to manipulate you that he is waving a gun around. He's going to eventually use that gun if he doesn't get what he wants, and I doubt he is really planning on killing himself. This was about controlling you. He is very mentally unwell and next time he decides to use a gun to make you do what he wants you could die. He is ramping this up because you aren't just doing everything he wants every minute. Don't lie to yourself about how he hasn't ever been physical before because he is going to keep getting more extreme as you keep wanting to have a life where you get to decide the smallest things.

    Abusers can be sweet, charming people almost all of the time but if they do things like threaten to kill themselves to manipulate you they are abusive. Even when he seems wonderful, that's who he is and you need to understand how much of his actions, positive and negative, are all to control you in a deeply disturbing way. He's probably going to be amazing after this, because he wants you to stay and he knows he has to create a climate where you would feel bad leaving.

    When you get away you will be horrified at what you thought was normal. You can be so very much happier than this. And you will also be horrified at how unsafe this situation is. I have a lot of hope for you! I think you know what you need to do.

  5. Suggestions for getting by on very little money:

    -find out what the best thrift stores are in your new area and get all your clothes there. They also have dishes and other useful items; – If you're in the US, look into WIC, the women and infant children program that provides supplementary food; -Find out about any grocery outlet type stores, sometimes bakeries have outlets where you can get nice bread for 99 cents or whatever; -In our town there is a habitat for humanity store that sells furniture very cheap. It's all used, but some of it is antique and a lot of it is nice.

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